The danger of religion

Wasn't that before the US Constitution was passed in 1789? The First Amendment says the newly formed government is to be neutral and silent on religious matters. Of course one of the early Congresses gave themselves a chaplain.
Penn advocated freedom of religion but favored the Quaker faith. I once read that he wanted the 'state' religion of Pennsylvania to be Quaker, but I can't find evidence of that online. Because of that I deleted that post.
Penn advocated freedom of religion but favored the Quaker faith. I once read that he wanted the 'state' religion of Pennsylvania to be Quaker, but I can't find evidence of that online. Because of that I deleted that post.
Roger Williams in Rhode Island had similar views I think. Most organized religions tend to shun those who don't join the club, but some are more tolerant than others.
For decades at least most Americans through their schools have been conditioned to believe that Jews are God's Chosen People, which is nothing but Old Testament nonsense. Do you believe that? Do you see yourself as inferior to the Jewish race? Or perhaps you're Jewish and see your race as Superior, as the Old Testament says?
The OT says no such thing. Jews superiority is mainly because of their regard for education, and this largely out of necessity as Jews in the diaspora were routinely dispossessed and driven away making 'materialism' difficult, thus the Jewish saying, "If you can't carry it in your head, you must carry it on your back." So, Jews favored the professions, that required higher education rather than mundane manual skills. God cursed the Jews in the days of Ezekiel and has yet to lift that curse. It is noteworthy that Jews thrive best in Christian nations. Curious, as they have an abiding distaste for Christianity.
Harpy in #5 misuses the OT to say God said genocide was cool, go forth and kill women and children.
I still prefer to say the OT was superseded by the NT, especially if the OT prophesied about Jesus. I call that "planned obsolescence". (when He comes listen carefully)

So, you are saying that God changed from the OT to the NT?
My dad called me Bobby until I was about 12 y/o, then he called me Bob, as he felt that I had outgrown that name. But I didn't notice any change in him, just in me. I felt more grown up.

So God moving on from telling his people to kill every man, woman, child and livestock is the same as your dad calling you by a different version of your name?

I guess that means we are more grown up and do not need to commit genocide at God's command any longer.

Yeah for us.
Harpy in #5 misuses the OT to say God said genocide was cool, go forth and kill women and children.
I still prefer to say the OT was superseded by the NT, especially if the OT prophesied about Jesus. I call that "planned obsolescence". (when He comes listen carefully)
Your NT teaches that MILLIONS will die at His Return just to SAVE THE ELECT
So God moving on from telling his people to kill every man, woman, child and livestock is the same as your dad calling you by a different version of your name?

I guess that means we are more grown up and do not need to commit genocide at God's command any longer.

Yeah for us.
The New Covenant relieved Israel from making war. Instead of being a nation with an army Israel became the church. However, God has prophesied genocide once again, on behalf of the church, when Christ returns.
1. The nanny government and the teacher's unions push the gay agenda, including the reading of deviant books, and drag shows. Concerned parents who speak up at school boards are labeled "domestic terrorists".

2. Catholics focus on the New Testament dumbass. Even in the OT I'm not aware of God ordering genocide, except maybe for Sodom and Gomorrah?
He ordered the slaughter of the Canaanites. Haven't you read the Bible?
Either no religions are displayed in public schools or all religions are displayed in public schools. Take your pick - I’m fine with either one.

Your goofy religion will not get special treatment.
All religions have not had a cultural or historical impact on the concept, creation, and evolvement of the United States as a nation or the language, arts, music, sculpture, architecture, laws, customs, traditions that we share as a people. To include all in the historical record would not only be really REALLY bad history but would be too silly to even consider.

Again nobody is suggesting that JudeoChristian doctrine or dogma be taught in the public schools but rather the profound degree that JudeoChristian influences have driven our laws, culture, customs, traditions, history.
He ordered the slaughter of the Canaanites. Haven't you read the Bible?
Just the NT. The OT is boring. HE didn't order anything, some guy wrote some stuff because he thought God said it. The NT is 1st person. Moses wrote Genesis about 1,500 BC. That is a long long time ago. The world is a lot different today. The NT is still applicable. See the difference?
I know right, we should teach them that genocide is good as long as god says it is. We should teach them it is cool to kill women and children as long as they are told to by their leaders.
Your Israeli genocide has been proven false hundreds of times. Nobody but you you Hitler in a headscarf protesters believe that nonsense.

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