The Left Now Beefing Up Kamala.She's Just So Aamazing!But What If Her Average Rally Brings In Between 500 And 1000 People?

Yup, remember how the orange douche boasted about crowd size was reduced to whining when he got his ass handed to him? Good times.

Glad you brought that up.

It obviously went over your head why I did

You're really not very bright, dimbulb
The problem with your scenario, the Republicans have given ZERO plans on how they could immediately reduce prices and inflation ....and some of their plans actually will increase inflation even more.

Rally size doesn't win elections, ground games do.
And you think the creature with a vagina is going to reduce prices and inflation?

Where Does Kamala Harris Stand on Taxes?
  • When you raise taxes on corporations, that tax ends up costing the middle class with higher prices. Stupid Democrat voters just cant understand the concept.

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