Diamond Member
biden could authorize the release of the docs ! what is he afraid of ?NO bullshit was harmed in thsi post. Yes that is correct the way the privacy laws were passed in the 1991 civil rights act those records are private to protect the privacy of senators..bullshit.If you haven't heard yet, they can't..biden may have done it or he may not have ..... lets see the docs at Delaware and put the matter to rest.Trump's past was when he wasn't working in a public office paid by the tax payer...Trump was a playboy but never accused of rape....Biden was a senator and forced his bony finger into a woman working in his office....if libs can live with that go for it...but I think its reprehensible....Yeah, the right has a lockdown on chastity belts...After Trump and the GOP lowered the bar they probably didn't care about his past.....It seems that a lot of democratic political dudes have problems keeping their peckers in their pants. Well maybe except for the queer ones.Dodd would make waitress sandwiches with Ted Kennedy at some restaurant in DC....it got so bad that all of the female waitresses would refuse to wait on them....