Chilling Out Socialism


Sep 23, 2010
Let me offer a puzzle triggered by the details in Rick Moran’s article:

February 1, 2014
Confirmed: Liberals Booze it Up More than Conservatives
Rick Moran

Blog: Confirmed: Liberals Booze it Up More than Conservatives

Grasshoppers always swore that if tight-asses got behind a head of steam they would chill out. If Socialist booze hounds turn to grass now that Mr. Happyweed is being decriminalized does that mean they will turn as mellow as Jell-O on Socialism?

Is a puzzlement.

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Tipplers need not miss a beat:

Wine stocks could run dry as devastating drought in California threatens harvests and forces farmers to plant fewer crops
Officials ban access to vast reservoir to try to protect dwindling supplies
By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 09:48 EST, 1 February 2014

Wine stocks could run dry as devastating drought in California threatens harvests and forces farmers to plant fewer crops | Mail Online


Venice underwater and French vineyards washed out:
Vineyards in Langoiran, France, were also plunged underwater
By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 11:39 EST, 1 February 2014

Venice underwater and French vineyards washed out: How Europe has also been hit by flooding as huge downpours batter the Continent | Mail Online

Anyone so inclined can still get as high as a dirigible on Mary Jane, and she’s not as fickle as wine. Marijuana “vineyards” can easily replace the grape, and they can be located anywhere in any size. The beauty is that grass can be planted where the water is —— rather than bringing the water to the vineyard.

To Luddly Neddite: Is that snow plow suppose to justify Socialism? The next thing you’ll tell me is that American military personnel die fighting for Socialism.

Or do you truly not understand that government employees are paid to perform specific necessary tasks that have nothing to do with Socialism or the welfare state?

To Luddly Neddite: Is that snow plow suppose to justify Socialism? The next thing you’ll tell me is that American military personnel die fighting for Socialism.

Or do you truly not understand that government employees are paid to perform specific necessary tasks that have nothing to do with Socialism or the welfare state?

The military is the best example of a socialist organization.
Just how tight is a grasshoppers anus? Inquiring posters want to know.

To Moonglow: I don’t know,
but I have been told
A green grasshopper has a red asshole.

The military is the best example of a socialist organization.

To Moonglow: Militaries stand for different things. China’s military stands for Communism; our military stands for the Constitution although both structures are similar. Don’t confuse every military with totalitarian Socialism.
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