Donald Trump's Finally Been Seen In Public Without Ear Bandage

well what are YOUR thoughts? since your the one who started this thread. Dare to go out on a limb?
That ear doesn't look like an ear that was shot by a high-powered rifle to me.

Note: I didn't say he wasn't shot at. However, I doubt that he actually got shot.

It's been reported that FBI doubts he got hit by the bullet and more likely by shards of glass instead.

The guy who got killed behind Trump, was he in the path of the bullet, or is this another "magic bullet" type thing once again?
My thoughts are also that, IF Trump had anything to hide, and created any type of deception with his ear injury.... he wouldnt be parading around a "perfect" ear with risk of "truth " being uncovered.
First of all a photo can be manipulated, also he could be given a prostetic ear piece, with color, OR some plastic surgury was done, OR the wound though it may have bled a lot, may not have been so large.
Doesnt really matter but I'm pretty certain two people didnt die all for a TRump photo OP.
Im certain though that many irrational Democrats believe that.
That ear doesn't look like an ear that was shot by a high-powered rifle to me.

Note: I didn't say he wasn't shot at. However, I doubt that he actually got shot.

It's been reported that FBI doubts he got hit by the bullet and more likely by shards of glass instead.

The guy who got killed behind Trump, was he in the path of the bullet, or is this another "magic bullet" type thing once again?

Glass from where??
The teleprompter.

Get out of your rightwing bubble.
the asssasin must have been a horrible shot huh?

Nope , debunked. You can see two perfectly intact telepromptors... and also in that video you can see the top of Trumps ear was NOT shot off.. the grazing was below it.
Marc, you got to try much harder, your falling for these Hate Trump scams much to easily.
the asssasin must have been a horrible shot huh?

Nope , debunked. You can see two perfectly intact telepromptors... and also in that video you can see the top of Trumps ear was NOT shot off.. the grazing was below it.
Trump was not hit by a bullet. He might have been hit with some fragments from the byllet, but a whole bulllet did not hit Trump in the ear. An AR15 bullet would have taken his ear off.
Trump was not hit by a bullet. He might have been hit with some fragments from the byllet, but a whole bulllet did not hit Trump in the ear. An AR15 bullet would have taken his ear off.
yes it would have if it hit it directly. A bullet can graze something. havent you ever gone shooting before?
the teleprompter was proven disinformation. thanks for contributing.
I'm taking about getting hit with fragments of the bullet. It's just time to cease the trump is a hero bullshit. The mf is a convicted felon who got grazed by a part of a bullet.
I'm taking about getting hit with fragments of the bullet.

then what caused the bullet to fragment? It sure was not the teleprompter
Doesn't matter. Why hasn't trump released the information?

Hmm it matters because your theory makes no sense. Clear shot to Trumps head from above, the bullet would have to hit something to fragment. Why is it so hard to believe that a bullet can graze an ear without blowing it off? Just a little nick would open it up and cause a lot of blood.

ive shot at tin cans, bottles... and in some cases if you just nick your target, the can is left still sitting on a rock even though you heard it hit.

its not damn impossible.. but its so much easier for you all to believe some intricate conspiracy, that Trump had to pull off with amazing acting.
the asssasin must have been a horrible shot huh?

Nope , debunked. You can see two perfectly intact telepromptors... and also in that video you can see the top of Trumps ear was NOT shot off.. the grazing was below it.
I'm open to whatever is the truth.

I find it interesting that the right isn't really pressing for any details on the entire affair.

To me their silence speaks volumes.

But who cares, right?

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