City gives Occupy Philadelphia 48 Hr. eviction notice

i would say they are objecting to the system of government that no longer responses to the will of the citizens nor the needs of the citizens

They are not protesting the government. In fact, many of them want BIGGER government.

And even if they were, what would they replace it with?
A sterling example of legal fiction is what's called corporate personhood. Think about it: A corporation isn't a person. It's a business, a pool of investors' money used to conduct transactions and hopefully make a profit. But in order to determine the legality of business proceedings, the legal fiction of treating a corporation as an artificial person was created.

It would make sense that in dealing with corporations, the United States would tread lightly and limit the power that these artificial persons have. This hasn't necessarily been the case, however. In fact, in the United States, corporations have the same protections under the Constitution that humans do. Find out how this happened on the next page.

HowStuffWorks "Why do corporations have the same rights as you?"

i dont claim to fully understand how this works or why it is done......but i do think its more wrong than right.....
The reason corporations were made persons was so they could bear the liability that persons have. That means they can be sued if their product harms someone.

I would bet good money that the corporations would prefer not to be persons in the eyes of the law, too.

Again, government's doing, and only the government's doing.
our system is not the problem the bastardizing of the system is.....we do have too much power concentrated in the hands of a few....look at the republican nominees this year...when will the people accept that its gonna be mitt and that is gonna allow obama to win again.....

just look at what has been happening for decades ....i dont believe in the Illuminati stuff but i do believe the same powers control both parties and 'political parties' are just a show to prevent citizens from seeing what is really going on
The state of education is so dismal that few people understand what it means that corporations are legal persons. The left can fill the heads of such ninnies with any kind of fluff. They can't be educated, they must be ignored and their betters just go on without them. Si Modo knows the basis for such legal fictions. Thank you for trying to educate. We both know it won 't do any good.

The left MUST deliberately dumb down the populace for the reason that it could fill the heads of ninnies with the chosen fluff. Corporations do not have all the rights of a person, they have certain legal rights and responsibilities mostly for the protection of the people, not corporations. You could absolutely bet money on, and never lose, that the people who want to eliminate corporate personhood would scream to the heavens if that corporate deep pocket was suddenly taken away from them.
i would say they are objecting to the system of government that no longer responses to the will of the citizens nor the needs of the citizens

The "will of the citizens"? Michael Nutter "defeated two candidates in the general election of November 2011, garnering over 70% of the vote on a voter turnout of around 18%.[38]"

82% OF THE VOTERS IN PHILADELPHIA DID NOT VOTE! If these knuckleheads wanted a "system that responds to their needs" they might want to get off the fucking sofa and get out and vote. Or run for office. Or even start a petition. But instead they want to be "heard" by stinking up the public square. I have zero empathy.
Great, more Kick-Ass Coming...

[ame=]Occupy Wall Street - Dust Up With The Law - YouTube[/ame]
Well, it looks like a few want confrontations with the police. It makes good headlines.

UPDATE for occupiers in Philly re: mayor's "must move" threat on Sunday:

* 10 am, for those who've been involved in the occupation, meet at Dilworth to prep the plaza

* noon, supporters from OWS and other occupations arrive

* 3 pm, meet at the GA area to go over protest & other plans

* 5 pm, be ready for the eviction

* later Sunday evening, join in jail solidarity, if needed

* 4 pm the day after our eviction, regroup at Rittenhouse Square (i.e., Monday at 4 pm, if we're evicted on Sunday night)

* bring camera and recorders, to do copwatch & make media (register & post your own media at Occupy Philly Media)

UPDATE on Plans to Protest OP's Eviction | Occupy Philly Media

Rittenhouse Square is in an upscale section of the city. Mayor Nutter ain't gonna dig that.
If I was the Mayor I would wait until the next hard winter freeze to roust these retards.

I figure most will go willingly when they have icicles hanging off their face and body. :lol: :cuckoo:
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The problem is they can't wait.

The City of Philadelphia today posted an Official Notice advising the public that the $50 million Dilworth Plaza construction project is imminent. The notice was issued following the announcement that the Center City District, the project manager, has awarded a general construction contract to Daniel J. Keating Company for the project, which will employ about 800 construction workers and is scheduled for completion in about 27 months.

@PhiladelphiaGov posts notice of Dilworth Plaza Construction; project start is imminent | Facebook
The protesters are protesting for the right to receive income without working. Why would they let a project like this go forward.
i would say they are objecting to the system of government that no longer responses to the will of the citizens nor the needs of the citizens

They are not protesting the government. In fact, many of them want BIGGER government.

And even if they were, what would they replace it with?

Watch how fast it becomes about the government should the republicans win next Nov.:eek:
It's about the government now.

The movement isn't going away, but it is changing tactics, partly in response to government action, partly because camping on public land has outlived its usefulness.
Quiet night in Philly. It seems the mayor is out of town til Tuesday and the cops didn't want any trouble while he was away. Stay tuned...
No more coddling.

I stand with the cops.

Give these filthy hippie losers 2 warnings.

After the 3rd?

Philadelphia mayor gives Occupy Philly 48 hours |

"They cannot take away permission for you to be here, because this is your home," said one protester

Wrong hippies. If my "home" was legally anywhere I am physically at, I'd move into the Playboy Mansion front yard, or stake a tent in front of the women's dorm at Arizona State University (hottest women in world), and say I'm "home" and you cant make me leave.

Unfortunately, reality would set in. As it is setting in for you filthy hippies.

Sleep. Shower. Shit. Shave. Work. Eat. Repeat daily. Thats how life works you dirty rotten losers.
The movement isn't going away, but it is changing tactics, partly in response to government action, partly because camping on public land has outlived its usefulness.
How was camping on public land useful in the first place??

OWS will morph into "Hoovervilles" And we will still have the eviction fussin going on.

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