China vows to defend itself at all costs if U.S. attacks North Korea

Always has been. And, since we're still technically at war with the vermin Midget, we owe China nothing; we can start by knocking the Mad Midget's rockets down every time he launched one.
Essentially North Korea is allied with China that's why Chinese government defeds Pyongyang.
Maybe the best thing for all is doing nothing.
North Korea just talks but I don't think Kim Jong Un wants to be in war against USA or any other country :)
Red China will not interfere if our airstrikes take out the missile capabilites of NK.

The problem will be the NK retaliatory ground strike across the border into SK, where we have tens of thousands of US troops and civilians.
They wouldn't do a thing; they're all bluff and bullshit. They do what they do because it works against soft targets, same as Putin or any other posturing bullies do.
Red China will not interfere if our airstrikes take out the missile capabilites of NK.

The problem will be the NK retaliatory ground strike across the border into SK, where we have tens of thousands of US troops and civilians.
I don't think their ground forces pose as much trouble as the missiles, especially given the geographical location of the South Korean capital so close to the border. It would be hard to take out all the missiles, plus the fact that some could have nuclear warheads and be launched from submarines.
Red China will not interfere if our airstrikes take out the missile capabilites of NK.

The problem will be the NK retaliatory ground strike across the border into SK, where we have tens of thousands of US troops and civilians.
I don't think their ground forces pose as much trouble as the missiles, especially given the geographical location of the South Korean capital so close to the border. It would be hard to take out all the missiles, plus the fact that some could have nuclear warheads and be launched from submarines.
The missiles can be removed, yes.

You underestimate (1) dear leader's nuttiness and (2) the capability of the NK ground forces. They potentially could make it to Seoul before pushed back.

The problem becomes, vis a vis Red China, just how far beyond Pyongyang will they allow the southern troops to advance.

Nuclear War Imminent, US Prepares to Strike North Korean Missile Sites.

Bannon removed from Security council, And China through North Korea is rattling sabres at the USA. The world is in crisis and on the brink of nuclear war.
They're just probing to see if Trump is the America hating, weakling loser Obama was, is all. The usual suspects do that with every new President since FDR.
Essentially North Korea is allied with China that's why Chinese government defeds Pyongyang.
Maybe the best thing for all is doing nothing.
North Korea just talks but I don't think Kim Jong Un wants to be in war against USA or any other country :)

They use NK to test the rest of the world's resolve, not just the U.S. We've had two Presidents in a row weak on foreign policy in Asia, and the result is mainland Chinese gunboats intimidating the Philippines and building artificial islands with naval and air bases in other people's territorial waters.
If we attack N. Korea....why would China need to protect itself???
Let's see how Xi manipulates Trump at their meeting today.

You know he'll do it. China plays the long game. Trump wants something to tweet about. So Xi will give him that, and walk away with everything else.
The preservation of North Korea as a buffer state between pro west South Korea and their border is viewed as in China's best interest. The last thing they want is a united Korea and pro western state on their border.
Even China has to be tired of NK's bullshit.

China won't do anything to jeopardize trade with the US, their entire economy relies on exports.
North Korea has to be destroyed entirely. The longer it lingers the greater the cost in lives and materiel. Forget about the monetary cost - though it would be more cost effective do do it now rather than later.

Risk is that Obama dithered so long that fatboy can do more damage than he might have had he been taken out even five (let alone eight) years ago.

Disagree and you merely demonstrate that you have no touch with reality.

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