Christians most persecuted group in the world


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Christians most persecuted group in the world as vicious attacks grow

"Nearly 90,000 of the faithful were killed for their beliefs in violent and gruesome attacks last year, according to a report by the Center for Studies on New Religions, making Christians the most persecuted group in the world. While some were killed as part of state-sanctioned persecution, as in places like North Korea, nearly one-third of the Christians who died in 2016 were executed at the hands of Islamic extremists like ISIS.

The study also found that as many as 600 million Christians were prevented from practicing their faith in 2016."

Middle Eastern Christians forced to become nomads

Christian diaspora fear their religion won't survive in its birthplace

Can you say 'Last Days'?
Christians most persecuted group in the world as vicious attacks grow

"Nearly 90,000 of the faithful were killed for their beliefs in violent and gruesome attacks last year, according to a report by the Center for Studies on New Religions, making Christians the most persecuted group in the world. While some were killed as part of state-sanctioned persecution, as in places like North Korea, nearly one-third of the Christians who died in 2016 were executed at the hands of Islamic extremists like ISIS.

The study also found that as many as 600 million Christians were prevented from practicing their faith in 2016."

Middle Eastern Christians forced to become nomads

Christian diaspora fear their religion won't survive in its birthplace

Can you say 'Last Days'?
Our last day here is our first day there..... Oh! To see His Face! Jesus Christ is worth it all!

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:17-18

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