This is a key period for the West because if we operate correctly, take industries back from China, citizens may demand deep changes,.especially if Taiwan continues to thrive economically.
Why should they do that? The interesting thing about Chinese industry is that they are doing what Japan did in the 1970's. They are transitioning from "the place you buy low-quality stuff cheaply" to "the place where you can buy high quality components"
The problem with "the West" is that we largely don't want to work in factories, we don't want a nasty factory setting up next to our houses and polluting stuff, We don't invest in education and infrastructure.
Then we wonder why the Chinese are eating our lunch.
This is the reality. Thanks to so many poor policies by the West, influenced no doubt by the MSS;.the West is going to face WWIII through the very nation we foolishly funded and armed. The world should.have recognized the 1970s. China icreasingly speaks openly speaks about Taiwan being part of China because we didnt have a backbone. They speak as.if it was.just another state.
Up until 1979, the US recognized Taiwan as the legitimate government of China, until Jimmy Carter faced the reality that even Tricky Dick wouldn't.
China speaks about Taiwan being part of China because the population is 98% Han Chinese; they speak Mandarin, and they write in Hanzi. Oh, yeah, and except for a 50 year period when Japan owned it, Taiwan has been part of China since the Ming Dynasty.
They speak as.if it was.just another state. When they took HK back early and without warning, it was a reminder of how weak the West and UN are to not confront them.
Wow. Just wow.
China didn't "Take Hong Kong". Hong Kong was returned to China because the 99-year lease the British Empire imposed on the Qing Dynasty expired. China could have taken Hong Kong any time they wanted to after 1949. (Portugal had a similar situation with Macao, which no one talks about.)
And this is what you Sinophobes don't get. China suffered the "Century of Humiliation," starting with the Opium Wars and ending with the establishment of the People's Republic, Foreign powers would come into China and have their way with her, and they eventually got fed up.