Chinese Stock Market Also Took A Dump Today

don't the chinese have companies here in america that sells chinese product? Don't they pay? Then those companies have to compete against US products? huh?

Whoever takes the product off the docks in Long Beach or Seattle pays the tariff....That's another thing in Trump's favor....every foreign company invested here has a stake in China opening their markets to goods from America ie the world. If Trump can break China's grip on the supply chain, move it to SE Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, he'll break China's back...they'll never get it back.
Sometimes presidents (ask far back as Abe Lincoln) have had to make tough choices that look bad early to achieve everlasting good.

Too bad this isn't one of those cases. He's essentially punishing American consumers because the Chinese are better at making stuff.
Trump raises taxes on American households $800-$1000 dollars a year just for starters and republicans are somehow glad?

Total bullshit....FAKE NEWS from the "Trade Partnership" globalist lobbying firm....Kudow castrated them on Fox News Sunday.
From the beginning it has been clear that Trump thought China pays the tariffs placed on their goods. People can certainly debate the actual cost per household but the cost will not be zero. Tariffs are a tax hike and republicans are glad, you have abandoned everything you ever claimed to care about for this guy.
who pays the tariff on the china side? hmmmm? trump is looking for the US manufacturing company that will take the business away here. I like that.
That's another place where this is retarded. We have been trying to get China to open their markets to our exports and Trump just made US goods even less attractive. Tariffs really only work to protect market dominance. Back when we had some dominance tariffs were considered a sin against capitalism by every single republican and half the democrats.
The day started off shitty with those Saudi oil tankers being attacked and went downhill from there.

Maybe tomorrow will be better. At least some of us will hope so.

Naw, I hope you fuckers on Wall Street take a bath.
Sometimes presidents (ask far back as Abe Lincoln) have had to make tough choices that look bad early to achieve everlasting good.

Too bad this isn't one of those cases. He's essentially punishing American consumers because the Chinese are better at making stuff.
no, china is by not agreeing to free trade. you should learn to focus on the actual cause. Root Cause China!!! there, solved.
Buy American.....or teach your git (offspring, children, brats...) to speak fluent Mandarin.
Trump Wins! MAGA!! :hyper:

Chinese stocks fell on Monday as market sentiment turned cautious amid renewed concerns over the US-China trade war, with financial institutions leading the decline.

The Shanghai Composite Index fell 1.2 per cent to 2,903.71. The Shenzhen Component Index lost 1.4 per cent, and the CSI 300, which tracks large companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen, dropped 1.7 per cent. The Nasdaq-style ChiNext Index declined 2 per cent.

China markets fall as trade war deadlock prompts cautious trading

In case you haven't noticed before, markets can & often have a reciprocal action of, and/or to other markets.

I honestly don't believe you have ever realized that because if you would have known you would not have posted such an asinine OP.
Trump Wins! MAGA!! :hyper:

Chinese stocks fell on Monday as market sentiment turned cautious amid renewed concerns over the US-China trade war, with financial institutions leading the decline.

The Shanghai Composite Index fell 1.2 per cent to 2,903.71. The Shenzhen Component Index lost 1.4 per cent, and the CSI 300, which tracks large companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen, dropped 1.7 per cent. The Nasdaq-style ChiNext Index declined 2 per cent.

China markets fall as trade war deadlock prompts cautious trading

In case you haven't noticed before, markets can & often have a reciprocal action of, and/or to other markets.

I honestly don't believe you have ever realized that because if you would have known you would not have posted such an asinine OP.
so China should come to the table and negotiate free trade, Right?
Sometimes presidents (ask far back as Abe Lincoln) have had to make tough choices that look bad early to achieve everlasting good.

Too bad this isn't one of those cases. He's essentially punishing American consumers because the Chinese are better at making stuff.

Not better but sell it cheaper. And stop stalking me, you Jew hating loser. consider it a win if other stock markets go down as well as ours crash..........ever study the 1929 Market crash?

previous to the 1929 crash the economy was moving along at a break neck speed.

The Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act which was put into effect the following March ensured the Great Depression a very long life, indeed.

huh .............
hes calling orange man bad a big fat lyer

cad i just posted that on yer thread
but look it fits here to :04:
Foreigners Can Soon Own More China Stocks. But No One Wants Them
By Livia Yap
May 12, 2019, 5:00 PM EDT Updated on May 13, 2019, 3:48 AM EDT
A-share inclusion factor will double to 10% in May review
Overseas investors have sold $2.5 billion A shares this month
Overseas investors can soon own more Chinese stocks -- the trouble is they don’t seem to want them.
Foreigners are dumping mainland-listed shares at a record pace, just as MSCI Inc. prepares to expand their weighting in its benchmark indexes. Already this month, 17.4 billion yuan ($2.6 billion) of A shares have been sold through trading links with Hong Kong, putting May well on track to surpass the 18 billion yuan outflow in April.
Chinese stocks remain some of the best performing in world this year, yet about $1 trillion has been wiped from the country’s equity markets in just three weeks as the trade dispute with the U.S. returned to center stage. Concern that Beijing may pare back stimulus plans also weighed: the Shanghai Composite Index has dropped 11% from an April peak.
What must be remembered is China has very little experience with market economics. Their planners are military men and party hacks with little to no background in finance or marketing. That's why they have to subsidize their industries, steal product designs, and cheat on their currency value. We'll win this fight just by having been in thousands of them. I predict Trump and Xi will meet in Japan next month at the G-20 summit and come to terms. Nobody wants this fight less than China....Trump lives for battles like these....Xi knows who's boss.

The way in which the Chinese Government manipulates the Chinese economy there really is no need for them to have the experience with market economics.
You place great aspersion upon the Chinese in terms of their economic capacities yet the greed in sub prime loan markets & the associated derivatives that occurred here in the US a mere 10 plus years ago nearly brought the world economy to a grinding halt.
You come across as the 'typical arrogant' American.
I would not place any bet on your arrogant assessments.
Trump Wins! MAGA!! :hyper:

Chinese stocks fell on Monday as market sentiment turned cautious amid renewed concerns over the US-China trade war, with financial institutions leading the decline.

The Shanghai Composite Index fell 1.2 per cent to 2,903.71. The Shenzhen Component Index lost 1.4 per cent, and the CSI 300, which tracks large companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen, dropped 1.7 per cent. The Nasdaq-style ChiNext Index declined 2 per cent.

China markets fall as trade war deadlock prompts cautious trading

In case you haven't noticed before, markets can & often have a reciprocal action of, and/or to other markets.

I honestly don't believe you have ever realized that because if you would have known you would not have posted such an asinine OP.
so China should come to the table and negotiate free trade, Right?

Well, that's a good question.

It seems Trump started a trade war, he was arrogant enuff to advertise it, and to proclaim how good & easy such a thing is.

I don't know about you but most of the time when someone starts a war, the other side will typically shoot back.
Trump Wins! MAGA!! :hyper:

Chinese stocks fell on Monday as market sentiment turned cautious amid renewed concerns over the US-China trade war, with financial institutions leading the decline.

The Shanghai Composite Index fell 1.2 per cent to 2,903.71. The Shenzhen Component Index lost 1.4 per cent, and the CSI 300, which tracks large companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen, dropped 1.7 per cent. The Nasdaq-style ChiNext Index declined 2 per cent.

China markets fall as trade war deadlock prompts cautious trading

Not sure why you're celebrating this unless your understanding of the market is limited. When major exchanges like that have severe down days it has a ripple effect world wide. We are in a global economy now.

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