Chinese reportedly hacked Hillary server during same time 12 CIA sources reportedly killed by China


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Chinese Reportedly Hacked Hillary Server. During Same Time, 12 CIA Sources Reportedly Killed by China. Coincidence?

Russian computer hacking might have been the least of Hillary Clinton’s security breaches.

The former secretary of state’s email scandal is back in the headlines, and its impact on American national security might have been even worse than Americans knew.

And deadly for American intelligence sources in China.

So now we see how the CIA ate their own to appease a loser bitch who hates America, hates you pathetic losers who voted for her and cant stand it she's getting caught.

China is probably being used as the scape goat now to make H. Clinton looks like some innocent twat.

or Was China really involved and it's them who have turned everything upside down everybody blameing Russia and all along it might be China.........

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