Christians who don't bake cakes for gays deserve to be put out of business

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.
I have the right to refuse service to anyone, I have the sign in my store.

Yeah? Try to deny service to a black person because they are black. You haven't had the right to refuse to serve certain people since the 60s.

Last Dry Reservation Ends Prohibition

The fairy tale existence of progressives...

That total non sequitur has to do with what?
With progressives everything is situational, whether it be ethically, morally and spiritually.
In Short political correctness is the term best suited

You speak right wing nonsense bullshit .
There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.
I have the right to refuse service to anyone, I have the sign in my store.

Yeah? Try to deny service to a black person because they are black. You haven't had the right to refuse to serve certain people since the 60s.

Last Dry Reservation Ends Prohibition

The fairy tale existence of progressives...

You can have a dry town if you want . Meaning business can't sell alcohol . But people can own it .
A Reservation is not a town, dumba$$
It's controlled by the federal government

You need to read up on Native American Sovereignty. :rolleyes:
I have the right to refuse service to anyone, I have the sign in my store.

Yeah? Try to deny service to a black person because they are black. You haven't had the right to refuse to serve certain people since the 60s.

Last Dry Reservation Ends Prohibition

The fairy tale existence of progressives...

You can have a dry town if you want . Meaning business can't sell alcohol . But people can own it .
A Reservation is not a town, dumba$$
It's controlled by the federal government

Reservations are a special entity. They are sort of another country , but not . They are not "controlled " by the Feds as if they are some fed property .

I grew up on a reservation, Pineridge to be exact. And yes they are controlled by the motherfucking government, dumbass
The laws in question are State PA laws. With the authority to create PA laws obviously part of the 10th amendment.

And this was an Oregon State law. The COTUS had nothing to do with it.
States can make unconstitutional laws. Good lord.

State PA laws aren't unconstitutional. The 10th amendment grants vast powers to the States. And the USSC has already tested the constitution against PA laws, finding them perfectly constitutional.
I don't give a shit what the SC said. They also said that that interning the Japanese was legal and the government can sterilize you in the name of eugenics. (buck vs bell I think)

So State PA laws are unconstitutional.....because you say so?

Um, how's that working out for you?

Don't cross legal swords with Harley. He got his law degree from DeVry University. It arrived in the mail just last week!
Yeah? Try to deny service to a black person because they are black. You haven't had the right to refuse to serve certain people since the 60s.

Last Dry Reservation Ends Prohibition

The fairy tale existence of progressives...

You can have a dry town if you want . Meaning business can't sell alcohol . But people can own it .
A Reservation is not a town, dumba$$
It's controlled by the federal government

Reservations are a special entity. They are sort of another country , but not . They are not "controlled " by the Feds as if they are some fed property .

I grew up on a reservation, Pineridge to be exact. And yes they are controlled by the motherfucking government dumbass

I did some electrical work for them, when they installed electricity in their restroom in the tribal headquarters. I was the first to wire a head for a reservation.
I'd be okay with folks following the law. And the muslims dodn't refuse to deliver to a particular location or to a particular person. But a particular cargo. So even in hypothetical analogy land, you're a bit off. As beer doesn't have constitutional rights. While gay people do.

I ask again, what public accommodation law applies to truck drivers like these two men?

It's all about denying service to people based on their religion. They are judging people who drink or eat bacon. There is no rule that they cannot serve, handle or haul those things, but they refuse anyway and get away.

A cake with a gay message on it is also cargo. Having to cater a gay wedding means attending the reception. That is more involved than scanning a package of bacon.

Muslim bakeries refuse service to gays, but no one wants to offend them by making them follow laws. They get to adhere to their beliefs.

Either you leave your religious beliefs at home when you run a business or you don't. It simply is not fair that Muslims constantly refuse things based on their religion and others can't.

You idiots think the law is different for Christians than Muslims ? God you are dumb , I can't take it anymore !

They sell cakes . You can't deny someone a cake cause they are gay, straight , Christian or whatever . Why ? Because we have laws that say businesses can't deny services based on the customers religion or sexual preference .

Is that so hard to understand ? "Religion "
Includes Christians as well as Muslims .
How about selling guns and ammo to black gangbangers??

You can discriminate against gangbangers.
Who said? The federal government?
I see no truth or credibility in what the federal government says...

Well if you really want to know !!!! Discrimination laws are specific on who you can't target . Disabled people , religion , race . On and on. "Protected class" is what it's called .

I'm pretty sure "gang bangers " ain't on the list .

So if you don't want to sell a gun to a hells angels , then don't . And you can tell it to their face ! Please do!
Speaking of guns, this is a reminder to all the gun nuts to starting ramping up your outrage for when Obama closes the background check loophole for gun shows, next week. Somebody has to speak for the rights of the mentally ill and of convicted felons....
It's all about denying service to people based on their religion. They are judging people who drink or eat bacon. There is no rule that they cannot serve, handle or haul those things, but they refuse anyway and get away.

A cake with a gay message on it is also cargo. Having to cater a gay wedding means attending the reception. That is more involved than scanning a package of bacon.

Muslim bakeries refuse service to gays, but no one wants to offend them by making them follow laws. They get to adhere to their beliefs.

Either you leave your religious beliefs at home when you run a business or you don't. It simply is not fair that Muslims constantly refuse things based on their religion and others can't.

You idiots think the law is different for Christians than Muslims ? God you are dumb , I can't take it anymore !

They sell cakes . You can't deny someone a cake cause they are gay, straight , Christian or whatever . Why ? Because we have laws that say businesses can't deny services based on the customers religion or sexual preference .

Is that so hard to understand ? "Religion "
Includes Christians as well as Muslims .
How about selling guns and ammo to black gangbangers??

You can discriminate against gangbangers.
Who said? The federal government?
I see no truth or credibility in what the federal government says...

Well if you really want to know !!!! Discrimination laws are specific on who you can't target . Disabled people , religion , race . On and on. "Protected class" is what it's called .

I'm pretty sure "gang bangers " ain't on the list .

So if you don't want to sell a gun to a hells angels , then don't . And you can tell it to their face ! Please do!
Speaking of guns, this is a reminder to all the gun nuts to starting ramping up your outrage for when Obama closes the background check loophole for gun shows, next week. Somebody has to speak for the rights of the mentally ill and of convicted felons....
...and the gangbangers who will get their guns anyway, Barrys little EO will not save one life.
Sad thing is that sorry ass fool doesn't know it, progressives are delusional in their own self worship
Why is it that Christians are the only ones told to leave their religion at home when they go to work or school?

These Muslims walked off the job to demand time off numerous times a day to pray AND they wanted to be paid for the times they weren't working. Real fair to the other workers who actually stay and do their jobs the whole time. This is bullshit that they even demand this. CAIR is already upset about this and fighting for what is basically sharia law. Must bend over for Muslims and treat them special. I am glad the company fired them for making unreasonable demands. I am sick of those who give in to the bullshit. They can pray at home and keep their religion to themselves the way every other person is expected to do these days. If they refuse to work the hours everyone else does, they deserve to be fired.

Muslims Walk Off the Job After Demanding PAID Prayer Time… Instantly Regret It | Top Right News
Why is it that Christians are the only ones told to leave their religion at home when they go to work or school?
Because... there's so many of ya, we don't want you to be able easily identify one another since that would make it too effortless for you guys to plot against us sinners. :D

"Some people think this is paranoia, but it isn't. Paranoids only think everyone is out to get them. Wizards know it." --- Terry Pratchett
Why is it that Christians are the only ones told to leave their religion at home when they go to work or school?
Because... there's so many of ya, we don't want you to be able easily identify one another since that would make it too effortless for you guys to plot against us sinners. :D

"Some people think this is paranoia, but it isn't. Paranoids only think everyone is out to get them. Wizards know it." --- Terry Pratchett

We're all sinners, so that's not it.
Why is it that Christians are the only ones told to leave their religion at home when they go to work or school?
Because... there's so many of ya, we don't want you to be able easily identify one another since that would make it too effortless for you guys to plot against us sinners. :D

"Some people think this is paranoia, but it isn't. Paranoids only think everyone is out to get them. Wizards know it." --- Terry Pratchett

We're all sinners, so that's not it.
Yeah but some of us are REALLY good at it. :evil:
Why is it that Christians are the only ones told to leave their religion at home when they go to work or school?
Because... there's so many of ya, we don't want you to be able easily identify one another since that would make it too effortless for you guys to plot against us sinners. :D

"Some people think this is paranoia, but it isn't. Paranoids only think everyone is out to get them. Wizards know it." --- Terry Pratchett

Naw. If they were going to plot, they'd do it on Sundays when they all got together.
Why is it that Christians are the only ones told to leave their religion at home when they go to work or school?
Because... there's so many of ya, we don't want you to be able easily identify one another since that would make it too effortless for you guys to plot against us sinners. :D

"Some people think this is paranoia, but it isn't. Paranoids only think everyone is out to get them. Wizards know it." --- Terry Pratchett

Naw. If they were going to plot, they'd do it on Sundays when they all got together.

Holy cow! when did this getting together on Sunday bullshit start? time to build that bomb shelter I've always wanted. :p
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.
The laws on "rules of business" are bullshit and bigoted. Not to mention UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Individuality created this country. It is a shame you limp wrists want to destroy that. All over someones feelings.
Grow the fuck up

Slavery was a business. Are the current laws on slavery unconstitutional?
The Constitution neither authorized nor prohibited slavery.

But US law certainly does now. There are, to use your term 'rules of business' against slavery.

You say those rules are unconstitutional. Defend your position.
The 10th Amendment.
Defend your position that rules of business against slavery are unconstitutional.
Gays have civil rights just as Blacks do. Sorry you're too stupid to understand.

Forget about civil rights. This isn't about civil rights, this is about control. Stop trying to control people. Let them live as they want. Let them marry who they want. Let them sell to whomever they want.

This isn't 1960. In a few hours it's going to be 2016. If a baker is enough of a bigot to refuse service to a gay couple, then let them. They don't deserve the business. Nor my business. Instead of disallowing people to refuse service to gay couples, let's just require that they have a large sign at the front door that announces that they refuse to serve gay weddings. And let all that business go elsewhere....
Here we go....
Yes, exposing Republicans and right-wing fake-Christians as bigots who hate Christ is a duty of all Christian Crusaders who love God and HIS WORD.

Put down these hateful scum by exposing them to the light of the true WORD of GOD.

Hypocrites shall be exposed, and their businesses attacked, to save
Christians who don't bake cakes for gays deserve to be put out of business
Yep, right alongside Jewish print shop owners that refuse to print flyers for the American Nazi Party....

Heaven forbid business owners forgo making decisions based on political correctness and instead follow their own conscience. :rolleyes:
Stay focused, this is about hypocritical satan worshippers pretending to be Christians, denying a civil right to people based on the idea they are sinners, when they in fact support the only sin mentioned by Christ, Adultery.

Muslim bakers and florists have flown under the media radar during the recent uproar over Christian-owned businesses and gay rights, but a hidden-camera video may have changed that.

The video showing Muslim bakers in Michigan reluctant to bake a cake for a gay wedding went viral last weekend, snaring more than 2.2 million views in three days and igniting debate over whether Christian business owners are being singled out for lawsuits, complaints and media focus.

Video puts Muslim bakeries, florists in gay-rights spotlight

I didn't realize Michigan had public accommodation laws protecting the gay community from discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Shouldn't your source be using a state that has those laws in place, for their example?

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