Zone1 The easiest way to figure out if a black or white is racist.

If I could document the damages I suffered because of you, I'd expect you to compensate me. Unfortunately that would be the exception rather than the rule. The best we can reasonably do is offer a good housing, education, and healthcare to EVERY American and hope the damages of the past will be erased over time.
On your earlier point there were plenty of very successful black Americans and 100 years ago. The black nuclear family was stronger, many less crime issues in black communities 100 years ago in this country.

Not every white American agreed with segregation 100 years ago.

We should have equality today everyone treated with respect. But you see this is the entire point of it. That’s not enough for the radical left-wing. They demand that white people effectively get on their hands and knees and beg for forgiveness for what their ancestors have been perceived to due do blacks. It’s a completely insane and backward ideology.

Again all people no matter their skin color or religion have wronged others.

Most people of today just want to work hard and have a good life. Again, this is where the radical left-wing comes in and makes things hell on earth for a lot of people by giving easier access to jobs, home loans or scholarships to minorities in America. Based on some insane ideology where they think that modern day people of America have to pay for the sins of intolerant Americans of history. That ideology if applied to the entire world would screw everything up.
My parents bought a nice house in a neighborhood that excluded Blacks. They were only allowed to buy in less desirable areas. My family did very well when they sold that house as it went way up in value. Black families were unable to take similar advantage of rising home values. My parents passed a portion of that money on to their children so I'm a beneficiary of racism I took no part in and wasn't even aware of.
That ended in 1965. But Democrats were the drivers of exclusion rules over blacks. Frankly they do not seem at all sorry for this even today.
Done by White Christians. This tips Humans off why they should not vote for White Christians.
What about black Christians? Christianity does not promote blacks suffering. If it did, blacks would not be Christians themselves.
Done by White Christians. This tips Humans off why they should not vote for White Christians.
Everything with you is about identity while you reduce people to just one dimension.

I grew up as a time when liberalism was about ELIMINATING all these arbitrary distinctions in order to see the person ratther than the group they represented. The idea was to create a color blind society rather than making everything ABOUT color.

Why do you despise liberalism, alang?
My parents bought a nice house in a neighborhood that excluded Blacks. They were only allowed to buy in less desirable areas. My family did very well when they sold that house as it went way up in value. Black families were unable to take similar advantage of rising home values. My parents passed a portion of that money on to their children so I'm a beneficiary of racism I took no part in and wasn't even aware of.
What are you trying to get at here. It seems to me that there is a portion of older left-wing Democrats who are already retired, They have a nice house. Everything is taken care of. It’s easier for them to demand that young white men give into the insanity of the modern day left . That they bow down and allow easier access to home loans, scholarships, and jobs to minorities.

To your point about whites burning down a black business many years ago..There is no logical way to say that modern day taxpayers have to pay for the intolerance of white Americans generations ago who may have supported segregation or something like that. That makes no logical sense. Again, if you start applying that you have to do it all over the world and it would screw everything up. Btw my grandfather had a black boss and most Americans were not racist even during the Jim Crow era.

This portion of older left-wing Democrats are attempting to normalize hate speech or divisive speech against white people through the idea that whites are born privileged. Or that it’s OK for Hollywood in the media to be very racially divisive.

There’s a lot of TV shows that make negative comments against white people in general… and people have to accept it as normal?

That is racism against white people in this country. Why not just have a merit-based society.
Well, here’s where we disagree. If my great-grandfather had his business burned down by a black mob who hates Jews, back around 1920, I don’t see how I would have a case against the city 100 years later.
You would if the city was negligent in protecting your family 100 years ago. I don't believe there is a statute of limitations for cities.
Yes, but that was compensated for by the fact that the children of the blacks excluded from the neighborhood were prioritized for acceptance at colleges and grad schools over the better-scoring children of the white parents in your neighborhood.
What is that based on? Seems like apples and oranges to me.

By the way, blacks bought in my parents’ neighborhood back in the 60s, when I was a child.
Not in my parents neighborhood in the 40s and 50s.
If I could document the damages I suffered because of you, I'd expect you to compensate me.
Why? I can document the damage done to me by 10,000 entities, government, business and individual alike and no one is compensating me.

The best we can reasonably do is offer a good housing, education, and healthcare to EVERY American and hope the damages of the past will be erased over time.
No, the best we can do is offer each person the opportunity to raise themselves up to be self-actualized so they can buy their own good housing and healthcare, and good education is out there for all to take.
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I am of Irish background and many Irish were wronged by the British throughout history. Do I now deserve reparations because of what might’ve happened to my ancestors?
I take your point and I don't know how many generations are enough to ignore wrongs. If you stole money from me, I suspect we'd both agree I deserve to get it back. If your father stole money from my father and gave it to you, do I deserve to get it back?

If you could show that an Englishman broke English law and took your ancestor's Irish farm do your family deserve to get it back?
Why? I can document tyhe damage done to me by 10,000 entities, government, business and individual alike and no one is compensating me.
Were any laws broken?

No, the best we can do is offer each person the opportunity to raise themselves up to be self-actualized so they can buy their own good housing and healthcare, and good education is out there for all to take.
Unfortunately in the US that is becoming ever more difficult as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Were any laws broken?

Unfortunately in the US that is becoming ever more difficult as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
I have posted a study proving the Rich and poor get richer. Those you call poor are recent kids that graduated from high school. They also get richer.
You would if the city was negligent in protecting your family 100 years ago. I don't believe there is a statute of limitations for cities.
So you’re saying that anyone who ever had thugs damage their property should get money from their city, going back 100 years? That’s what’s insurance is for.
What is that based on? Seems like apples and oranges to me.
No, it’s not apples and oranges. You’re saying that the blacks are owed because the children of blacks who were excluded from white neighborhoods lost out on the higher properties. My point is that these children have already been compensated by being being accepted to universities that better-scoring whites were rejected from.
Not in my parents neighborhood in the 40s and 50s.
Sorry to hear that, but the grandchildren have been compensated by what I discussed above.
I disagree with the OP's point because I don't view those who donate to the United Negro College Fund as being racists.
That ended in 1965. But Democrats were the drivers of exclusion rules over blacks. Frankly they do not seem at all sorry for this even today.
'68 actually. The Dems who did the excluding are either dead or Republicans but many of the people affected are still alive and even more of their children are alive.

What about Jewish families that were subjected to restrictive covenants and weren’t allowed to buy in certain neighborhoods, back in the 40s and 50s? Should their children, now having had successful professional careers, get money from the city?

Or what about all the Jews who were blocked from attending prestigious universities about 80 years ago, and thus didn’t have the benefit of this pedigree? Should their grandchildren get money from the cities where these universities were located?
On your earlier point there were plenty of very successful black Americans and 100 years ago. The black nuclear family was stronger, many less crime issues in black communities 100 years ago in this country.

Not every white American agreed with segregation 100 years ago.

We should have equality today everyone treated with respect. But you see this is the entire point of it. That’s not enough for the radical left-wing. They demand that white people effectively get on their hands and knees and beg for forgiveness for what their ancestors have been perceived to due do blacks. It’s a completely insane and backward ideology.

Again all people no matter their skin color or religion have wronged others.

Most people of today just want to work hard and have a good life. Again, this is where the radical left-wing comes in and makes things hell on earth for a lot of people by giving easier access to jobs, home loans or scholarships to minorities in America. Based on some insane ideology where they think that modern day people of America have to pay for the sins of intolerant Americans of history. That ideology if applied to the entire world would screw everything up.
I think those that can demonstrate financial harm should get compensation and we should be more sympathetic to the poor of all races.
'68 actually. The Dems who did the excluding are either dead or Republicans but many of the people affected are still alive and even more of their children are alive.
I was a Dem at that time. I flipped to Republican totally due to Jimmy Carter.

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