Chris/Althea: Evil-Koala (TrumpUSA)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-culture eco-parody inspired by Bio-Dome.

Did the evil koalas tell President Trump, "See no evil; Hear no evil; Speak no evil!"?



Christopher and Althea were both involved in eco-activism and were following the celebrity-deeds of Hollywood (USA) movie-star Leo DiCaprio and the environmentalism work of DiCaprio's prominent and honoured eco-organization The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Christopher and Althea had met at Yale University (where they were both studying Environmental Science) and decided to get married. However, one year after graduating (having moved to San Francisco and becoming members of a popular eco-lobby there), they divorced when Althea discovered Christopher was unfaithful (he was having an affair with a KLM stewardess named Malina). Nevertheless, Christopher and Althea remained friends and still worked with eco-issues and The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation!


Malina was part of a diabolical international opium-ring which stretched from Amsterdam to British Columbia(!). Malina looked a lot like Hollywood (USA) movie-actress Angelina Jolie (which is why Christopher became interested in her --- he was a big fan of movies!). Malina became the thorn between Christopher and Althea, and when Malina befriended Angelina Jolie (at a Hollywood-society party in L.A.), she told Angelina about Christopher and Althea. It was then that Angelina decided to make a movie about a 'wicked-queen/sorceress' called Maleficent. Meanwhile, Leo DiCaprio was planning a naturalism frontiersman-adventure film called The Revenant with Tom Hardy. It seemed there was a great deal of 'nature-intrigue' in the modern world(!).


As ISIS terrorists hiding in the USA with fake passports began spying on the sociocultural activities and deeds of Americans, they became intrigued by Americans' involvement with various eco-activism related issues. These ISIS 'duded' noticed Americans loved horror films as well as cataclysm/apocalypse films, and they also noticed that the Trump Administration did not really have a solid political policy regarding energy-use and renewables research. In fact, America lagged behind Algeria (member of OPEC) in wind-energy research and behind South America in organic soybean production! The ISIS terrorists wondered if Americans were simply 'dazed and confused' with simple 'eco-idealistic' rhetoric/propaganda.


As expected, any philosophical intrigue in a place as varied and interesting as America would draw up strange metaphysical spirits and omens. Sure enough, the ghost of the ominous Headless Horseman rose from the grave and started terrorizing New Yorkers on Halloween Eve. The Headless Horseman rode around Manhattan invisibly but pedestrians swore they heard the sound of horse-hooves on the pavement and the whispering sound of a swinging sabre. The Headless Horseman was even witnessed by one Manhattanite who claimed the ghoul (completely headless!) rose up in the moonlight an made himself visible to him! This witness claimed the Horseman told him, "Earth will see an unnatural manmade Ice Age."


GOD: Will 'TrumpUSA' be an inspiration?
SATAN: I'm more interested in seeing Christopher reconcile with Althea!
GOD: You want them to re-marry!
SATAN: Why not? They're both involved with The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.
GOD: I wonder if the Horseman is correct...
SATAN: About an unnatural Ice Age? Many climatologists believe it's a possibility.
GOD: Kids watch too much MTV, and Americans eat too much junk-food.
SATAN: It's all 'brain-candy' in the age of consumerism.
GOD: Perhaps Facebook and Wikipedia can inspire ideas about democracy.
SATAN: Social networking and info-sharing can be great, but it's also unregulated.
GOD: There's little parental supervision, and everyone seems 'hypnotized' by tech.
SATAN: Maybe humanity deserves to be shocked by the Headless Horseman.
GOD: I like the idea of kids making model-cities with LEGO sets...
SATAN: At least youngsters are daydreaming about 'clean cities.'
GOD: I think The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation should invest in SeaWorld.
SATAN: I think Hasbro, Mattel, and Fisher-Price should make eco-friendly toys!
GOD: Commercial traffic draws up much chatter about human imagination.
SATAN: Or lack thereof. Let's toast to Christopher and Althea!
GOD: My archangel Michael will put an end to Internet pornography.
SATAN: We simply need more fairy-tales...




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