Chuck Hagel’s Plan for U.S. Forces in ‘Palestine’


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
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Chuck Hagel’s Plan for U.S. Forces in ‘Palestine’

February 26, 2013
By Joseph Klein


One of Hagel’s principal co-signatories on the report was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who had advised Obama on foreign policy during his first presidential campaign. Brzezinski has been openly hostile to Israel, accusing it of “brutal repression” and colonialism among other things – i.e., the Palestinian party line.


The principal painful concession recommended in the report was a two-state solution that would result in Israel having to retreat largely behind the indefensible pre-June1967 lines, with minor land swaps. President Obama’s own proposal for a two-state solution mirrored this recommendation.

The report also endorsed a Jerusalem divided into two national capitals “with Jewish neighborhoods falling under Israeli sovereignty and Arab neighborhoods under Palestinian sovereignty.” The reality on the ground, however, is that there is no such strict separation of populations all over Jerusalem. Rather there are some mixed Arab-Jewish neighborhoods. Many Jerusalem-area Arabs also would not want to give up so easily the benefits of living under Israeli sovereignty, such as superior health care, social security and better access to jobs.


So much for engaging Hamas on the contours of a two-state solution.

In 2011, Hamas’s former minister of “culture,” Atallah Abu Al-Subh, called Jews “the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the earth.”

Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense will be in a position to push the disastrous recommendations of the report he co-authored. It would not take much to convince Obama that they are worth trying, particularly if the UN puts its stamp of approval on the plan and it is conducted under the UN’s auspices. Any Senator foolish enough to confirm Chuck Hagel, given his demonstrated incompetence, will also have to explain to U.S. soldiers put in harm’s way if the recommendations endorsed by Hagel move forward.

Chuck Hagel?s Plan for U.S. Forces in ?Palestine?
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Hagel Proposed 60,000 Man/10 Year US Occupation of Jerusalem and West Bank

February 25, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

The plan would have required an occupation of parts of Israel on an unknown scale. One NATO researcher estimated that we might be talking about a 10-15 year occupation by 60,000 troops at a cost of 160 billion dollars. And that may not be all of it.

The report seemed to hint at an internationalization of Jerusalem, a longtime obsession for some of the Anti-Israel crowd, complete with special airspace regulations.


Hagel Proposed 60,000 Man/10 Year US Occupation of Jerusalem and West Bank

Would Iran nuke Israel if American troops are there?

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Chuck Hagel’s Plan for U.S. Forces in ‘Palestine’

February 26, 2013
By Joseph Klein

One of Hagel’s principal co-signatories on the report was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who had advised Obama on foreign policy during his first presidential campaign. Brzezinski has been openly hostile to Israel, accusing it of “brutal repression” and colonialism among other things – i.e., the Palestinian party line.
That's not just a Palestinian party line, that is the position of the entire civilized world and over 200 UN resolutions Israel is in violation of, bears this out.

The principal painful concession recommended in the report was a two-state solution that would result in Israel having to retreat largely behind the indefensible pre-June1967 lines, with minor land swaps. President Obama’s own proposal for a two-state solution mirrored this recommendation.
That is the only option Israel has.

Allowing them to hold onto land siezed in a war, would be like allowing Hitler to keep Poland and that ain't gonna happen.

The report also endorsed a Jerusalem divided into two national capitals “with Jewish neighborhoods falling under Israeli sovereignty and Arab neighborhoods under Palestinian sovereignty.” The reality on the ground, however, is that there is no such strict separation of populations all over Jerusalem. Rather there are some mixed Arab-Jewish neighborhoods. Many Jerusalem-area Arabs also would not want to give up so easily the benefits of living under Israeli sovereignty, such as superior health care, social security and better access to jobs.
East Jerusalem is not Israeli land.

So much for engaging Hamas on the contours of a two-state solution.

In 2011, Hamas’s former minister of “culture,” Atallah Abu Al-Subh, called Jews “the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the earth.”
In light of Israel's inhuman treatment of the Palestinian's, they don't deserve a country.

Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense will be in a position to push the disastrous recommendations of the report he co-authored. It would not take much to convince Obama that they are worth trying, particularly if the UN puts its stamp of approval on the plan and it is conducted under the UN’s auspices. Any Senator foolish enough to confirm Chuck Hagel, given his demonstrated incompetence, will also have to explain to U.S. soldiers put in harm’s way if the recommendations endorsed by Hagel move forward.

Chuck Hagel?s Plan for U.S. Forces in ?Palestine?
Putting US forces in the OPT and driving the god-damn Israeli's back to Israel, is a great idea and I'm all for it.
Hagel is an idiot. Therefore a perfect Obama appointee. Fortunately he wont be making policy, as he said in his testimony.
Israel needs to start acting like the independent state it is and deal with the terrorists like any other state would.
Hagel is an idiot. Therefore a perfect Obama appointee. Fortunately he wont be making policy, as he said in his testimony.
Israel needs to start acting like the independent state it is and deal with the terrorists like any other state would.
Israel is acting as a pariah state and they are the ones committing the terrorism.

They need to be brought to justice and sending in the marines to do that, is a fine idea.
Hagel is an idiot. Therefore a perfect Obama appointee. Fortunately he wont be making policy, as he said in his testimony.
Israel needs to start acting like the independent state it is and deal with the terrorists like any other state would.
Israel is acting as a pariah state and they are the ones committing the terrorism.

They need to be brought to justice and sending in the marines to do that, is a fine idea.

I realize I am arguing with a world class moron, but what the heck.

Israel trades with all the European countries, the US, South America and Asia. So that's a funny definition of "pariah."
I guess you want the US brought to justice too for killing bin Laden and waging war on al Qaeda.
Finally, the U.S. has an administration that has come to grips with the reality of Israel's intransigent position towards Palestine.

Hagel is a great choice to implement a policy that directly addresses the problem of radical zionism and Israel's brutal policies towards it's neighbors.......... :cool:
Finally, the U.S. has an administration that has come to grips with the reality of Israel's intransigent position towards Palestine.

Hagel is a great choice to implement a policy that directly addresses the problem of radical zionism and Israel's brutal policies towards it's neighbors.......... :cool:

And what is that policy, oh son of a camel?
Our relationship with Israel is what makes the U.S. central in brokering a comprehensive peace. Security assistance and strategic dialogue aim to guarantee Israel’s “qualitative military edge” over any conceivable array of enemies and strengthen the U.S.-Israel security partnership. Still, within Israel there are strong and vocal minorities opposing peace; not in word, but in deed. Militant settlers and their political supporters want nothing to do with the kinds of compromises – the “painful concessions” in the words of Ariel Sharon – that would create a viable Palestinian state and secure peace with Syria and Lebanon. Theirs is a vision of perpetual conflict over real estate and settlement expansion; warfare welcomed, ironically, as a gift of unsurpassed value by the enemies of the U.S. and Israel.
Creating a new country called Palestine for the Palestinians would be akin to creating a a new state in the mid-West for the mid-Westerners and calling it MidWestine!

Look as far back as you want...there has NEVER been a sovereign country called Palestine.

Political Geography Now: Is Palestine Really a Country?

History of Israel and Palestine in VERY Easy To Understand Maps

The Middle East war is not now and never was a conflict between Israelis/Jews on the one hand and Palestinians on the other. In fact, the Arab-"Palestinians", while currently the perpetrators of most of the anti-Jewish atrocities, were never a very important part of the conflict. In fact, before about 1970, virtually no one in the world considered the Middle East conflict to be one between Israelis and Palestinians.

The term "Palestinian" itself had referred to Israeli Jews back in the 1940s, and had been slowly deconstructed and redefined to refer to the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza. The Middle East Conflict was always a war by Arabs against Jews, not a conflict between Israelis and "Palestinians." The war was repackaged as a conflict between Jews and Palestinians as a public relations gimmick by the Arab fascist regimes. These regimes had never had any interest in "Palestinians," in creating a "Palestinian" state, or in "Palestinian nationalism" before 1967. That is because Palestinian nationalism did not and DOES NOT exist. The Palestinians were a regional group of Arabs having virtually no cultural nor national distinctive traits separating them from Syrians, Lebanese, and Jordanians. They are all basically Arabs!.

The bulk of what are called "Palestinian Arabs" are members of families who migrated into the Land of Israel beginning in the late 19th century. Palestinian nationalism is a mislabeling of Arab nationalism. Arab nationalism exists, although it is closely bound up with Islamic nationalism and even Islamism. Palestinian nationalism, however, is a phantom. It is nothing more than genocidal hatred of Jews!

The Arab assaults and aggressions against Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1968, and 1973 had nothing to do with Palestinians. The Palestinian terror campaign would itself be easy to suppress today and eradicate if the Middle East conflict were really a Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Israel would simply obliterate the terrorists and expel their supporters to Syria and Lebanon. The Middle East war continues because it is really an Arab-Israeli war, not an Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is also in large part a war between barbarism and civilization. In many ways an Islamic religious jihad against the Jews.
Our relationship with Israel is what makes the U.S. central in brokering a comprehensive peace. Security assistance and strategic dialogue aim to guarantee Israel’s “qualitative military edge” over any conceivable array of enemies and strengthen the U.S.-Israel security partnership. Still, within Israel there are strong and vocal minorities opposing peace; not in word, but in deed. Militant settlers and their political supporters want nothing to do with the kinds of compromises – the “painful concessions” in the words of Ariel Sharon – that would create a viable Palestinian state and secure peace with Syria and Lebanon. Theirs is a vision of perpetual conflict over real estate and settlement expansion; warfare welcomed, ironically, as a gift of unsurpassed value by the enemies of the U.S. and Israel.
Under Sharon Israel conceded all of Gaza. What did they get in return? How much more peaceful were the Palis after that?
Nothing and none, is the answer.
You cannot negotiate with people sworn to wipe you off the face of the earth.

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