Civil War 2.0

This is a civil war between the government and the people. It just hasn't been declared yet and half the people don't know we're in it.


let me know when it's over....

I'm sure I won't notice.
I'm sure you won't, until your welfare is taken away.

The more you post lies and insults the less likely I am to ever join your side.

It is possible for a person to oppose conservative fascist lunatics like YOU and still not be on welfare.....

you cons are disgustingly stupid.
If you attack me you can expect to be attacked back. Got it?

I didn't attack you .

I merely pointed out that I haven't noticed the war you mentioned.

I still don't see it.

It doesn't appear to be much of a war.

so....yawn....wake me when it is over.

get it?
This is a civil war between the government and the people. It just hasn't been declared yet and half the people don't know we're in it.


let me know when it's over....

I'm sure I won't notice.
I'm sure you won't, until your welfare is taken away.

The more you post lies and insults the less likely I am to ever join your side.

It is possible for a person to oppose conservative fascist lunatics like YOU and still not be on welfare.....

you cons are disgustingly stupid.
It's how they're trained.

If you're not this, then you must be that.
:fu: too.

Such a nice, pleasant and well mannered person you are!

Well....enjoy the computer until your mommy comes home.

The demographic reality.
This is a civil war between the government and the people. It just hasn't been declared yet and half the people don't know we're in it.


let me know when it's over....

I'm sure I won't notice.
I'm sure you won't, until your welfare is taken away.

The more you post lies and insults the less likely I am to ever join your side.

It is possible for a person to oppose conservative fascist lunatics like YOU and still not be on welfare.....

you cons are disgustingly stupid.
If you attack me you can expect to be attacked back. Got it?

I didn't attack you .

I merely pointed out that I haven't noticed the war you mentioned.

I still don't see it.

It doesn't appear to be much of a war.

so....yawn....wake me when it is over.

get it?
Well, like I said, half of the people are clueless. That would include you.

let me know when it's over....

I'm sure I won't notice.
I'm sure you won't, until your welfare is taken away.

The more you post lies and insults the less likely I am to ever join your side.

It is possible for a person to oppose conservative fascist lunatics like YOU and still not be on welfare.....

you cons are disgustingly stupid.
If you attack me you can expect to be attacked back. Got it?

I didn't attack you .

I merely pointed out that I haven't noticed the war you mentioned.

I still don't see it.

It doesn't appear to be much of a war.

so....yawn....wake me when it is over.

get it?
Well, like I said, half of the people are clueless. That would include you.

YOU are entitled to any idiotic opinion that doesn't explode your puny little brain.

I shall merely yawn at you again and then turn and fart in your general direction.......

let me know when it's over....

I'm sure I won't notice.
I'm sure you won't, until your welfare is taken away.

The more you post lies and insults the less likely I am to ever join your side.

It is possible for a person to oppose conservative fascist lunatics like YOU and still not be on welfare.....

you cons are disgustingly stupid.
It's how they're trained.

If you're not this, then you must be that.
:fu: too.

Such a nice, pleasant and well mannered person you are!

Well....enjoy the computer until your mommy comes home.
Get over your butthurt. You got snarky and I responded. If you can't handle it, that's your problem.
I'm sure you won't, until your welfare is taken away.

The more you post lies and insults the less likely I am to ever join your side.

It is possible for a person to oppose conservative fascist lunatics like YOU and still not be on welfare.....

you cons are disgustingly stupid.
If you attack me you can expect to be attacked back. Got it?

I didn't attack you .

I merely pointed out that I haven't noticed the war you mentioned.

I still don't see it.

It doesn't appear to be much of a war.

so....yawn....wake me when it is over.

get it?
Well, like I said, half of the people are clueless. That would include you.

YOU are entitled to any idiotic opinion that doesn't explode your puny little brain.

I shall merely yawn at you again and then turn and fart in your general direction.......
Whatever makes you happy, kid.
The more you post lies and insults the less likely I am to ever join your side.

It is possible for a person to oppose conservative fascist lunatics like YOU and still not be on welfare.....

you cons are disgustingly stupid.
If you attack me you can expect to be attacked back. Got it?

I didn't attack you .

I merely pointed out that I haven't noticed the war you mentioned.

I still don't see it.

It doesn't appear to be much of a war.

so....yawn....wake me when it is over.

get it?
Well, like I said, half of the people are clueless. That would include you.

YOU are entitled to any idiotic opinion that doesn't explode your puny little brain.

I shall merely yawn at you again and then turn and fart in your general direction.......
Whatever makes you happy, kid.

What makes me happy is knowing I am a decent, civilized person with good manners while YOU are......not.
We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

OP, did you get hired by the Russians or fall for some propaganda? @MissouriNewsUS is no doubt doing something today.

Go do some more research of the investigation.

Trump got investigated by his own government and not found guilty. Should the cops never investigate anyone they can't convict? What a silly question, they won't know until they investigate. This investigation also caught some crooks.

Its about time to argue an issue not this left / right crud. Especially in this belief fluid world we live in.


This was a fraud probe to scare trump to not go after the serious democrat crimes. Their high treason crime was not investigating the more serous crimes by the democrats FIRST

This 2nd investigation was to cover up the first more serious crimes

This proves mueller guilty of high treason

I have no idea why Trump has been unable to go after Hillary. Either he is in on it or someone says they just don't think they can convict her.

Far as this probe being there to scare Trump, that seems contrived.

When all prosecutors are big Hillary supporters .. And let out to be known. How is that not to try to scare trump ?

EVERY darn prosecutor in the U.S. that Trump could find is in Hillary's pocket?

I'm not a Hillary worshiper. I don't fear her almighty power though.

Can we agree Hillary and Donald are both pretty similar crooked folks who know how to stay out of jail or whatever.
We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

OP, did you get hired by the Russians or fall for some propaganda? @MissouriNewsUS is no doubt doing something today.

Go do some more research of the investigation.

Trump got investigated by his own government and not found guilty. Should the cops never investigate anyone they can't convict? What a silly question, they won't know until they investigate. This investigation also caught some crooks.

Its about time to argue an issue not this left / right crud. Especially in this belief fluid world we live in.

The FBI knowingly used a false, made up document paid for by Hillary to start spying on Trump. Yuge difference!

Hillary the all powerful. Got it. Some folks just like being victims ya know.
We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

Cool story bro. My favorite part was the garlic.

Urp. 'Scuse me.

You do realize that this is just more of the #NotAll fallacy?

There is not a single good thing that has come out of the women vote. They always vote democrat for starters, but even then, they vote dumb when it comes to certain matters.

Norman not vote dumb on certain matters. Norman vote dumb on ALL matters.
We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

OP, did you get hired by the Russians or fall for some propaganda? @MissouriNewsUS is no doubt doing something today.

Go do some more research of the investigation.

Trump got investigated by his own government and not found guilty. Should the cops never investigate anyone they can't convict? What a silly question, they won't know until they investigate. This investigation also caught some crooks.

Its about time to argue an issue not this left / right crud. Especially in this belief fluid world we live in.


This was a fraud probe to scare trump to not go after the serious democrat crimes. Their high treason crime was not investigating the more serous crimes by the democrats FIRST

This 2nd investigation was to cover up the first more serious crimes

This proves mueller guilty of high treason

It proves you belong in a looney bin somewhere.

If you read enough of his posts, it's clear that GreenAndBlue is a Vulcan. Can't really hold it against him, without getting into some McCoy-ish exchanges.

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We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

It started when the Trump campaign decided to help the Russians who were helping Trump. That is why Manafort talked strategy and gave polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian intelligence. That aided the Russians in where to buy social media ads and what to say. He even asked the Russians to release deleted Clinton e-mails which apparently the Russians did not have. The campaign was quite willing to get dirt on Clinton from Russians.

Our intelligence agencies were not targeting Trump. That is fake news and typical Trumpism. All his problems are caused by someone else. Comey confirmed that parts of the dossier was true. Considering you have not seen the FISA warrant, that is a bold statement. We were already told that the FISA court was not told of the political nature of the document but we know that was not true.

So typical of Trump supporters. He supposedly is playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers. That is so much of a lie. He blunders into one thing after another.
We'll soon see who has the biggest scandal in US history won't we? Either Trump gets impeached, or the deep state dems go to prison. We'll see...

If women can pass a high logic ability test for voting then fine

We see Ann coulter has been switching on and off on trump. That's the harmful emotions that make women make bad decisions on top of being lower logic

So would you tell the founders to grow the fuck up too ??

They totally understood this issue and is the reason this nation prospered

You need to learn history and what makes things rise and fall

Trump supporters like you would not pass a logic test. You have proven you have lost your mind.

Explain how I have lost my mind?

You throw the words like treason and coup around and suggest that anyone who holds Trump accountable is guilty of it. You imagine conspiracies everywhere. You are not in your right mind.

I call for a high logic test for voting

Do you?

Are you in a right mind or me?

I am all for a logic test for voting as long as conservatives do NOT get to "rig" the test.
We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

It started when the Trump campaign decided to help the Russians who were helping Trump. That is why Manafort talked strategy and gave polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian intelligence. That aided the Russians in where to buy social media ads and what to say. He even asked the Russians to release deleted Clinton e-mails which apparently the Russians did not have. The campaign was quite willing to get dirt on Clinton from Russians.

Our intelligence agencies were not targeting Trump. That is fake news and typical Trumpism. All his problems are caused by someone else. Comey confirmed that parts of the dossier was true. Considering you have not seen the FISA warrant, that is a bold statement. We were already told that the FISA court was not told of the political nature of the document but we know that was not true.

So typical of Trump supporters. He supposedly is playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers. That is so much of a lie. He blunders into one thing after another.
We'll soon see who has the biggest scandal in US history won't we? Either Trump gets impeached, or the deep state dems go to prison. We'll see...

If women can pass a high logic ability test for voting then fine

We see Ann coulter has been switching on and off on trump. That's the harmful emotions that make women make bad decisions on top of being lower logic

So would you tell the founders to grow the fuck up too ??

They totally understood this issue and is the reason this nation prospered

You need to learn history and what makes things rise and fall

Trump supporters like you would not pass a logic test. You have proven you have lost your mind.

Explain how I have lost my mind?

You throw the words like treason and coup around and suggest that anyone who holds Trump accountable is guilty of it. You imagine conspiracies everywhere. You are not in your right mind.

I call for a high logic test for voting

Do you?

Are you in a right mind or me?

I am all for a logic test for voting as long as conservatives do NOT get to "rig" the test.

Yes. And that is the only way and last chance to save the nation

This must happen now

Our only chance

The same controls like the sat math test scores. And make it at the highest level

The sat math test scores at the highest level tells you who would pass

Mostly men

You do realize that this is just more of the #NotAll fallacy?

There is not a single good thing that has come out of the women vote. They always vote democrat for starters, but even then, they vote dumb when it comes to certain matters.

Norman not vote dumb on certain matters. Norman vote dumb on ALL matters.

Do you know men and women's history of 500,000 years ??

Will men allow women to destroy the nation ??

You do realize that this is just more of the #NotAll fallacy?

There is not a single good thing that has come out of the women vote. They always vote democrat for starters, but even then, they vote dumb when it comes to certain matters.

Norman not vote dumb on certain matters. Norman vote dumb on ALL matters.

Do you know men and women's history of 500,000 years ??

Will men allow women to destroy the nation ??

I've heard about how you have this thing about women, microdick. Your reputation precedes you.

They scare you huh?

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