China Buys Israeli Smart Irrigation Tech Company For $20 Million


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This is certainly a great way to save on water. With the drought in California, we have put down fake grass and pavers, but are now putting drip irrigation down the driveway to at least keep the ivy alive. People living in drought areas should really consider this great innovation that came out of Israel..

China Buys Israeli Smart Irrigation Tech Company for $20 Million
By Anav Silverman September 18, 2014 , 8:04 am
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“The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.” (Genesis 1:12)


Drip irrigation pipeline parts, Shefa Farm, Rishpon, Israel. (Photo: Juandev/ Wiki Commons)

China’s Yuanda Enterprise Group announced last week that it had bought the Israeli company AutoAgronome Israel Ltd for $20 million in order to expand its business to high-tech agriculture. The Israeli company produces smart irrigation and fertilization systems that are successfully used with 70 different types of crops in 13 countries including the United Kingdom.

“The movement to new technology is huge. Every year, the area of drip irrigation system farming in China increases about 20 percent, which is more than all in Israel and Europe together. It’s a huge market in China,” said Nissim Daniely, the general manager of AutoAgronom in China Daily.


China Buys Israeli Irrigation Tech Company for 20 Million - Israel News

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