China could complete 9 nuclear reactors in the next 7 months


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
China could complete 9 nuclear reactors in the next 7 months

China currently has 21 operational nuclear reactors.

By the end of 2014, the number of reactors in the country is expected reach 30, bringing the total nuclear capacity to around 27 GWe. In 2015, capacity should reach 36 GWe, as a further eight reactors are brought online. 18 units are expected to start up within the next two years, taking nuclear capacity close to the projected 40 GWe figure.

In the near term the rate of new approvals is likely to slow down, because of a government decision to approve only coastal sites before the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015). Previously, a large number of inland projects had been expected to start construction before the end of 2015. Furthermore, China is focusing on third-generation technologies and this is likely to result in fewer new reactors being approved until these technologies are established.

The nuclear capacity target for 2020 is now 58 GWe in operation with 30 GWe under construction. This represents a significant proportion of the projected global new nuclear capacity over this period. But within China itself, nuclear generation plays a relatively minor part in the country's energy mix.
Coal is king in China

By far the biggest contributor to China's electricity generation is coal. According to figures from the International Energy Agency, in 2011 a total of 4755 TWh was generated in China, 79% (3751 TWh) of which was from coal. Most of the remainder came from hydropower, which accounted for 15% (699 TWh) of generation in that year. The 86 TWh generated by nuclear in 2011 represents only 1.8% of the total.

At the end of 2012, installed generating capacity in mainland China reached 1145 GWe, an increase of 19% in two years. Coal accounted for 59% of the new capacity in that year. Nuclear power contributed 2.0% (98 TWh) of the total year's production, according to the China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA). Capacity growth is expected to slow in the future, so that installed capacity will reach about 1600 GWe in 2020, and 2000 GWe in 2025.
China could complete 9 nuclear reactors in the next 7 months and then start construction on 30 reactors over the next 18 months

China is serious about beating us.
We're serious about China beating us.
Welcome to the Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Market!
Yeah, a market ruled over by a few super rich assholes that don't give two shits about America. America should install 20 new nuclear reactors before 2020!
Yeah, a market ruled over by a few super rich assholes that don't give two shits about America. America should install 20 new nuclear reactors before 2020!

Hey, man, don't you like your LIBERTY!?
Like the liberty to flush down the toilet the country that gave you that liberty in the first place?
Confusing, isn't it?
Yeah, a market ruled over by a few super rich assholes that don't give two shits about America. America should install 20 new nuclear reactors before 2020!

Then tell the Feds to complete the National waste depository they promised and get the hell out of the way. You could not get thru approvals here inless than 5 years. And regulations and oversight DOUBLES the cost of siting and construction. You want the military dictating when and wnere reactors get built - like in China? I would rather have a free market and a LOT less govt interference.
Yeah, a market ruled over by a few super rich assholes that don't give two shits about America. America should install 20 new nuclear reactors before 2020!

We should also open Federal lands to drilling for hydrocarbons, specifically natural gas. Fast-track the dozens of LNG export applications, and expend more federal dollars towards upgrading our existing coal-fired power plants. We can export clean air globally by dominating the LNG markets worldwide.
You don't see Hu Jintao cutting back on the usage of coal, although they are the world's premier polluter. They use dirty coal as opposed to the cleaner burning coal in use in the U.S.A. Obama, in trying to appease the environmentalists, is hurting everyone else (a planned consequence of his war on our economy.)
Hey, Unkotare. No, I wasn't aware of that. I don't make it a point to keep up with all World leaders, although , I really thought old Hu was still in the saddle. It makes no difference who the "Big Wig" is, they will still go forward with the party's policies. Thanks for the heads up, though.
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Hey, Unkotare. No, I wasn't aware of that. I don't make it a point to keep up with all World leaders, although , I really thought old Hu was still in the saddle. It makes no difference who the "Big Wig" is, they will still go forward with the party's policies. Thanks for the heads up, though.

Anyone coming close to spelling Hu JinTao correctly is in the top 1% of US citizen knowledge on foreign affairs.. Not bad...

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