Illinois sheriff’s deputy charged with murder shot Black woman in face after she called police for help

Back the Blue stop asking questions. He feared for his goddamn life lol You are with us or you are with the terrorist. Pretty sure she was leader of the Vicelords in Illinois.
While it’s not entirely clear to me what you are talking about, I’m betting you are a liberal.
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While it’s not entirely clear to me what you spare talking about, I’m betting you are a liberal.
actually the shooting was justified. this woman was crazy from time she opened the door all you got to do is listen to her. what he screwed was keeping on with her instead of leaving and not going in her house. then the way he acted after she was shot saying she dead and not to get help. cops are not to make that decision. so yeah he should have been fired but it was not murder it was justified. and all these family members cared about her why were they not around checking too see she took her pills. no there all over race bating for money. they never cared for her.

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