Living in a Western World. full of Chamberlains, French, German media ask, "how can we decouple from China"?

Chiang was dealing with a divided country of Nationalists, Communists and third-party warlords. Plus the Japanese invaders

He may have lacked Mao’s charisma

And the Nationalists were not as brutally well organized as the Communists

But they were the better choice longterm for the Chinese people

Were they, though?

Mao turned China into a world power and economic powerhouse. Chiang spent most of his time living off the largess of his American masters.

Western diplomats called him, "Cash My Check".
No Mao didnt

All the economic progress china has seen came after Mao was dead

He was a blight on china
Plus Joe supports a regime that actively persecutes Christians for exercising their faith in public.
Plus Joe supports a regime that actively persecutes Christians for exercising their faith in public.
Naturally that does not bother anti Christians who dominate the democrat party

Actually, that's not true, either. Catholicism and Protestantism are both legal faiths in China (Along with Buhddism, Daosism, and Islam).

Now, yes, they do oppress certain sects. That's what got Mrs. B131 in trouble in China.
Why? It would likely have stopped the spread of your favorite ideology, which is Communism.

Actually, if they did in 1945, when nukes were relatively weak, the USSR would have simply overrun western Europe.
Actually, if they did in 1945, when nukes were relatively weak, the USSR would have simply overrun western Europe.
Not with Moscow and Stalingrad in ruins. The US should have never allowed the spread of Communism withint its borders
The Honorable Sen. Joe McCarthy was right all along.
Not with Moscow and Stalingrad in ruins. The US should have never allowed the spread of Communism withint its borders
The Honorable Sen. Joe McCarthy was right all along.
Seems to me the way to defeat Communism is to make Capitalism less of a shit sandwich for working people.
Seems to me the way to defeat Communism is to make Capitalism less of a shit sandwich for working people.
Capitalism, by its very nature, is all about maximizing profits and reducing costs. It is NOT meant to be social welfare.
Capitalism, by its very nature, is all about maximizing profits and reducing costs. It is NOT meant to be social welfare.

And then you wonder why a guy like Commie Bernie has so many supporters?

Heck, even Trump is playing the "anti-Capitalist" card, hoping you are too stupid to realize he is one of them.
And then you wonder why a guy like Commie Bernie has so many supporters?

Heck, even Trump is playing the "anti-Capitalist" card, hoping you are too stupid to realize he is one of them.
Because the school system is nothing more than indoctrination centers for far Left lunacy.
Europe and China both have falling birthrates. China's is so low it may become a failed state. But it is temporarily and relatively strong now, while it has access to the Russian fuel that Europe refused to buy. While Europe fails to reproduce, immigrants from the Mid East and North Africa move in.

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