Child Star commits suicide with Amazon order

Wow ..was this kid a weakling
Should have never left the house

I don't understand the mention of an Amazon link. What if he'd bought it at Walmart, or Target, or Home Depot instead?
Sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate are not the same thing.

Typos suck.
He was not a big star
. It stops oxygen to your red blood cells
I guess if I ever become to old or crippled
. This will be my method !!!

When I can’t wrestle the boys anymore or if I get a serious illness
This gives me a good idea
I don't understand the mention of an Amazon link. What if he'd bought it at Walmart, or Target, or Home Depot instead?
I didn't see the point in that detail, either. I guess the media has become so fixated on blaming someone, ANYONE, for every negative outcome in life that they thought they needed to bust Amazon for killing the kid. Children dying from anxiety issues is an outrage in a country like ours. If he wasn't an addict and he truly was only suffering from some transient mental health issue, he should have been able to get the help he needed. I can't imagine his family not seeing the signs and doing an intervention if needed. What a waste of a life...
Fncceo shot down my other methods lol
I guess if I ever become to old or crippled
. This will be my method !!!

When I can’t wrestle the boys anymore or if I get a serious illness
This gives me a good idea
Good luck finding a source for it now. I'd bet that Amazon and most other online vendors will virtue signal by discontinuing sales. I actually went through a major depressive episode about 14 years ago. It led to a divorce because I was self-medicating with alcohol and couldn't stop. I lost my job, developed blood clots in both lungs... I was done. I didn't see any point in another day nor did I see any reason to hope things would ever be better so I took a set of decorative cords that I got at college graduation and I knotted one end, trapped the end to a door frame, and tried to apply pressure gradually until lack of blood flow would cause me to pass out.

I did this after becoming VERY DRUNK. Even then, it hurt too much to continue. That was my official "bottom" I stopped drinking, gradually pulled myself back from the brink and I've thanked God every day since then, for EVERY DAY I see a new sunrise. My little epiphany was one that most adults already understood as young people. We can survive without any of the comforts or luxuries, even without a large support group of family or friends. All that's required is a sense of hope. When hope is TRULY gone, nothing matters and life isn't worth struggling through.

Several years ago when I heard of Robin William's suicide, the details were CHILLING to me. He did EVERY single thing that I had tried, except for the drinking and the type of "rope or noose". Everything else was absolutely identical. He managed it with a belt that was wide enough to apply the pressure without the pain. By gradually increasing the force on his neck, he eventually became unconscious and gravity did the rest. I hope he finally found the peace he was seeking.
While the parents said he suffered from anxiety, it is clear by his actions that he suffered from clinical depression. Sniffing glue causes a similar problem by restricting oxygen flow and impairs the lungs function.
Wonder if he was another child actor, that couldn't deal with losing being in the spotlight? It's happened to a lot of them.
Very sad
I think he had bigger issues ??
Can I still buy this product on line ?
What the fuck does Amazon have to do with it?

If someone cuts their wrists with razor blades bought from Walmart does that mean Walmart is worth mentioning?

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