China’s sick dog-eating festival spreads rabies to humans


VIP Member
Aug 23, 2013

China’s sick dog-eating festival spreads rabies to humans

DISGUST at China’s sick dog-eating festival has spread around the world, and concerns it could spark a rabies epidemic are growing.

The barbaric celebration, which starts this weekend in Yulin, Guangxi Zhuang, sees stolen animals burned alive and slaughtered in the streets. Public torture is part of the sadistic “fun”, with pets run over with cars, torn to pieces and smashed with hammers.

Thousands of cats and dogs are packed in cages and driven to the region over long distances in crowded cages with no food and water, suffering painful side-effects from the poisoned bait that helped catch them.

They are forced to watch other animals being beaten to death and thrown in de-hairing machines before meeting their own gruesome fate at the summer solstice festivities.

What should really trouble callous festival-goers is the contagious diseases harboured by these wretched animals. Yulin has one of the highest incidences of rabies in the world, a petition by Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project pointed out, with 338 people contracting and dying from the disease between 2002 and 2006. The economic cost to the city was thought to be a huge 6.67 million Yuan ($1.39 million).


Good, hope they all get rabies and die a horribly slow and painful death...same as they inflict on the poor dogs.

None of this surprises me at all.
Just another reason why I'll never, ever, ever, set foot anywhere in China/Asia/SE Asia.

Now the Christian West is fast filling up with Chinese immigrants.
So? Koreans eat dog too. Some cultures eat different things. Deal with it.

Stop being such a Zenophobe.
Sounds like something Obama would do

Can't see Obama having anything to do with something like this disgusting barbarism:

The barbaric celebration, which starts this weekend in Yulin, Guangxi Zhuang, sees stolen animals burned alive and slaughtered in the streets. Public torture is part of the sadistic “fun”, with pets run over with cars, torn to pieces and smashed with hammers.

Thousands of cats and dogs are packed in cages and driven to the region over long distances in crowded cages with no food and water, suffering painful side-effects from the poisoned bait that helped catch them.

They are forced to watch other animals being beaten to death and thrown in de-hairing machines before meeting their own gruesome fate at the summer solstice festivities.
Once you've resigned yourself to eating animals, criticizing other cultures for their animal-eating is hypocritical.

We eat cows, chickens, turkeys, and pigs. I'm sure the cows in particular enrages India's sensibilities. So unless we wish to invite the comparison, glass houses.

China’s sick dog-eating festival spreads rabies to humans

DISGUST at China’s sick dog-eating festival has spread around the world, and concerns it could spark a rabies epidemic are growing.

The barbaric celebration, which starts this weekend in Yulin, Guangxi Zhuang, sees stolen animals burned alive and slaughtered in the streets. Public torture is part of the sadistic “fun”, with pets run over with cars, torn to pieces and smashed with hammers.

Thousands of cats and dogs are packed in cages and driven to the region over long distances in crowded cages with no food and water, suffering painful side-effects from the poisoned bait that helped catch them.

They are forced to watch other animals being beaten to death and thrown in de-hairing machines before meeting their own gruesome fate at the summer solstice festivities.

What should really trouble callous festival-goers is the contagious diseases harboured by these wretched animals. Yulin has one of the highest incidences of rabies in the world, a petition by Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project pointed out, with 338 people contracting and dying from the disease between 2002 and 2006. The economic cost to the city was thought to be a huge 6.67 million Yuan ($1.39 million).


Good, hope they all get rabies and die a horribly slow and painful death...same as they inflict on the poor dogs.

None of this surprises me at all.
Just another reason why I'll never, ever, ever, set foot anywhere in China/Asia/SE Asia.

Now the Christian West is fast filling up with Chinese immigrants.

I guess that was Bat Boy reporting from the scene? (How I miss Weekly World News)
No mention of the large and growing opposition to this festival from within China? Views on pet animals have changed in the country quite a lot over the past several decades.

China’s sick dog-eating festival spreads rabies to humans

DISGUST at China’s sick dog-eating festival has spread around the world, and concerns it could spark a rabies epidemic are growing.

The barbaric celebration, which starts this weekend in Yulin, Guangxi Zhuang, sees stolen animals burned alive and slaughtered in the streets. Public torture is part of the sadistic “fun”, with pets run over with cars, torn to pieces and smashed with hammers.

Thousands of cats and dogs are packed in cages and driven to the region over long distances in crowded cages with no food and water, suffering painful side-effects from the poisoned bait that helped catch them.

They are forced to watch other animals being beaten to death and thrown in de-hairing machines before meeting their own gruesome fate at the summer solstice festivities.

What should really trouble callous festival-goers is the contagious diseases harboured by these wretched animals. Yulin has one of the highest incidences of rabies in the world, a petition by Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project pointed out, with 338 people contracting and dying from the disease between 2002 and 2006. The economic cost to the city was thought to be a huge 6.67 million Yuan ($1.39 million).


Good, hope they all get rabies and die a horribly slow and painful death...same as they inflict on the poor dogs.

None of this surprises me at all.
Just another reason why I'll never, ever, ever, set foot anywhere in China/Asia/SE Asia.

Now the Christian West is fast filling up with Chinese immigrants.
So they eat sick dogs?
Sounds like something Obama would do
'scuse me? It's the GOP that wants us to be more like China. Under Bush over 40,000 factories closed and millions of jobs were moved to China. Republicans feel benefits cost too much and we should work for less than the minimum wage. You know that's the truth. Mitt Romney moved a company from Illinois to China the very month of the election.
An American slaughterhouse - notice how many of the animals are still alive when they start the skinning process - you sick fuckers

And an Australian one, note the dude killing the pig with a sledgehammer.

An Israeli one

In other words, it happens all over the world.

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