Christmas Miracles


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
'Tis the season... for miracles! I'm going to try to post as many as I can this year because the world deserves to know!

A Christmas miracle! Baby born 17 weeks early with a 10% chance of living finally goes home for the holidays after five months in hospital | Mail Online

A baby who was given a mere ten per cent chance of living when she was born 17 weeks premature is finally going home after five months in the hospital, just in time for the holidays.
Meghan Hope Pacyna was only eight inches long and weighed just 15.3 ounces - less than a pound - when she was born on July 9 to René, 39, and Mark Pacyna from Schaumburg, Illinois.
Today, after spending her first five months of life under medical care, Meghan is finally going home for the holidays and doctors, as well as her parents, are calling her health a miracle.
it is a miracle and a proof of constantly advancing frontier of the medical care.
For now. ( if the crap stays, the advance will reverse itself).

BTW a baby born at 23 weeks gestational age( as was this one) is considered a cluster of cells by many states. And many idiots, who support the murder of the baby in utero..
so far the baby born at 22 weeks of gestational age is the earliest to be known to survive.
Happened also here, in the US.

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