Child abuse, or good parenting?

We do not know the full story.
However the first thing to figure out is why the child failed 3 classes.
It could be because of bad parenting. Children from families with problems seldom do well in school.
Could be dyslexia? Drugs? who can say at this point, but demoralizing a child seldom helps the situation.
It didn't seem like the child was demoralized, but rather encouraged to do better.
Like the guy who shot his daughter's laptop, there is no doubt more to the story.
The laptop had done nothing to him.
Poor laptop...
The problem was his lack of good parenting skills or the problem would not have escalated to a shooting in the family.
Pretty much.
Poor parenting is probably the biggest problem facing the USA and is linked to the root of many of our current problems.
New font for dyslexics...
OpenDyslexic font gains ground with help of Instapaper
26 September 2012 - The OpenDyslexic font is designed to give "gravity" to letters to prevent the characters rotating in readers' minds
A free-to-use font designed to help people with dyslexia read online content is gaining favour. OpenDyslexic's characters have been given "heavy-weighted bottoms" to prevent them from flipping and swapping around in the minds of their readers. A recent update to the popular app Instapaper has adopted the text format as an option for its users. The font has also been built into a word processor, an ebook reader and has been installed on school computers.

The project was created by Abelardo Gonzalez, a New Hampshire-based mobile app designer, who released his designs onto the web at the end of last year. "I had seen similar fonts, but at the time they were completely unaffordable and so impractical as far as costs go," he told the BBC. "I figured there's other people who would like the same thing but had the same issues, and so I thought I'd make an open source one that everyone could contribute to and help out with. "The response has been great: I've had people emailing saying this is the first time they could read text without it looking wiggly or has helped other symptoms of dyslexia."

The 28-year-old released OpenWeb - a free web browser based on the font - on Apple's iOS app store earlier this year. He then used online adverts to publicise his invention on a series of related sites. Several developers who heard about the innovation subsequently jumped on board, including the creator of Dox on Box, an e-reader for iPads; and the makers of Wordsmith, a stylised word processor for Mac computers. Users have also installed the font onto Android devices, allowing it to be used across a range of software, and the jailbreak community has also enabled adapted iOS devices to install it to permit similar functionality on Apple's mobile devices .

However, the inclusion of the font in Instapaper last week is perhaps the clearest sign yet that it is going mainstream. The program - which allows users to save versions of webpages so that they can be read offline - has about two million registered accounts. The app's developer Marco Arment said he had first looked for a dyslexia-optimised font two years ago, but had failed to find one until he discovered OpenDyslexic. "Given what Instapaper does - capture any web page and present it in a consistent, adjustable, customer-controlled environment - it's a natural fit for bringing improved accessibility and legibility to anyone who needs it," he wrote on his blog.

Enhanced e-readers
Pretty much.
Poor parenting is probably the biggest problem facing the USA and is linked to the root of many of our current problems.

Tell Indiana's Supt. of Ed that. He (who was a very poor teacher) blames teachers for the problems. The guy is an A #1 dipshit....

And many wonder why Indiana is the butt of jokes?

the kids dont have any responsibility in this? hahaha

my kids are all well behaved, well adjusted, competent and confident. although I probably deserve some credit most of the responsibility fell on them. anybody who has more than one child knows that the parent can only influence small corrections in the course, not abrupt changes in direction.
I think that is disgraceful. The father doesn't seem to care about why his son might have failed those classes. The poor boy is probably more likely to feel afraid of failure now.

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