China makes Trump blink, again!

Don't they also blame Moscow Mitch? Why YES, yes they do! Funny how you left that part out! Too Fking dishonest, but no surprise there.
I set you up, why did you blame trump then if you knew they blamed nancy and mitch. funny shit, there is nothing sacred in your life I guess, humility is gone.
You set up bullshit! I said Tramp blinked on tariffs, that has nothing to do with Hong Kong, idiot!
sure clyde, sure you did, you post the number post you did that.
The OP :asshole:
And I also said Tramp is hoping Hong Kong works out for China. How you can twist either of them into I blame Tramp is beyond belief.
you obviously weren't following the thread line I was in. but hey, you blame whoever you want, I'm watching the news and the Hong Kong people are blaming everyone but Trump. you should perhaps watch.
first it was the Chinese blaming Moscow Mitch, now you say it is Hong Kong, make up your mind.
In Hong Kong Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!

The founders wanted that.
The SLAVE states wanted that, but you knew that already.

The founders argued for it. Many of them were slaveholders. There is a solution that the founders also provided for.
Don't they also blame Moscow Mitch? Why YES, yes they do! Funny how you left that part out! Too Fking dishonest, but no surprise there.
I set you up, why did you blame trump then if you knew they blamed nancy and mitch. funny shit, there is nothing sacred in your life I guess, humility is gone.
You set up bullshit! I said Tramp blinked on tariffs, that has nothing to do with Hong Kong, idiot!
sure clyde, sure you did, you post the number post you did that.
The OP :asshole:
And I also said Tramp is hoping Hong Kong works out for China. How you can twist either of them into I blame Tramp is beyond belief.
Hey, c'mon. Trump said he hopes it works out for liberty, too. Not sure how both are going to have a good day, but that's what he said.
Tramp is always on both sides of every issue.
I set you up, why did you blame trump then if you knew they blamed nancy and mitch. funny shit, there is nothing sacred in your life I guess, humility is gone.
You set up bullshit! I said Tramp blinked on tariffs, that has nothing to do with Hong Kong, idiot!
sure clyde, sure you did, you post the number post you did that.
The OP :asshole:
And I also said Tramp is hoping Hong Kong works out for China. How you can twist either of them into I blame Tramp is beyond belief.
you obviously weren't following the thread line I was in. but hey, you blame whoever you want, I'm watching the news and the Hong Kong people are blaming everyone but Trump. you should perhaps watch.
first it was the Chinese blaming Moscow Mitch, now you say it is Hong Kong, make up your mind.
mitch and nancy, yep the authority in hong kong are blaming them, the protesters are backing trump. you should pay attention.
And what? I made a compete point.
you replied to me to tell me what I know? no, you responded to me for a reason, what was it?

I said what I wanted to say.
that meant absolutely nothing to me the recipient of the post. isn't that supposed to be the point in a discussion? too fking funny. you're lost little boy.

I'm not sure anything means anything to you.
cause I'm miles above you in logic. you have zip. you can't understand simple economic things, the point of the entire Hong Kong thing. you don't understand what it is their even protesting.

"They are or They're".
In Hong Kong Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!
Well, aren't you a silly Leftist Anti-Constitutionalist? Silly you, The Electoral College was Established By The Constitution, so I can see why you oppose it.

In Hong Kong, Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy!
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy!
It was a compromise with the slave states. It was and still is today UNDEMOCRATIC, which is why the Right supports it.
son, you aren't worth the effort to even engage in this discussion. you should go get your ice cream.
Your surrender is accepted.
In Hong Kong Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!

The founders wanted that.
The SLAVE states wanted that, but you knew that already.
Again Propaganda.

The Electoral College was designed to balance power between Urban Populations and Rural Populations. That was it's sole purpose, so that New States would not be bullied by Older more Populated States.

This is also the reason we have A Senate and a House of Representatives.

Not only is The Left Ignorant of History, but they are poor liars.

Speaking of Slaves, what is your party doing to stop The Human Trafficking Crisis that occurs across our Southern Border? Or are you all still too dependent on Brown Latino Slaves to work on your Democrat Plantations and Sweat Shops to cut yourselves off from your 250 year addiction to Slave Labor?

If you oppose "Slavery" then why won't you help us "Build that Wall" and close the Loopholes in our Immigration Laws, Democrats placed there?
Last edited:
you replied to me to tell me what I know? no, you responded to me for a reason, what was it?

I said what I wanted to say.
that meant absolutely nothing to me the recipient of the post. isn't that supposed to be the point in a discussion? too fking funny. you're lost little boy.

I'm not sure anything means anything to you.
cause I'm miles above you in logic. you have zip. you can't understand simple economic things, the point of the entire Hong Kong thing. you don't understand what it is their even protesting.

"They are or They're".
yep they are.
In Hong Kong Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!
Well, aren't you a silly Leftist Anti-Constitutionalist? Silly you, The Electoral College was Established By The Constitution, so I can see why you oppose it.

In Hong Kong, Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy!
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy!
It was a compromise with the slave states. It was and still is today UNDEMOCRATIC, which is why the Right supports it.
son, you aren't worth the effort to even engage in this discussion. you should go get your ice cream.
Your surrender is accepted.
come get me. hahahaha son get the sherbet.
In Hong Kong Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!

The founders wanted that.
The SLAVE states wanted that, but you knew that already.

The founders argued for it. Many of them were slaveholders. There is a solution that the founders also provided for.
And founders argued against it, so your all inclusive "THE" founders is bullshit.
In Hong Kong Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!

The founders wanted that.
The SLAVE states wanted that, but you knew that already.

The founders argued for it. Many of them were slaveholders. There is a solution that the founders also provided for.
And founders argued against it, so your all inclusive "THE" founders is bullshit.
You just aren't very educated, nor very truthful, and neither are you good at trolling and propagandizing.

Sucks to be you.

Don't you have Democracy to Protest against, or did you lose your Little Black Pussy Hat and Black Bandito Mask?
In Hong Kong Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!

The founders wanted that.
The SLAVE states wanted that, but you knew that already.

The founders argued for it. Many of them were slaveholders. There is a solution that the founders also provided for.
And founders argued against it, so your all inclusive "THE" founders is bullshit.
here's @ed

In Hong Kong Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!

The founders wanted that.
The SLAVE states wanted that, but you knew that already.
Again Propaganda.

The Electoral College was designed to balance power between Urban Populations and Rural Populations. That was it's sole purpose, so that New States would not be bullied by Older more Populated States.

This is also the reason we have A Senate and a House of Representatives.

Not only is The Left Ignorant of History, but they are poor liars.

Speaking of Slaves, what is your party doing to stop The Human Trafficking Crisis that occurs across our Southern Border? Or are you all still too dependent on Brown Latino Slaves to work on your Democrat Plantations and Sweat Shops to cut you off from your 250 year addiction to Slave Labor?
The electoral college doesn't balance anything, in fact it unbalances the principal of one person one vote.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!

The founders wanted that.
The SLAVE states wanted that, but you knew that already.

The founders argued for it. Many of them were slaveholders. There is a solution that the founders also provided for.
And founders argued against it, so your all inclusive "THE" founders is bullshit.
You just aren't very educated, nor very truthful, and neither are you good at trolling and propagandizing.

Sucks to be you.

Don't you have Democracy to Protest against, or did you lose your Little Black Pussy Hat and Black Bandito Mask?
now you know why I sent him to go eat his ice cream.
After China announces it will buy no more US farm products Trump blinks and moves back tariffs to December.
Tramp is LOSING badly his easy to win trade war with China.

China reportedly halts US agricultural imports in retaliation for Trump's tariff increase
Cheering for those commie bastards, are we????


Keep it up, you anti-American piece of shit.
Awww, mudwhistle gets his head out of Putin’s ass long enough to wave the flag. :laugh:
In Hong Kong Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!

The founders wanted that.
The SLAVE states wanted that, but you knew that already.
Again Propaganda.

The Electoral College was designed to balance power between Urban Populations and Rural Populations. That was it's sole purpose, so that New States would not be bullied by Older more Populated States.

This is also the reason we have A Senate and a House of Representatives.

Not only is The Left Ignorant of History, but they are poor liars.

Speaking of Slaves, what is your party doing to stop The Human Trafficking Crisis that occurs across our Southern Border? Or are you all still too dependent on Brown Latino Slaves to work on your Democrat Plantations and Sweat Shops to cut you off from your 250 year addiction to Slave Labor?
The electoral college doesn't balance anything, in fact it unbalances the principal of one person one vote.
no it doesn't, you're still confused lad, go get your sherbet and let the adults discuss adult topics.
In Hong Kong Chinese Citizens Protest and Fight for Democracy
In America, Democrats Protest and Fight Against Democracy.
It is the RepubliKlan who want the undemocratic Electoral College!!!!

The founders wanted that.
The SLAVE states wanted that, but you knew that already.
Again Propaganda.

The Electoral College was designed to balance power between Urban Populations and Rural Populations. That was it's sole purpose, so that New States would not be bullied by Older more Populated States.

This is also the reason we have A Senate and a House of Representatives.

Not only is The Left Ignorant of History, but they are poor liars.

Speaking of Slaves, what is your party doing to stop The Human Trafficking Crisis that occurs across our Southern Border? Or are you all still too dependent on Brown Latino Slaves to work on your Democrat Plantations and Sweat Shops to cut you off from your 250 year addiction to Slave Labor?
The electoral college doesn't balance anything, in fact it unbalances the principal of one person one vote.
The Electoral College not only ensures One Man One Vote, it Ensures States have an Equal Say in a National Election.

1 State 1 Vote.

So now, are you going to Tout THE VIRTUES OF VOTER ID ?

Why do you oppose One Man One Vote?

Only Voter ID Laws can Guarantee that.

They exist in every Democracy on Earth except for ours.

Why are you opposed to protecting the integrity of The Vote?

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