Child Migrants Cross Mediterranean Alone, Face Unknown Future

Caltagirone is a very nice town. It was the capital of the Norman county of the same name. (the Normans expelled the Arabs from Siciiy). Now Ragusa is the provincial capital. I have been there. I lived in Sicily for two years as we were building the U.S. cruise missile base at Comiso, not too far away. There is not much industry there, but there is a lot of agricultural work as the area supplies vegetables and fruit to the rest of Italy. Interestingly, one of the big exports was Carob. The Arabs in North Africa used to be the best customers for the Carob seeds. (the husks are made into animal feed). Don't know if that is still the case.

However, this kids will find seasonal work.

Yes, it is sad, Aris. You wonder if these kids will ever see their parents again. Who is going to looking after them to see that they get an education, warm clothes to wear and enough food to eat?


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