China Escapes the Zombie War


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China Escapes the Zombie War

April 5, 2013
By Ben Shapiro


New reports suggest that the new Brad Pitt zombie movie World War Z will be slicing and dicing … scenes that could upset the Chinese government. According to The Wrap, an exchange in which characters determine that the point of origin for the outbreak of Zombie-itis was in China has met a grisly fate.

“Normally,” The Wrap reports,


This is not the first time that film scripts have been changed in order to please the Chinese. Iron Man 3 has also been chopped for the benefit of Chinese audiences – and at least in this case, a Chinese actor was added. Red Dawn, which was slated to feature the Chinese as the US-invading baddies, was altered so that the North Koreans would drop onto American soil. The Karate Kid remake went under the scalpel, too, so that Chinese bullies wouldn’t appear quite so mean.


The market, contrary to popular opinion, is not patriotic. Studios will seek money wherever they can, including in communist countries like China. If they can access billions of eyeballs by spending millions of dollars, they will. And if they have to cut out some pro-American message, or leverage in some pro-Chinese propaganda, they’ll do it. All in the name of cultural diversity, of course.

China Escapes the Zombie War | FrontPage Magazine

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