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Christian bakers: Wouldnt ANY wedding violate the deadly sin of gluttony?

This is a bit far fetched. The Bible lists the 10 commandments, not those 7 deadly sins. Those 7 deadly sins originated with the monk Evagrius Ponticus in the 4th Century, and have no specific mention in Biblical canon. The seven deadly sins we take after are listed in Proverbs, bucs. These are the seven things God hates and see as an abomination:

1. A proud look
2. A lying tongue
3. Hands that shed innocent blood
4. A heart that devises wicked plots
5. Feet that are swift to run into mischief
6. A deceitful witness that uttereth lies
7. Him that soweth discord among brethren

Likewise, another longer list, given this time by the Epistle to the Galatians (Galatians 5:19-21), includes more of the traditional seven sins: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, "and such like". Paul goes on to say that those of us who practice these sins will not inherit the kingdom of God, HOWEVER, we can seek forgiveness of these sins to avoid paying the price.

You mischaracterize Christianity, bucs and I resent that deeply.

Wow, each of those applies to the Obama administration.

1. His proud look, like the arrogant pose at the inauguration and many times since with his nose up in the air.

2. "If you like your plan and your doctor, you can keep it. Period." Liar, liar, pants on fire.

3. Sending weapons to known terrorists, like the Muslim Brotherhood, which were used to kill. Fast and Furious weapons that were used to kill. Might as well have pulled the trigger. I might add late term abortions. Death panels in Obamacare and cancer patients with nothing now. Basically, his foreign policy encourages terrorists and radicals to kill.

4. Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the takeover of healthcare, bigger government, et al. Those are all wicked plots that became reality. He'll have more flexibility after the election. Plotting all the time.

5. Obama is already looking to do more damage by ignoring the constitution with his executive orders. He thinks he is the law now and will do whatever he wants.

6. Yea, it was just some protestors upset over a video. He knows nothing about nothing. Saw it on the news. Yea, that's the ticket.

7. The racial divide is deeper and more volatile than ever before.

Of course, Obama smokes and used to do drugs, according to his book. Gotta say, according to Biden, Obama is the first clean and articulate black man in Washington so he's got that going for him. The lavish vacations taken by the Obamas in this miserable economy is a slap in the face.
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Why not give Christian bakers the same freaking freedom you give to Muslems who refuse to eat or handle certain meat?

They have them.

But, if Muslims owned an Outback, they'd still have to serve Jews.
Well, there is also a lot of stuff in the Bible that we no longer believe is right.

But, as for your list, includes "drunkenness". So, should a Christian baker refuse to cater any wedding where alcoholic beverage will be served????

As for the first list, wouldn't the wedding dress and tux be a "proud look", or the excess taken in the decoration of God's house for this ceremony?

I find it funny how selective Christians are about what they feel violates their religious freedom...while being fine participating in things that obviously violate Christian beliefs.

I simply don't care what you Christian Buddhists believe "isn't right" about the Bible. Drunkenness is drunkenness, and not gluttony. Two different things, and an attempt to make hollow correlations between the two.

I find it funny, that you have to taint the Christian faith with a cult's beliefs to make it more palatable for you. Disgusting.

So much for religious tolerance. The more Buddhism I read, the more accepting and open it is to it's followers to also be Christians. It actually encourages people to not resist their curiosities about other religions. Much more tolerant, it seems, than Christianity.

My Christian beliefs help me deal with my thoughts on the afterlife.
My Buddhist beliefs help me cope with the bullshit around me on this planet.
They complement each other to me.

Oh I think Christian Buddhism is an abominable mixture of two incompatible faiths. Did I say you can't practice it? By all means, practice it. But I still have the right to critique it, just as you have mine. However, I find this mixture of the faiths to be a bastardization of my faith in general and highly offensive.

But by all means, please, continue with whatever you believe. It won't shield you from criticism.
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Why not give Christian bakers the same freaking freedom you give to Muslems who refuse to eat or handle certain meat?

They have them.

But, if Muslims owned an Outback, they'd still have to serve Jews.

well yeah, because everyone who goes out to eat proclaims what religion and sexual partners they prefer

don't you all?

I can't take anymore so see you
Christianity is fucking stupid because you believe that there was a half-man/half-goat living in the center of the Earth who came to the surface in the form of a talking snake in order to deceive a woman (who was created from her husband's rib) into eating some fruit which destroyed the perfect world of the invisible man in the sky.

This is the premise of "original sin" and it is FUCKING RETARDED to believe that it was real then or now.
I find it fascinating that Christian bakers would say that catering a gay wedding would violate their rights because their religion doesn't support it.

Lets think about that for a moment. A Christian baker catering weddings. With huge cakes, lots and lots of food, usually an open bar, sweets, excess food and drink.

Wouldn't all that violate the Christian belief that gluttony, one of the 7 deadly sins, is wrong???

Defined: Gluttony, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning to gulp down or swallow, means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items to the point of extravagance or waste. In some Christian denominations, it is considered one of the seven deadly sins—a misplaced desire of food or its withholding from the needy.

So, unless that Christian baker is baking a tiny, minimalist sized cake, and then spreading all the excess cake around to the needy, and demanding the excess food and drink be made available to the needy.......wouldn't they be violating the belief of their religion, since gluttony which occurs at EVERY wedding is occurring in the baker's presence?

Hmmm. This should be interesting.
Not interesting because your argument is nonsense. Can you give an example of a Christian baker who supported the bill so they could refuse to provide cakes to a wedding? On top of that, Christians aren't allowed to eat sweets or have cake or celebrate? Can Christians eat a meal without you calling it gluttony or are you just so full of hate, piss and vinegar that you point your stinky little finger at anything a Christian does and finds fault?

Where is the tolerance and love...it definitively does not come from you. Your post reeks of sophomoric reasoning and hate.
I find it fascinating that Christian bakers would say that catering a gay wedding would violate their rights because their religion doesn't support it.

Lets think about that for a moment. A Christian baker catering weddings. With huge cakes, lots and lots of food, usually an open bar, sweets, excess food and drink.

Wouldn't all that violate the Christian belief that gluttony, one of the 7 deadly sins, is wrong???

Defined: Gluttony, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning to gulp down or swallow, means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items to the point of extravagance or waste. In some Christian denominations, it is considered one of the seven deadly sins—a misplaced desire of food or its withholding from the needy.

So, unless that Christian baker is baking a tiny, minimalist sized cake, and then spreading all the excess cake around to the needy, and demanding the excess food and drink be made available to the needy.......wouldn't they be violating the belief of their religion, since gluttony which occurs at EVERY wedding is occurring in the baker's presence?

Hmmm. This should be interesting.

Yes Buc, if these people were consistent and truly did have "deeply held religious beliefs" that would preclude them from baking a cake for a gay wedding, then those same "deeply held religious beliefs" should drive them out of business period. If their beliefs are so deeply important that baking a cake would cause them mental anguish and "undue burden", then serving divorcees or people who have sex out of wedlock should make them apoplectic. Jesus himself condemned divorce, but was mum on "the gheys" (he may have even have had spoken in support..."For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."

These laws aren't about protecting their "religious liberty", they are about justifying bigotry.
Christianity is fucking stupid because you believe that there was a half-man/half-goat living in the center of the Earth who came to the surface in the form of a talking snake in order to deceive a woman (who was created from her husband's rib) into eating some fruit which destroyed the perfect world of the invisible man in the sky.

This is the premise of "original sin" and it is FUCKING RETARDED to believe that it was real then or now.

You know not of what you speak. But I am just stating the obvious.

Why all the hate?
Why not give Christian bakers the same freaking freedom you give to Muslems who refuse to eat or handle certain meat?

They have them.

But, if Muslims owned an Outback, they'd still have to serve Jews.

well yeah, because everyone who goes out to eat proclaims what religion and sexual partners they prefer

don't you all?

I can't take anymore so see you

I got a "I like muff diving" bumper sticker. Wouldn't that be easier if everyone just proclaimed their sexual proclivity on the bumper of their car? It would be very easy then to find pedophiles.
Christianity is fucking stupid because you believe that there was a half-man/half-goat living in the center of the Earth who came to the surface in the form of a talking snake in order to deceive a woman (who was created from her husband's rib) into eating some fruit which destroyed the perfect world of the invisible man in the sky.

This is the premise of "original sin" and it is FUCKING RETARDED to believe that it was real then or now.

You know not of what you speak. But I am just stating the obvious.

Why all the hate?
Why all the hate? Because you "good Christians" cheer when Muslim children are killed by American flying robot planes, you vote to withhold equality from entire segments of the American population, you are trying constantly to inject your insipid "beliefs" into a rational, scientific society, hindering progress and learning with your fairy tale bullshit.

There is not and never will be an invisible man in the sky who hates gay people, so you "good Christians" just need to shove your Bibles up your self-righteous asses until you choke and quit trying to vote your stupid bedtime stories into public law.
If they don't want to serve gays...they don't have to serve gays.

What is the issue ?
I find it fascinating that Christian bakers would say that catering a gay wedding would violate their rights because their religion doesn't support it.

Lets think about that for a moment. A Christian baker catering weddings. With huge cakes, lots and lots of food, usually an open bar, sweets, excess food and drink.

Wouldn't all that violate the Christian belief that gluttony, one of the 7 deadly sins, is wrong???

Defined: Gluttony, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning to gulp down or swallow, means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items to the point of extravagance or waste. In some Christian denominations, it is considered one of the seven deadly sins—a misplaced desire of food or its withholding from the needy.

So, unless that Christian baker is baking a tiny, minimalist sized cake, and then spreading all the excess cake around to the needy, and demanding the excess food and drink be made available to the needy.......wouldn't they be violating the belief of their religion, since gluttony which occurs at EVERY wedding is occurring in the baker's presence?

Hmmm. This should be interesting.

Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding celebration. A father killed the fatted calf and indulged in celebration of the return of the prodigal son.

Just your like other thread, the premise of this is utterly stupid.

You must be bored today.
Well if the bride ate the whole cake she'd be a glutton. If it were me as the baker nope I'd never make her another cake.
Christianity is fucking stupid because you believe that there was a half-man/half-goat living in the center of the Earth who came to the surface in the form of a talking snake in order to deceive a woman (who was created from her husband's rib) into eating some fruit which destroyed the perfect world of the invisible man in the sky.

This is the premise of "original sin" and it is FUCKING RETARDED to believe that it was real then or now.

You know not of what you speak. But I am just stating the obvious.

Why all the hate?
Why all the hate? Because you "good Christians" cheer when Muslim children are killed by American flying robot planes, you vote to withhold equality from entire segments of the American population, you are trying constantly to inject your insipid "beliefs" into a rational, scientific society, hindering progress and learning with your fairy tale bullshit.

There is not and never will be an invisible man in the sky who hates gay people, so you "good Christians" just need to shove your Bibles up your self-righteous asses until you choke and quit trying to vote your stupid bedtime stories into public law.

What, are you a bitter gay guy or something? What Christian has stopped you from bending over or getting on your knees? Why is it so wrong for a faction to lobby for their ideals? Racists do it, gays do it, Christians, muslims, Jews, democrats, Republicans...they all have the right to a voice and the right to have an opinion, no? Does everyone have to think like you or face your insults and absolute hate? A gay would be welcome in my church, I doubt a Christian would be welcome in your rainbow coalition of poor choice.
If they don't want to serve gays...they don't have to serve gays.

What is the issue ?

On top of that, wouldn't the marketplace determine whats right? If people are opposed to the bill and this imaginary baker refused to cook for a gay wedding, wouldn't those who oppose bigotry ensure said bakery was unprofitable by shopping elsewhere...besides, who would want to barter with someone who hates them in a free marketplace...that is just a stupid idea.
If they don't want to serve gays...they don't have to serve gays.

What is the issue ?

On top of that, wouldn't the marketplace determine whats right? If people are opposed to the bill and this imaginary baker refused to cook for a gay wedding, wouldn't those who oppose bigotry ensure said bakery was unprofitable by shopping elsewhere...besides, who would want to barter with someone who hates them in a free marketplace...that is just a stupid idea.

Kinda like when I had my first ever Chick-Fillet after they were boycotted ?
As we saw with Chuck Fil A and Cracker Barrel how it works is when a business comes under gay attack business for them increases. Unless as in Sweet cakes the gay activists threaten the lives of the customers and vendors.
I find it fascinating that Christian bakers would say that catering a gay wedding would violate their rights because their religion doesn't support it.

Lets think about that for a moment. A Christian baker catering weddings. With huge cakes, lots and lots of food, usually an open bar, sweets, excess food and drink.

Wouldn't all that violate the Christian belief that gluttony, one of the 7 deadly sins, is wrong???

Defined: Gluttony, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning to gulp down or swallow, means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items to the point of extravagance or waste. In some Christian denominations, it is considered one of the seven deadly sins—a misplaced desire of food or its withholding from the needy.

So, unless that Christian baker is baking a tiny, minimalist sized cake, and then spreading all the excess cake around to the needy, and demanding the excess food and drink be made available to the needy.......wouldn't they be violating the belief of their religion, since gluttony which occurs at EVERY wedding is occurring in the baker's presence?

Hmmm. This should be interesting.

Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding celebration. A father killed the fatted calf and indulged in celebration of the return of the prodigal son.

Just your like other thread, the premise of this is utterly stupid.

You must be bored today.

Yet, you don't even know why he did, or why wine was ok back then, but alcohol is frowned upon, our outright banned, by many Christian establishments now.

Back in the days of Jesus, water wasn't clean. See, they didn't have things like the EPA or inspection agencies, or basic purifying processes that we have today. So, the water often made people very sick.

But they wine. And wine has alcohol. And alcohol kills germs. So, they would mix wine with the water to purify it.

You should learn about topics before talking about them.
Christianity is fucking stupid because you believe that there was a half-man/half-goat living in the center of the Earth who came to the surface in the form of a talking snake in order to deceive a woman (who was created from her husband's rib) into eating some fruit which destroyed the perfect world of the invisible man in the sky.

This is the premise of "original sin" and it is FUCKING RETARDED to believe that it was real then or now.

You know not of what you speak. But I am just stating the obvious.

Why all the hate?
Why all the hate? Because you "good Christians" cheer when Muslim children are killed by American flying robot planes, you vote to withhold equality from entire segments of the American population, you are trying constantly to inject your insipid "beliefs" into a rational, scientific society, hindering progress and learning with your fairy tale bullshit.

There is not and never will be an invisible man in the sky who hates gay people, so you "good Christians" just need to shove your Bibles up your self-righteous asses until you choke and quit trying to vote your stupid bedtime stories into public law.

I don't recall cheering at any Muslem children being killed, at any time, and for any reason, and I don't know anyone else, Christian, or Christian bashing asshole, who did any cheering. You just make this stuff up as you go along, right?

What you really seemed to be pissed at, besides some Christian pissing in your Wheaties, is that you are finding it difficult to shove your homosexual agenda down the throats of people who want nothing to do with any of it. Add that to your failure to force people to accept your idiotic concept of science, and you get a disgruntled, halfwit bent on trashing people he knows nothing about.
You know not of what you speak. But I am just stating the obvious.

Why all the hate?
Why all the hate? Because you "good Christians" cheer when Muslim children are killed by American flying robot planes, you vote to withhold equality from entire segments of the American population, you are trying constantly to inject your insipid "beliefs" into a rational, scientific society, hindering progress and learning with your fairy tale bullshit.

There is not and never will be an invisible man in the sky who hates gay people, so you "good Christians" just need to shove your Bibles up your self-righteous asses until you choke and quit trying to vote your stupid bedtime stories into public law.

What, are you a bitter gay guy or something? What Christian has stopped you from bending over or getting on your knees? Why is it so wrong for a faction to lobby for their ideals? Racists do it, gays do it, Christians, muslims, Jews, democrats, Republicans...they all have the right to a voice and the right to have an opinion, no? Does everyone have to think like you or face your insults and absolute hate? A gay would be welcome in my church, I doubt a Christian would be welcome in your rainbow coalition of poor choice.
I couldn't care less about gay people. What I care about is an entire segment of the US population being told that they are somehow "different" and should be hated. Gays and lesbians have always been a part of our society and we have still progressed. Now that they are demanding equal treatment under the law after 300 years in this country, Christians who have dominated our political arena for so long are upset that they aren't in command anymore, so it is all therefore "an attack by gay Fascist liberal tyrants to force their sexual perversions on civilized Christian society. Fuckin' derp."

FDR's mother dressed him up like a girl until he was about 6 or 7, and J. Edgar Hoover wore a dress as an adult. Hell, even the Founding Fathers all wore heels, tight leggings, and powdered wigs. Today, there are gay athletes, movie stars, scientists, musicians, artists, teachers, soldiers, police officers, etc. etc. etc. etc., just as there have always been. They aren't "destroying" America. They have helped to build our society over the centuries.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" means "This is not a Christian nation."

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