Zone1 Christianity is contrary to American freedom

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Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
As Great said:

“With freedom comes responsibility, a responsibility that can only be met by the individual.”
Ronald Reagan

This is contrary to the German collectivism of slaves and the system of transshipment of responsibility.

No "Christ" could "atone" for the guilt and mistakes of people, even if he were executed a thousand times.
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‘We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values’
Trump: I'm not responsible for anything

I tend to think that you are upset and angry at God....mostly because He says that you are not good.
So you attack those who love if that was going to get you anywhere other than your original Destination.
So now you resort to even dumber things to say?

Start using the head between your ears to think constructively....not just blindly or instinctually reacting. You might actually come up with a coherent thought.
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I tend to think that you are upset and angry at God....mostly because He says that you are not good.
So you attack those who love if that was going to get you anywhere other than your original Destination.
So now you resort to even dumber things to say?

Start using the head between your ears to think constructively....not just blindly or instinctually reacting. You might actually come up with a coherent thought.
I don't care about "god" at all, there are many different gods in history, and the Judeo-Christian "god" is still too young to have a claim to teach people.
It is a means of imposing a certain morality on society.

The German morality of Judeo-Christianity is based on the fact that there is no need to answer for crimes, supposedly everything has already been paid for. This ideological plague will destroy humanity if it is not stopped.
I'll come back when you actually make the argument in your thread title.
No "Christ" could "atone" for the guilt and mistakes of people, even if he were executed a thousand times.
Atone...At One...United...In harmony with.

Christ's life was devoted to teaching unity with God. He taught that the Kingdom of God is in reach of everyone. The key is to turn from sin/disobedience to obedience to God.

Mankind's story began with choosing to know both good and evil. That, in itself, is not bad--unless one chooses to use this knowledge to use good for an evil purpose. That separates us from God. It is why Jesus taught us to try obedience over disobedience (good over evil). Turning to good/obedience put us at one (atones us) with God.

Disobedience separates...obedience redeems. Jesus bet his life on this simple concept, and he was willing to show us the way and give his life for it. Choosing this way of life is known as the way of salvation.

I am uncertain as to what you do believe, but it does not seem you believe this?
Atone...At One...United...In harmony with.

Christ's life was devoted to teaching unity with God. He taught that the Kingdom of God is in reach of everyone. The key is to turn from sin/disobedience to obedience to God.
You may worship this German template, but you have no right to contradict the American way of responsible freedom. So do it at home, and don't tell anyone about it.
The German morality of Judeo-Christianity is based on the fact that there is no need to answer for crimes, supposedly everything has already been paid for. This ideological plague will destroy humanity if it is not stopped.
No wonder you seem angry. I cannot recall a single time Jesus proclaimed, "I am going to pay for your sins." On the other hand, "Repentance (turning away from) for the forgiveness of sins. Notice the tense Jesus uses time and again: "Your sins ARE forgiven." Not once did he say that all sins WILL be forgiven after he is put to death.

It is too easy to get wrapped up in a single concept and unable to see the forest for the trees
Mankind's story began with choosing to know both good and evil. That, in itself, is not bad--unless one chooses to use this knowledge to use good for an evil purpose. That separates us from God. It is why Jesus taught us to try obedience over disobedience (good over evil). Turning to good/obedience put us at one (atones us) with God.

Disobedience separates...obedience redeems. Jesus bet his life on this simple concept, and he was willing to show us the way and give his life for it. Choosing this way of life is known as the way of salvation.

I am uncertain as to what you do believe, but it does not seem you believe this?
I do not believe that someone else can atone for the guilt of someone else. This is contrary to the laws of heaven, it is a means for the criminal to avoid responsibility.

This is the knowledge of good and evil, and this is the reason why the evil god does not want people to know this.

The criminal's escape from responsibility is the root of evil on earth.
You may worship this German template, but you have no right to contradict the American way of responsible freedom. So do it at home, and don't tell anyone about it.
Then you are advocating you do the same thing? That you keep your ideas/ideals and way of life at home and never speak of them?

I live my faith, and confining me to live within four walls is not practical. Nor is it right to ask me to shut up and be quiet when you permit yourself to broadcast fallacies and misconceptions about something and someone on which my life is centered.
Then you are advocating you do the same thing? That you keep your ideas/ideals and way of life at home and never speak of them?

I live my faith, and confining me to live within four walls is not practical. Nor is it right to ask me to shut up and be quiet when you permit yourself to broadcast fallacies and misconceptions about something and someone on which my life is centered.
Judeo-Christian is actually banned in the US.
Firstly, this is a criminal offense - propaganda of extremism in the scriptures.
Second, these values cannot replace the constitutional values of the United States - the values of freedom, which does not infringe on the freedom of others.
Christian obsession, inquisition and extremism restrict the freedoms of others.
Christianity is banned in the USA.
I do not believe that someone else can atone for the guilt of someone else. This is contrary to the laws of heaven, it is a means for the criminal to avoid responsibility.
For that matter, neither do I believe one can ultimately atone for another's guilt. We apparently were raised in two very different denominations of the Christian faith. I was taught that humans (portrayed by Adam and Eve) chose disobedience and it separated them from God. Jesus taught that humans can choose obedience which atones for sin and puts us back in oneness with God. Sometimes it was put as the way (disobedience) of Adam and Eve blocked the way to God, the way of Jesus (obedience) opened/redeemed the way to God.

Choose disobedience/sin and your way to God is still blocked. Choose obedience and your way is opened/redeemed.

CHOICE is one's own prerogative. Even as a child I rejected that Jesus was being punished for my sins. What I accepted with all my heart is that he taught me what I must do to attain forgiveness. Simply turn away from doing wrong and turn towards obedience. I owe my life to Christ for that teaching, and he laid down his life so that it might reach me. Without Christ, I am convinced my life would have taken a very different path.

My advice? Eschew the idea that Christ's death was about being punished on the behalf of every human that ever lives. He died for the idea that sins ARE forgiven when one turns away from them.
If Christianity destroys American values, then it harms US citizens and restricts their rights. Anything that harms America's freedoms is not allowed by America's responsible freedom.

If Christians persist, let them take full responsibility for all the crimes of Christianity: the Inquisition, the witch hunts, the Crusades, the torture of innocent prisoners, obscurantism, totalitarianism, imperialism, the financial speculations, forcible imposition of their religion on other peoples, for a totalitarian system and robbery of the people with the help of tithes, for burning great scientists, for slavery, and so on.
This is a lie. Nobody is truly forgiven. The Heaven remembers everything.
Scripture notes that sins are remembered no more. I have not delved into the Hebrew on this, but does it mean memory is wiped clean...or does it mean shortcomings we have overcome are no longer held against us?

I tend to favor the latter definition, but no way of knowing, of course.
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