China, eating our lunch, breakfast, and dinner

A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

Our first entry into the 21 century, was truly embracing our history and electing a black man as president of the US....and had we just relaxed and allowed history to once again pave the way for new beginings, we could have made our mark on the world stage once again....but instead, we allowed racist hateful white bitches to tear this country once again apart and put us back into the 20th century, were we will remain until every single white person in this country is made to feel superior to everybody once again....and good luck with dat shit.

Obama could have been a new beginning.

But the way he, and his partisans used the constant false accusation of racism to suppress dissent, is what took US backwards.

People like you.

Your weird obsession with feelings of superiority is noted and wondered at.

yes, how dare anyone point out the racism of the right. :rolleyes:

want to talk divisiveness? lets talk about an orange loon who only represents a third of the country.

now THAT is divisive. oh... and white people don't get to tell black people what should offend them.... just like men shouldn't tell women what they should stand up to;.

A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

that's what happens when you have an incompetent, ignorant, Russian tool for a president

China kicked our asses all though Obama's administration.

Did it bother you then or are you just a partisan tool?

no, they didn't. that is delusional obama-derangement. for the ignorant, the TPP was intended to keep china from exerting too much influence.

your orange sociopath couldn't stand it because the black guy signed off on it.

A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

that's what happens when you have an incompetent, ignorant, Russian tool for a president

China kicked our asses all though Obama's administration.

Did it bother you then or are you just a partisan tool?

Oh now you want to send for China who your president gave a high five too for doing such a thing....listen, the Chinese have been kicking our ass since your GOP white mf's handed over our economy to them via NAFTA...remember that? So for you morons to blame Obama, is just nonsense and do keep in mind you idiot...YOUR PRESIDENT AND HIS FAMILY ALL HAVE THEIR PRODUCTS MADE THERE TO THIS VERY FUCKIN DAY.....DO YOU DARE WANT TO COMMENT ON THAT? I DOUBT IT, SO SHUT THE FUCK UP IDIOT

A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

Our first entry into the 21 century, was truly embracing our history and electing a black man as president of the US....and had we just relaxed and allowed history to once again pave the way for new beginings, we could have made our mark on the world stage once again....but instead, we allowed racist hateful white bitches to tear this country once again apart and put us back into the 20th century, were we will remain until every single white person in this country is made to feel superior to everybody once again....and good luck with dat shit.

Obama could have been a new beginning.

But the way he, and his partisans used the constant false accusation of racism to suppress dissent, is what took US backwards.

People like you.

Your weird obsession with feelings of superiority is noted and wondered at.

Listen I was there....please for the sake of sanity, please recall those years....fact: GOP senators all met the night of his swearing in to plot against this man, that is fact. Fact: Mitch McConnell called him a one term president, Lush Limbaugh wished him to fail and the GOP fought this man tooth and nail to the day he left office and you want to cry partisanship? Where the fuck were you the last 8 gotdamned years cause you sho as hell wasn't in this fuckin country.

As for Obama being a fuckin racist? Really? A 16 year old was stalked and hunted by a fat white mf and then murdered, the president spoke on it and he's the fuckin racist, bye bitch!!

Read what I fucking wrote. He and his partisans used false accusations of racism to suppress dissent.

That is what took us backwards. Obama and people like you.

A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

that's what happens when you have an incompetent, ignorant, Russian tool for a president

China kicked our asses all though Obama's administration.

Did it bother you then or are you just a partisan tool?

no, they didn't. that is delusional obama-derangement. for the ignorant, the TPP was intended to keep china from exerting too much influence.

your orange sociopath couldn't stand it because the black guy signed off on it.

Yes, they did, China's trade surplus with US grew yearly during Obama's terms.

The last thing we need is more "Free Trade" if this is what Free Trade looks like.

YOur race baiting is noted and held against you. YOu are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.

A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

that's what happens when you have an incompetent, ignorant, Russian tool for a president

China kicked our asses all though Obama's administration.

Did it bother you then or are you just a partisan tool?

Oh now you want to send for China who your president gave a high five too for doing such a thing....listen, the Chinese have been kicking our ass since your GOP white mf's handed over our economy to them via NAFTA...remember that? So for you morons to blame Obama, is just nonsense and do keep in mind you idiot...YOUR PRESIDENT AND HIS FAMILY ALL HAVE THEIR PRODUCTS MADE THERE TO THIS VERY FUCKIN DAY.....DO YOU DARE WANT TO COMMENT ON THAT? I DOUBT IT, SO SHUT THE FUCK UP IDIOT

I guess you missed the republicans primaries when the Free Trade issue was discussed.

Or were unable to understand it.

Fuck you.
No, no, no. China good. Trump say China good.

Are you sure that's what he's saying? I have a hard time understanding him with Putin's dick in his mouth. Since we dropped out of that trade agreement, China is taking all that trade that we could have had. That can't be good.

The last thing we need is more "Free trade" so that our workers can compete with Third world wages, more than they already are.

There it is again, the whine of the slack-ass afraid of competition.
No, no, no. China good. Trump say China good.

Are you sure that's what he's saying? I have a hard time understanding him with Putin's dick in his mouth. Since we dropped out of that trade agreement, China is taking all that trade that we could have had. That can't be good.

The last thing we need is more "Free trade" so that our workers can compete with Third world wages, more than they already are.

There it is again, the whine of the slack-ass afraid of competition.

If the game is rigged so that you never have a chance, it's not competition.

It's just you being a sucker for playing.

A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

Our first entry into the 21 century, was truly embracing our history and electing a black man as president of the US....and had we just relaxed and allowed history to once again pave the way for new beginings, we could have made our mark on the world stage once again....but instead, we allowed racist hateful white bitches to tear this country once again apart and put us back into the 20th century, were we will remain until every single white person in this country is made to feel superior to everybody once again....and good luck with dat shit.

Obama could have been a new beginning.

But the way he, and his partisans used the constant false accusation of racism to suppress dissent, is what took US backwards.

People like you.

Your weird obsession with feelings of superiority is noted and wondered at.

yes, how dare anyone point out the racism of the right. :rolleyes:

want to talk divisiveness? lets talk about an orange loon who only represents a third of the country.

now THAT is divisive. oh... and white people don't get to tell black people what should offend them.... just like men shouldn't tell women what they should stand up to;.

I already called you a race baiting asshole. What more do you want?

Trump is President of all of US, your refusal to recognize that is what is divisive.

A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

Our first entry into the 21 century, was truly embracing our history and electing a black man as president of the US....and had we just relaxed and allowed history to once again pave the way for new beginings, we could have made our mark on the world stage once again....but instead, we allowed racist hateful white bitches to tear this country once again apart and put us back into the 20th century, were we will remain until every single white person in this country is made to feel superior to everybody once again....and good luck with dat shit.

Obama could have been a new beginning.

But the way he, and his partisans used the constant false accusation of racism to suppress dissent, is what took US backwards.

People like you.

Your weird obsession with feelings of superiority is noted and wondered at.

Listen I was there....please for the sake of sanity, please recall those years....fact: GOP senators all met the night of his swearing in to plot against this man, that is fact. Fact: Mitch McConnell called him a one term president, Lush Limbaugh wished him to fail and the GOP fought this man tooth and nail to the day he left office and you want to cry partisanship? Where the fuck were you the last 8 gotdamned years cause you sho as hell wasn't in this fuckin country.

As for Obama being a fuckin racist? Really? A 16 year old was stalked and hunted by a fat white mf and then murdered, the president spoke on it and he's the fuckin racist, bye bitch!!

Read what I fucking wrote. He and his partisans used false accusations of racism to suppress dissent.

That is what took us backwards. Obama and people like you.

Obama kissed more white ass than any president in US history...what about that don't you understand?????????? I challenge you to give incident of this man bringing racism to the country....what Obama did wrong, WAS BEING A FUCKIN BLACK MAN AND YOU ASS HO'S HAD A MELT DOWN BECAUSE OF IT.....If Obama did 1 tenth of the shit Trump is doing, you racist ass ho would have his nuts frying on a platter....admit, your a racist.

A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

Our first entry into the 21 century, was truly embracing our history and electing a black man as president of the US....and had we just relaxed and allowed history to once again pave the way for new beginings, we could have made our mark on the world stage once again....but instead, we allowed racist hateful white bitches to tear this country once again apart and put us back into the 20th century, were we will remain until every single white person in this country is made to feel superior to everybody once again....and good luck with dat shit.

Obama could have been a new beginning.

But the way he, and his partisans used the constant false accusation of racism to suppress dissent, is what took US backwards.

People like you.

Your weird obsession with feelings of superiority is noted and wondered at.

Listen I was there....please for the sake of sanity, please recall those years....fact: GOP senators all met the night of his swearing in to plot against this man, that is fact. Fact: Mitch McConnell called him a one term president, Lush Limbaugh wished him to fail and the GOP fought this man tooth and nail to the day he left office and you want to cry partisanship? Where the fuck were you the last 8 gotdamned years cause you sho as hell wasn't in this fuckin country.

As for Obama being a fuckin racist? Really? A 16 year old was stalked and hunted by a fat white mf and then murdered, the president spoke on it and he's the fuckin racist, bye bitch!!

Read what I fucking wrote. He and his partisans used false accusations of racism to suppress dissent.

That is what took us backwards. Obama and people like you.

Obama kissed more white ass than any president in US history...what about that don't you understand?????????? I challenge you to give incident of this man bringing racism to the country....what Obama did wrong, WAS BEING A FUCKIN BLACK MAN AND YOU ASS HO'S HAD A MELT DOWN BECAUSE OF IT.....If Obama did 1 tenth of the shit Trump is doing, you racist ass ho would have his nuts frying on a platter....admit, your a racist.

I understand Obama was an anti-American cocksucker, and ever second he spent in the Oval Office was an embarrassment to this nation.

Or do you believe that he was such a retard that he didn't know what his racist, anti-american piece of shit revered was all about?
There it is again, the whine of the slack-ass afraid of competition.

I've Got a great job for pays $2 a day...a fortune in, live on it here.


A valid question. Because I didn't think you wanted to move to Cambodia...given their recent history of mass genocide and all. Or Mexico, where the government, Army and police are corrupt and the cartels might slit your throat, strip you naked, cut your balls off and put them in your mouth and hang your lifeless, desecrated body from a bridge. But a pittance by our standards is a windfall there. That's your "competition"...sewage running down the street, a dirt floor in your house, and $2 a day is a kings ransom.

I suppose that is also an option.
There it is again, the whine of the slack-ass afraid of competition.

I've Got a great job for pays $2 a day...a fortune in, live on it here.


A valid question. Because I didn't think you wanted to move to Cambodia...given their recent history of mass genocide and all. Or Mexico, where the government, Army and police are corrupt and the cartels might slit your throat, strip you naked, cut your balls off and put them in your mouth and hang your lifeless, desecrated body from a bridge. But a pittance by our standards is a windfall there. That's your "competition"...sewage running down the street, a dirt floor in your house, and $2 a day is a kings ransom.

I suppose that is also an option.

You’re confused, drama queen.
There it is again, the whine of the slack-ass afraid of competition.

I've Got a great job for pays $2 a day...a fortune in, live on it here.


A valid question. Because I didn't think you wanted to move to Cambodia...given their recent history of mass genocide and all. Or Mexico, where the government, Army and police are corrupt and the cartels might slit your throat, strip you naked, cut your balls off and put them in your mouth and hang your lifeless, desecrated body from a bridge. But a pittance by our standards is a windfall there. That's your "competition"...sewage running down the street, a dirt floor in your house, and $2 a day is a kings ransom.

I suppose that is also an option.

You’re confused, drama queen.

Confused about what...Cambodian genocide?

Cambodia's brutal Khmer Rouge regime

...Mexico's cartel violence?

Mexico’s Record Violence Is a Crisis 20 Years in the Making

...sewage in the streets?

Why Poop Is a Big Problem in India's Cities & Rural Areas Alike

...or dirt floors?

POOR PEOPLE IN CHINA | Facts and Details

Damn facts, they keep rearing their ugly heads.
Loserterinaism is a huge fail. I know for a fact that following the model of mid evil europe with barons and smerfs is fucking dumb.

China is using its wealth to beat our ass.
and they will have the same problems we ran into....wait till all those billions of workers want higher wages,better benefits,unions will start up....we will see how much ass they may be their own peoples asses....
They are already earning a lot more than they used too. And spending it on things that we well understand.


A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

Get back to me after China learns to feed itself without US being there to give them 300 billion a year.

We do not give them 300 billion a year. We buy their products. A big difference.

A road strewn with obstacles, yet ambitious enough to change the world and, most of all, China.

As pointed out, great risks, but could have great rewards. A transcontinental railway had never been built before, and to start that project in a nation torn by a bitter civil war looked to be insane, but we did it. And the Interstate Highway System was a very costly project, indeed, but has paid it way many times over. The Apollo Project was our last great risk, we were successful, and part of the payback is the very system we are using to communicate. If we do not remember how to dream big in the near future, we will have ceded the leadership of the world to the Chinese. And they will have earned it.

Get back to me after China learns to feed itself without US being there to give them 300 billion a year.

That is part of their plan to start growing more food in China.
There it is again, the whine of the slack-ass afraid of competition.

I've Got a great job for pays $2 a day...a fortune in, live on it here.


A valid question. Because I didn't think you wanted to move to Cambodia...given their recent history of mass genocide and all. Or Mexico, where the government, Army and police are corrupt and the cartels might slit your throat, strip you naked, cut your balls off and put them in your mouth and hang your lifeless, desecrated body from a bridge. But a pittance by our standards is a windfall there. That's your "competition"...sewage running down the street, a dirt floor in your house, and $2 a day is a kings ransom.

I suppose that is also an option.

You’re confused, drama queen.

Confused about what...Cambodian genocide?

Cambodia's brutal Khmer Rouge regime

...Mexico's cartel violence?

Mexico’s Record Violence Is a Crisis 20 Years in the Making

...sewage in the streets?

Why Poop Is a Big Problem in India's Cities & Rural Areas Alike

...or dirt floors?

POOR PEOPLE IN CHINA | Facts and Details

Damn facts, they keep rearing their ugly heads.
The thread is about China. And we also have people in poverty. And we have been a rich nation for over 100 years.

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