Chop Chop! Seattle Resident Rebels. Priceless

If this is not more proof of the Dem scheme, I don’t know what is-
Ooops, seems Raz Simone isn’t quite ready to follow orders. Lol
This resident has had it. Lol

Look guys! Just like magic.... a black guy became a conservative!

Listen to him screaming to tell that guy to put the knife down? What does that sound like.... police confronting a criminal.

He was too nice..........the Police would have said drop it or you are dead.........then they'd wave it and put 2 rounds center mass......per training and give them something else to bitch and whine about.

Moral of the story there would be don't wave a knife at a police officer holding a gun...........You might win the Darwin Award. back to the narrative that we should give a damn there...........whatever.
They pull a knife on him
The best part is " stop dude you're destroying peoples property"

The twatter #chop was a success is Hilarious

GAH! ! I HEARD IT! Are you freaking insane.....

Holy crap....

Really? They kick the police out, vandalize everything, destroy businesses, and then one guy gets sick and tired of it, and starts tossing out the crazy people, and they complain he's damaging their property? Really?

Well what are they going to do? Call police?

Seems they are in negotiations again as we speak with the mayor. Should be interesting...
She said she was taking back the precinct today. Doesn’t look like it. Some comrades aren’t willing to go along with some of the leader comrades. Lol

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