CIA Creates another false flag operation to force Trump

What does it matter if Russia is "involved" or not? Why is that any of our business? We need to meddle in every conflict around the world?

The Ukraine is in the middle of a civil war. There are ethnic Russians in the eastern part that want to separate after the sham coup. We should stay the hell out of it.

Ukraine is involved in a :civil war" in the same manner the Syrians are involved in a civil war.

The CIA was to create a beachhead in Ukraine. The US has been trying to do that for 50 years. The CIA will create whtaever mess is necessary to implement its agenda.

Not buying that bullshit. The civil war started when the elected President rejected the EU agenda. Soros funded the protest and coup, the President then fled to Russia. Once the legal attempt to remove him from office failed, the Ukrainians just made up their own new government. Then began the anti-Russian crap, naturally the ethnic Russians want out, to separate. This is a war between the Ukrainians and ethnic Russians at this point.

Yeah, the Ukraine disaster was created by the US/West. The Coup was carried out with US/Western support. Most Americans just aren't aware of really happened in Ukraine. They only receive one-sided US Government/Media propaganda. As far as they know, it is all 'Russia's fault.' It's all they know.

It's not "Russia's fault", it was the globalists. They cannot allow a country to reject the EU and globalist Agenda.

Spot On. But most Americans don't know that. They're told it's all 'Russia's fault' they buy it 100%. It is what it is.

No they don't. Only shitbag liberals buy that shit. That's why they are all running around calling Trump "Putin's puppet".
Ukraine is involved in a :civil war" in the same manner the Syrians are involved in a civil war.

The CIA was to create a beachhead in Ukraine. The US has been trying to do that for 50 years. The CIA will create whtaever mess is necessary to implement its agenda.

Not buying that bullshit. The civil war started when the elected President rejected the EU agenda. Soros funded the protest and coup, the President then fled to Russia. Once the legal attempt to remove him from office failed, the Ukrainians just made up their own new government. Then began the anti-Russian crap, naturally the ethnic Russians want out, to separate. This is a war between the Ukrainians and ethnic Russians at this point.

Yeah, the Ukraine disaster was created by the US/West. The Coup was carried out with US/Western support. Most Americans just aren't aware of really happened in Ukraine. They only receive one-sided US Government/Media propaganda. As far as they know, it is all 'Russia's fault.' It's all they know.

It's not "Russia's fault", it was the globalists. They cannot allow a country to reject the EU and globalist Agenda.

Spot On. But most Americans don't know that. They're told it's all 'Russia's fault' they buy it 100%. It is what it is.

No they don't. Only shitbag liberals buy that shit. That's why they are all running around calling Trump "Putin's puppet".

Neocon Republican assholes like John McCain and Lindsey Graham buy it too. Can't stand either of them.
Russian Aggression in Ukraine?

All sorts of officials accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine. Is this true? It is not. It is fiction. It is a big lie. It is a specious claim, an absurd claim, a ridiculous claim, an unreal claim. Russia and Russians have been involved in certain respects in Ukraine, but by no sensible stretch of the imagination can such involvements be termed aggression. If there were an actual war aggression, it could not be hidden because the scope of a typical war aggression is very large. The photographic evidence for it would be overwhelming. No such evidence has been provided by Russia’s accusers. Even more importantly, it would have to be shown that the attack was an unprovoked offensive attack, and not a defensive operation. This too has not been proven by Russia’s accusers.


The Ukraine disaster was created by the US/West. But most Americans don't know that. It all started with the US/Western-backed Coup in Kiev.

But good luck trying to reason with most Americans on this. They only receive one-sided US Government/Media propaganda. They're told it's all Russia's fault, they believe it 100%. It is what it is.

Yes, indeed. An uphill battle.

Russian Aggression in Ukraine?

All sorts of officials accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine. Is this true? It is not. It is fiction. It is a big lie. It is a specious claim, an absurd claim, a ridiculous claim, an unreal claim. Russia and Russians have been involved in certain respects in Ukraine, but by no sensible stretch of the imagination can such involvements be termed aggression. If there were an actual war aggression, it could not be hidden because the scope of a typical war aggression is very large. The photographic evidence for it would be overwhelming. No such evidence has been provided by Russia’s accusers. Even more importantly, it would have to be shown that the attack was an unprovoked offensive attack, and not a defensive operation. This too has not been proven by Russia’s accusers.


The Ukraine disaster was created by the US/West. But most Americans don't know that. It all started with the US/Western-backed Coup in Kiev.

But good luck trying to reason with most Americans on this. They only receive one-sided US Government/Media propaganda. They're told it's all Russia's fault, they believe it 100%. It is what it is.

Yes, indeed. An uphill battle.


Unfortunately, most still believe in their Government/Corporate Media. They truly believe it's real news. But many are waking up. Not all Americans are so willing to be duped by American Fake News.
What does it matter if Russia is "involved" or not? Why is that any of our business? We need to meddle in every conflict around the world?

The Ukraine is in the middle of a civil war. There are ethnic Russians in the eastern part that want to separate after the sham coup. We should stay the hell out of it.

Ukraine is involved in a :civil war" in the same manner the Syrians are involved in a civil war.

The CIA was to create a beachhead in Ukraine. The US has been trying to do that for 50 years. The CIA will create whtaever mess is necessary to implement its agenda.

Not buying that bullshit. The civil war started when the elected President rejected the EU agenda. Soros funded the protest and coup, the President then fled to Russia. Once the legal attempt to remove him from office failed, the Ukrainians just made up their own new government. Then began the anti-Russian crap, naturally the ethnic Russians want out, to separate. This is a war between the Ukrainians and ethnic Russians at this point.

Yes, indeed. My point precisely.

And when we see the State Department’s Victoria Nuland in Maidan Square egging on the protesters, and hear tape of Nuland discussing with the U.S. ambassador whom we want in the next Ukrainian government, do not the Russians have a point?

Under George W. Bush, our National Endowment for Democracy helped to engineer color-coded revolutions in Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, but it failed in Belarus. We have a long track record of meddling
Not buying that bullshit. The civil war started when the elected President rejected the EU agenda. Soros funded the protest and coup, the President then fled to Russia. Once the legal attempt to remove him from office failed, the Ukrainians just made up their own new government. Then began the anti-Russian crap, naturally the ethnic Russians want out, to separate. This is a war between the Ukrainians and ethnic Russians at this point.

Yeah, the Ukraine disaster was created by the US/West. The Coup was carried out with US/Western support. Most Americans just aren't aware of really happened in Ukraine. They only receive one-sided US Government/Media propaganda. As far as they know, it is all 'Russia's fault.' It's all they know.

It's not "Russia's fault", it was the globalists. They cannot allow a country to reject the EU and globalist Agenda.

Spot On. But most Americans don't know that. They're told it's all 'Russia's fault' they buy it 100%. It is what it is.

No they don't. Only shitbag liberals buy that shit. That's why they are all running around calling Trump "Putin's puppet".

Neocon Republican assholes like John McCain and Lindsey Graham buy it too. Can't stand either of them.

Stupid motherfuckers indeed.

"....this political crisis has deepened the divide between a western Ukraine that looks to Europe, and an east whose historic, linguistic, cultural and ethnic bonds are with Mother Russia."

Ukraine clashes leave several dead and test Trump's Russia stance


The CIA has again engaged in a Dulles vs JFK maneuver to force the president to follow its agenda. The intention being to drive a wedge between Trump and Putin.


it's amazing what the fake news loons make up

poor conspiracy loon.


Don't have any? STFU


She's too stupid to have her own opinion.

With His Power Unchecked, Michael Flynn Could Lead Trump Into War With Iran

Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods memorandum (13 March 1962)[1]

Lyman L. Lemnitzer, who was in charge as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government, that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming it on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] The proposals were rejected by the Kennedy administration.[3]


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