CIA vs JFK & Trump..............Déjà vu all over again


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Yes, the CIA Director Was Part of the JFK Assassination Cover-Up

John McCone was long suspected of withholding information from the Warren Commission. Now even the CIA says he did.


October 06, 2015

John McCone came to the CIA as an outsider. An industrialist and an engineer by training, he replaced veteran spymaster Allen Dulles as director of central intelligence in November 1961, after John F. Kennedy had forced out Dulles following the CIA’s bungled operation to oust Fidel Castro by invading Cuba’s Bay of Pigs. McCone had one overriding mission: restore order at the besieged CIA. Kennedy hoped his management skills might prevent a future debacle, even if the Californian—mostly a stranger to the clubby, blue-blooded world of the men like Dulles who had always run the spy agency—faced a steep learning curve."



After JFK’s assassination in Dallas in November 1963, President Lyndon Johnson kept McCone in place at the CIA, and the CIA director became an important witness before the Warren Commission, the panel Johnson created to investigate Kennedy’s murder. McCone pledged full cooperation with the commission, which was led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, and testified that the CIA had no evidence to suggest that Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin, was part of any conspiracy, foreign or domestic. In its final report, the commission came to agree with McCone’s depiction of Oswald, a former Marine and self-proclaimed Marxist, as a delusional lone wolf.

Don't forget Ted Cruz's dad. He helped kill Kennedy.

And the moon landings were faked.

And Obama was born in Kenya, even though his mother never went there.
Dont think that Trump is any different than any of the other presidents we have had since LBJ who have all been puppets for the establishment serving the bankers instead of the people and following the constitution that JFK was on the verge of returning us to where the people had control over the government instead of all these corporations and big businesses that do now.

I wanted to believe that he was different and did at first .He isnt.He has already flip flopped saying he wont prosecute criminal Hillery. He will flip flop on eveything else as well.

watch this thread get moved to the conspiracy section,just watch.
Dont think that Trump is any different than any of the other presidents we have had since LBJ who have all been puppets for the establishment serving the bankers instead of the people and following the constitution that JFK was on the verge of returning us to where the people had control over the government instead of all these corporations and big businesses that do now.

I wanted to believe that he was different and did at first .He isnt.He has already flip flopped saying he wont prosecute criminal Hillery. He will flip flop on eveything else as well.

watch this thread get moved to the conspiracy section,just watch.

"In turn, the “Global War on Terrorism”(GWOT) launched in the wake of 9/11 has come to play a central role in justifying US-NATO military intervention in the Middle East on “humanitarian grounds” (R2P), including the instatement of so-called “No Fly Zones”. GWOT also constitutes the cornerstone of media propaganda.

The military and intelligence dimensions of the Neocons’ project are contained in The Project for the New American Century formulated prior to the accession of George W. Bush to the White House. The PNAC also posits a “Revolution in Military Affairs” requiring a massive budget outlay allocated to the development of advanced weapons systems including a new generation of nuclear weapons."

Dont think that Trump is any different than any of the other presidents we have had since LBJ who have all been puppets for the establishment serving the bankers instead of the people and following the constitution that JFK was on the verge of returning us to where the people had control over the government instead of all these corporations and big businesses that do now.

I wanted to believe that he was different and did at first .He isnt.He has already flip flopped saying he wont prosecute criminal Hillery. He will flip flop on eveything else as well.

watch this thread get moved to the conspiracy section,just watch.
If Trump is half the man JFK was, we are in great shape. We will soon find out.

One thing you have to admire about Trump, is he does not take criticism from the left like the typical pussy R would. I loved his calling upChuck the schmuck Schumer...Head Clown.

If he truly tries to limit the power of the CIA, he just might end up like JFK.
Don't forget Ted Cruz's dad. He helped kill Kennedy.

And the moon landings were faked.

And Obama was born in Kenya, even though his mother never went there.

Yeah man, we are being governed by "angels" , so go back to sleep

Dont think that Trump is any different than any of the other presidents we have had since LBJ who have all been puppets for the establishment serving the bankers instead of the people and following the constitution that JFK was on the verge of returning us to where the people had control over the government instead of all these corporations and big businesses that do now.

I wanted to believe that he was different and did at first .He isnt.He has already flip flopped saying he wont prosecute criminal Hillery. He will flip flop on eveything else as well.

watch this thread get moved to the conspiracy section,just watch.
If Trump is half the man JFK was, we are in great shape. We will soon find out.

One thing you have to admire about Trump, is he does not take criticism from the left like the typical pussy R would. I loved his calling upChuck the schmuck Schumer...Head Clown.

If he truly tries to limit the power of the CIA, he just might end up like JFK.

If Trump surprised us and was anything like JFK or Ron Paul who would for sure have been the next JFK,then i dont think they would assassinate him,they now do it more cleverly.If I am wrong about him and he is anything like him,then they would start a market crash and blame it all on Trump and say he caused it all. they would set him up the same way they did Carter sabatoging the helicoper to crash in the failed hostage rescue and they blamed it all on Carter.

Carter is the only half way decent president we have had since JFK,He also took steps to try and get rid of the CIA so they made sure that he did not serve more than one term by setting him up like that and a rigged election of course.

that is WHY so many stupid sheep in america call him the worst president ever cause they have been taken in by the CIA spin control.the same spin control that has brainwashed them that Reagan was not just a great president but a great man as well.
Dont think that Trump is any different than any of the other presidents we have had since LBJ who have all been puppets for the establishment serving the bankers instead of the people and following the constitution that JFK was on the verge of returning us to where the people had control over the government instead of all these corporations and big businesses that do now.

I wanted to believe that he was different and did at first .He isnt.He has already flip flopped saying he wont prosecute criminal Hillery. He will flip flop on eveything else as well.

watch this thread get moved to the conspiracy section,just watch.
JFK did not read the warning nor did some others including Reagan: "Attempting to bring the Federal Reserve under government control can be hazardous to health and is known to cause death."

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