Chuck Norris read the bill

Those protections are already in place.
They are done @ the state level.
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What I can't figure out...are these people really this stupid or are they just pretending to be? What a waste of time it is to even read their posts.
Those protections are already in place.
They are done @ the state level.

And they are necessary enough to have federal consideration. If you think otherwise then feel free to get your grass root effort on in 2012.
Those protections are already in place.
They are done @ the state level.

I don't know that they are. Do you know what your state offers?
To the best of my knowledge Teacher DRs and people in a position of authority are tasked to report suspected child abuse.
Its doesn't work all the time now, but it will cost most and work less with another layer of government bullshit on top of what he have.
"well-trained and competent staff," would "provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains ... modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices," and "skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development."

You know......this is a good thing. You would think so too if you needed it. The state I live in provided it when my third child was born 3 months premature. She was/is fine, but having someone assess her progress was comforting and if I ever had any questions I had a resource. They suggested learning strategies and provided toys that helped to stimulate her development. When it was time for kindergarten her file went to the school and her prematurity was taken into account and she still receives extra help and monitoring and the information can be used to help other children in the program. A lot of advancements have been made in improving the success with preemies, but the post natal development phase is an entirely different field. The nervous system is the last thing that gets "hooked up" so to speak, as a baby develops in utero and the effects of a premature birth can widely vary.

As I said, this was my third child and I had a good idea what benchmarks were considered normal but I appreciated it greatly. When you have a child that spends 2 months in the NICU your world kind of seems to stand still and it is a trying time. You are hyper vigilant [or a least I was] you constantly check to see if they are breathing, for one thing, since bradycardias are a fact in the NICU and it takes a while to get over it. I craved information of any kind that would make me more aware of what was going on. I hope I am not unusual in that regard.

Chuck Norris can STFU.

And did you get all of this attention for your special needs child--from your medical professionals or a government social worker-aka your state--or both?

The point is we already know that special needs children are helped by medical staff & parental counseling regarding their special needs--usually offered by state services.

It looks to me like this bill includes normal-healthy babies also--to provide parental skills & other education to the parents--which they already receive on a regular basis from their pediatricians along with a zillion books that they can purchase, DVD education programs etc.

We don't need a Federal government sponsored program in any health care bill--that sends a nanny to every household in America to educate parents.

If we are going to go this far--they probably need something else in this health bill to wipe a lot of unclean butts that could use some government assistance too--LOL.
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God knows an intellectual giant like Pelosi is who I want raising my children.

No one said anything about stomping into your house and raising your chillins. The drama queen nature of you people crack me up. As if Nancy fucking Piosi is going to walk into your kitchen and drink your milk strait from the fucking carton. Seriously.

Yes seriously. I live in California and they are already usurping authority over our kids, who would have thought they could take minors off campus and get them abortions without parental consent?

If they can cut on our children without permission they clearly think they know best and our parental rights mean nothing.
"well-trained and competent staff," would "provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains ... modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices," and "skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development."

You know......this is a good thing. You would think so too if you needed it. The state I live in provided it when my third child was born 3 months premature. She was/is fine, but having someone assess her progress was comforting and if I ever had any questions I had a resource. They suggested learning strategies and provided toys that helped to stimulate her development. When it was time for kindergarten her file went to the school and her prematurity was taken into account and she still receives extra help and monitoring and the information can be used to help other children in the program. A lot of advancements have been made in improving the success with preemies, but the post natal development phase is an entirely different field. The nervous system is the last thing that gets "hooked up" so to speak, as a baby develops in utero and the effects of a premature birth can widely vary.

As I said, this was my third child and I had a good idea what benchmarks were considered normal but I appreciated it greatly. When you have a child that spends 2 months in the NICU your world kind of seems to stand still and it is a trying time. You are hyper vigilant [or a least I was] you constantly check to see if they are breathing, for one thing, since bradycardias are a fact in the NICU and it takes a while to get over it. I craved information of any kind that would make me more aware of what was going on. I hope I am not unusual in that regard.

Chuck Norris can STFU.

And I bet you ASKED for those services, didn't you? You didn't have the government storming your home telling you how to train your kids.

Remember when they tried to pass laws disallowing spanking?

What about the threats to take away our kids if they miss too much school? My son was real sick one year (okay I let him stay home, he had great grades, and THEN he got sick on top of that) and they threatened to bring me before some board and THEY would determine if I would keep my son or not.

And why do they care if my child goes to school? Do you think it's to make sure all kids are educated? NOPE. It was because at that time they only received funding when kids attended. When that caveat was dropped suddenly all interest in my parental excellence ceased.
Those protections are already in place.
They are done @ the state level.

That's a good point and I don't know why they couldn't just provide enough funding through the state medicaid programs instead of creating more bureaucracy at the federal level.

I don't blame people for being mindful of the repercussions in setting that precedent, or vocal about wanting to know more before the bill passes.
What about the threats to take away our kids if they miss too much school? My son was real sick one year (okay I let him stay home, he had great grades, and THEN he got sick on top of that) and they threatened to bring me before some board and THEY would determine if I would keep my son or not.

Yikes. I had a similar situation although my kid was on the honor roll and she was not sick, she only needed to go half the time, the other half she was home on her computer talking in Ukrainian, Swedish, and Russian with people all over the world, and Latin with a real Italian Latin teacher in Rome. They wanted to hold her back, but she received the foreign language award from the HS, so they were in a tight spot and had to give her her diploma.:lol: 5 years of Latin, 3 for German and 1 year for French........that's 9 years of language plus all the other subjects in the regular 4 years of HS. She was on the Academic Team. And she's a musician who is a drummer, percussionist, classical guitarist, bassist and plays the keyboards. So she did ok.....we have state mandated proficiency tests here that she aced, so they really had no reason. They tried, but failed and her teachers objected so the principal had to let her graduate. The military has been calling here for years trying to snag her, but she's not responding.

She's not the norm. My middle has almost perfect attendance and hardly ever gets sick and she likes school. She's mainstream all the way.

If you communicate with the teachers and there is no problem academically then no red flags should be raised. But missing a lot of school is generally not good and can be an indication of negative things. If you don't communicate then what are they to think? If you have a self starter like I did, that can be quantified and documented. However if a child is just languishing somebody needs to find out what the deal is.
Those protections are already in place.
They are done @ the state level.

That's a good point and I don't know why they couldn't just provide enough funding through the state medicaid programs instead of creating more bureaucracy at the federal level.

I don't blame people for being mindful of the repercussions in setting that precedent, or vocal about wanting to know more before the bill passes.
I believe they were talking about two different things.

Anyway, from what I read of this portion of the bill is that it will mean that a visiting nurse or doula will be covered by the insurance if the mother in question feels the need for some home instruction/care. I can't see how anyone can object to insurance paying for that.
God knows an intellectual giant like Pelosi is who I want raising my children.

No one said anything about stomping into your house and raising your chillins. The drama queen nature of you people crack me up. As if Nancy fucking Piosi is going to walk into your kitchen and drink your milk strait from the fucking carton. Seriously.

Yes seriously. I live in California and they are already usurping authority over our kids, who would have thought they could take minors off campus and get them abortions without parental consent?

If they can cut on our children without permission they clearly think they know best and our parental rights mean nothing.

Cradle to the grave.....cradle to the grave.
It's becoming more, and more apparent don't you think?
And did you get all of this attention for your special needs child--from your medical professionals or a government social worker-aka your state--or both?

The point is we already know that special needs children are helped by medical staff & parental counseling regarding their special needs--usually offered by state services.

I wouldn't call her a special needs child per se. The education infrastructure here is quite complex and the program was related to that in order to identify potential problems and head them off at the pass. Our state education superintendent said she'd rather start children into pre-k and lop off 12th grade because she thinks it would yield better overall results. Early childhood education is a specialty field and teachers that teach pre-k to 3rd in this state need these degrees to teach those grades. The early grade teachers are tasked with elaborate assessments to track and place all children and monitor their progress and identify what works and what doesn't. This includes highly gifted and regular performers as well as those that have developmental problems or physical problems. It must work. It does work. The private schools around here don't have the stats the public ones do.
Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare is about the government's coming into homes and usurping parental rights over child care and development.

It's outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading "home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children." The programs (provided via grants to states) would educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills.

The bill says that the government agents, "well-trained and competent staff," would "provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains ... modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices," and "skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development."

Chuck Norris : Dirty Secret No. 1 in Obamacare -

Now the government want to put a second group of federal inspector in your home this and federal inspector making sure your domicile is up to snuff environmentally .

No no encroachment going on.

Well perhaps you should have read it, too.

1. They aren't "Federal inspectors".

2. "(a) The purpose of this section is to improve the well-being health and development of children by enabling the establishment and expansion of high quality programs providing voluntary home visitation for families with young children and families expecting children."

3. "(c) in supporting home visitation programs using funds provided under this section, the State will promote coordination and collaboration with other home visitation programs (including programs funded under title XIX) and with other child and family services, health services, income supports, and other related assistance."

What is being amended:

Social Security Act Title IV

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