China must pay reparations to the U.S. and the rest of the world !


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And it needs to happen sooner, than later !!


China has wrecked the planet! China is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths world wide, businesses shut down, total lockdowns everywhere, complete madness and panic all because of their Wuhan Virus outbreak. China must be held responsible.

China hid information, suppressed its own doctors and arrested them all the way back in December 2019 for “rumors and trying to spread panic”, they hid Coronavirus, they too wanted it to spread, just like it happened in the West because all of this was planed by globalist Jews and their shabbos goyim at their secret Bilderberg meetings.

Regardless of the secrets which we will never fully know, we will have to talk about the surface events which we know about and the surface events condemn China to the fullest extent for what’s going on now in the world.

After they silenced their doctors and jailed them, the cover-up continued through WHO and the Ethiopian communist monkey who parroted everything the CCP told him to. He was told to say that this is nothing, just the flu and that’s exactly what he said. He was told to say that Corona doesn’t do human to human transmission and that’s what he said and many many other things.
If the capitalist werent' so greedy like tramp and Ivanka , they have made China what it is today, stronger than the USA.

So put the blame on who it falls. Do you know the Spanish flu started with a cook in the US army.
If the capitalist werent' so greedy like tramp and Ivanka , they have made China what it is today, stronger than the USA.

So put the blame on who it falls. Do you know the Spanish flu started with a cook in the US army.
Are you arm weary from carrying water for your ChiCom masters?

When you look at your Potus with love and his dtr with lust, just remember they helped make China what it is today and are still doing it.
If the capitalist werent' so greedy like tramp and Ivanka , they have made China what it is today, stronger than the USA.

So put the blame on who it falls. Do you know the Spanish flu started with a cook in the US army.

It "falls" on China. American liberals are the only ones on the planet that can't seem to see it.

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