Clapper: Russia Investigation pales in comparison to Watergate

Here ya go since you like to quote Clapper so much here are more gems you can use!

"I have to say, though, that I think when you compare the two, that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now," he added.
Former spy-chief James Clapper: Watergate pales compared 'to what we are confronting now' #NPC MORE:

— Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) June 7, 2017
Clapper also shared concerns with what he called "the internal assault on our institutions," citing Trump's January tweet comparing the intelligence community to "Nazis" and "the whole episode" with the firing of FBI Director James Comey.
Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017

After Trump "disparaged" the intelligence community with that "absurd allegation" in the January tweet, Clapper said he "felt an obligation to defend the men and women of the United States intelligence community. So, I called him on 11 January. Surprisingly, (Trump) took my call."
Clapper continued, "I tried, naively it turned out, to appeal to his 'higher instincts' -- by pointing out that the intelligence community he was about to inherit is a national treasure and that the people in it were committed to supporting him and making him successful. Ever transactional, he simply asked me to publicly refute the infamous 'dossier,' which I could not and would not do."

There you go! Use quotes from Clapper and now you can call Clapper a hack while continuing to quote him when you need a quick out

You are taking different quotes at different times referencing different premises and equating them into the same subject through your own new narrative. Since Watergate is about illegal surveillance for political use against an opponent, then
CLAPPER is saying the Obama Administration abuses of power over shadows Watergate. Remember Clapper found nothing, so how could he see complete different scenerios as a good analogy let alone nothing being greater then something?
=Epic failed propaganda post.
To what extent will libs relegate themselves to wander in the desert through endless false non substantive accusations. It's mind boggling. There's a reason the losses among their party are increasing. Over a thousand in seven years and growing.

Thanks for that. Any comment on Clappers words or nah?

Oh yeah....just more emotion and sensationalism and no substance.

I didn't ask you to assign emotions to his comment. I'm asking you if you have a response to the comment itself or nah?

What type of response should such an emotional heart tug merit or warrant? Mine wasn't emotion based but refering to clappers hysterical emotions as non substantive. Thats my comment on this absurdity. The facts are still that there has never been a shred of evidence pointing towards collusion. In essence, its a non issue.

All that name calling and side stepping makes you look suspect. But I get want to ignore it so lashing out like a child while ironically calling others emotional is entertaining tho.
Here ya go since you like to quote Clapper so much here are more gems you can use!

"I have to say, though, that I think when you compare the two, that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now," he added.
Former spy-chief James Clapper: Watergate pales compared 'to what we are confronting now' #NPC MORE:

— Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) June 7, 2017
Clapper also shared concerns with what he called "the internal assault on our institutions," citing Trump's January tweet comparing the intelligence community to "Nazis" and "the whole episode" with the firing of FBI Director James Comey.
Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017

After Trump "disparaged" the intelligence community with that "absurd allegation" in the January tweet, Clapper said he "felt an obligation to defend the men and women of the United States intelligence community. So, I called him on 11 January. Surprisingly, (Trump) took my call."
Clapper continued, "I tried, naively it turned out, to appeal to his 'higher instincts' -- by pointing out that the intelligence community he was about to inherit is a national treasure and that the people in it were committed to supporting him and making him successful. Ever transactional, he simply asked me to publicly refute the infamous 'dossier,' which I could not and would not do."

There you go! Use quotes from Clapper and now you can call Clapper a hack while continuing to quote him when you need a quick out

Clapper called the intelligence services a "national treasure"? Really, James? The people in them are committed to supporting Trump and making him successful? REALLY, James!!!

How blind do you have to be to not see that there are a large number of people in the intelligence services that are committed to destroying his Presidency by all means necessary? Clapper is an idiot and that statement proves it!

More name calling and attacks. Loops like none of you guys have anything other than attacking "intelligence community" lol. How? " IDK just all of then are bad and they all suck"

Duckspeak is what Orwell called it.
CLAPPER is saying the Obama Administration abuses of power over shadows Watergate.

God, you're stupid.

Nixon was forced from office at last because he attempted to use the IRS against his political enemies...something that was SO egregious that even his fellow Republicans saw it as the last straw and told him he either needed to resign or they would impeach him!

That was only an "attempt" to use the IRS! Nixon didn't actually succeed at getting people at the IRS to go along with his plan, he only tried to get them to.

Now contrast that with what happened at the IRS during the Obama Administration! Obama was successful at using the IRS against his political enemies something that SHOULD have gotten him the same treatment as Nixon! Yet that didn't happen! Why is that, CC? It's obvious that what took place with Lois Lerner and members of the Obama Administration should have resulted in people going to jail yet that never happened. Why? Because a scumbag Attorney General by the name of Eric Holder looked the other way!
CLAPPER is saying the Obama Administration abuses of power over shadows Watergate.

God, you're stupid.

So eloquently stated, is that all you have is
ad hominems?
The left ran their campaign on all attack and no substance, and how did that work out for them?

By your own words and standard:
"All that name calling and side stepping makes you look suspect."

Ooooh, you got yourself!
To what extent will libs relegate themselves to wander in the desert through endless false non substantive accusations. It's mind boggling. There's a reason the losses among their party are increasing. Over a thousand in seven years and growing.

Thanks for that. Any comment on Clappers words or nah?

Oh yeah....just more emotion and sensationalism and no substance.

I didn't ask you to assign emotions to his comment. I'm asking you if you have a response to the comment itself or nah?

What type of response should such an emotional heart tug merit or warrant? Mine wasn't emotion based but refering to clappers hysterical emotions as non substantive. Thats my comment on this absurdity. The facts are still that there has never been a shred of evidence pointing towards collusion. In essence, its a non issue.

All that name calling and side stepping makes you look suspect. But I get want to ignore it so lashing out like a child while ironically calling others emotional is entertaining tho.

Name calling? You really are confused.
CLAPPER is saying the Obama Administration abuses of power over shadows Watergate.

God, you're stupid.

So eloquently stated, is that all you have is
ad hominems?
The left ran their campaign on all attack and no substance, and how did that work out for them?

By your own words and standard:
"All that name calling and side stepping makes you look suspect."

Ooooh, you got yourself!

I cant discuss this when Clapper says the Russian investigation pales in comparison to Watergate and you hear in your mind that when Clapper says Russia he actually means Obama.
regardless who says what, when, or where about anything Trump related ....

OBAMA, CLINTON, or both, are either associated with, if not totally at fault for the entire scenario.

poor pathetic little RW bitches, just like their Shitforhair, sorry ass leader.
CLAPPER is saying the Obama Administration abuses of power over shadows Watergate.

God, you're stupid.

So eloquently stated, is that all you have is
ad hominems?
The left ran their campaign on all attack and no substance, and how did that work out for them?

By your own words and standard:
"All that name calling and side stepping makes you look suspect."

Ooooh, you got yourself!

I cant discuss this when Clapper says the Russian investigation pales in comparison to Watergate and you hear in your mind that when Clapper says Russia he actually means Obama.

Because Obama and the DNC set up the whole Russian narrative "to SPY on their opponents" to Demonize and distract from the crimes listed in Clintons emails and past acts. *If this was about interference* with an election then they'd be investigating the Mexican interference and Clinton camp collusion with Mexico.
Proof the Russian narrative is being used as an abuse of power by the former president:

Mueller must find if there is a Democratic party link to this Ambassador
as the connected dot
And what he'd find is yes there is a connection between both Hillary's & Obamas camp and the Russians.
So the narrative which we all know is created by the Dems is proven to be set up by the dems who actually had the connections to the Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak who they used for said narative.
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
To bad they did it before these guys were technically officially on the team, one which met after elections as job required, making this Russian baloney a staged circus wasting tax payers money and gov't time which is what Dems want, wasted budget and less success from this administration.
HOWEVER, this strategy will backfire in 2018 whereby Dem politicians need to retain seats and their senators are to busy with these witch hunts and obstructing gov't, sabotaging our country & not getting anything done for their State and voter base.
Good luck getting re-elected or gaining seats.
CLAPPER is saying the Obama Administration abuses of power over shadows Watergate.

God, you're stupid.

So eloquently stated, is that all you have is
ad hominems?
The left ran their campaign on all attack and no substance, and how did that work out for them?

By your own words and standard:
"All that name calling and side stepping makes you look suspect."

Ooooh, you got yourself!

I cant discuss this when Clapper says the Russian investigation pales in comparison to Watergate and you hear in your mind that when Clapper says Russia he actually means Obama.

Because Obama and the DNC set up the whole Russian narrative "to SPY on their opponents" to Demonize and distract from the crimes listed in Clintons emails and past acts. *If this was about interference* with an election then they'd be investigating the Mexican interference and Clinton camp collusion with Mexico.
Proof the Russian narrative is being used as an abuse of power by the former president:

Mueller must find if there is a Democratic party link to this Ambassador
as the connected dot
And what he'd find is yes there is a connection between both Hillary's & Obamas camp and the Russians.
So the narrative which we all know is created by the Dems is proven to be set up by the dems who actually had the connections to the Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak who they used for said narative.
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
To bad they did it before these guys were technically officially on the team, one which met after elections as job required, making this Russian baloney a staged circus wasting tax payers money and gov't time which is what Dems want, wasted budget and less success from this administration.
HOWEVER, this strategy will backfire in 2018 whereby Dem politicians need to retain seats and their senators are to busy with these witch hunts and obstructing gov't, sabotaging our country & not getting anything done for their State and voter base.
Good luck getting re-elected or gaining seats.

Clapper again said the Russian investigation pales in comparison to Watergate and you think he means Obama, who isn't part of the Russian investigation at all. Your wall of text response won't get you away from that misinterpretation.
Trump went to war with our intelligence agencies and the media. How's that working out for him?

He is totally

Here ya go since you like to quote Clapper so much here are more gems you can use!

"I have to say, though, that I think when you compare the two, that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now," he added.
Former spy-chief James Clapper: Watergate pales compared 'to what we are confronting now' #NPC MORE:

— Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) June 7, 2017
Clapper also shared concerns with what he called "the internal assault on our institutions," citing Trump's January tweet comparing the intelligence community to "Nazis" and "the whole episode" with the firing of FBI Director James Comey.
Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017

After Trump "disparaged" the intelligence community with that "absurd allegation" in the January tweet, Clapper said he "felt an obligation to defend the men and women of the United States intelligence community. So, I called him on 11 January. Surprisingly, (Trump) took my call."
Clapper continued, "I tried, naively it turned out, to appeal to his 'higher instincts' -- by pointing out that the intelligence community he was about to inherit is a national treasure and that the people in it were committed to supporting him and making him successful. Ever transactional, he simply asked me to publicly refute the infamous 'dossier,' which I could not and would not do."

There you go! Use quotes from Clapper and now you can call Clapper a hack while continuing to quote him when you need a quick out
Flapper appears to be a moron.

Americans committed crimes in Watergate.
Russia hacked the DNC.

Those are the facts.
His conclusion is asinine partisan hack bullshit.
CLAPPER is saying the Obama Administration abuses of power over shadows Watergate.

God, you're stupid.

So eloquently stated, is that all you have is
ad hominems?
The left ran their campaign on all attack and no substance, and how did that work out for them?

By your own words and standard:
"All that name calling and side stepping makes you look suspect."

Ooooh, you got yourself!

I cant discuss this when Clapper says the Russian investigation pales in comparison to Watergate and you hear in your mind that when Clapper says Russia he actually means Obama.

Because Obama and the DNC set up the whole Russian narrative "to SPY on their opponents" to Demonize and distract from the crimes listed in Clintons emails and past acts. *If this was about interference* with an election then they'd be investigating the Mexican interference and Clinton camp collusion with Mexico.
Proof the Russian narrative is being used as an abuse of power by the former president:

Mueller must find if there is a Democratic party link to this Ambassador
as the connected dot
And what he'd find is yes there is a connection between both Hillary's & Obamas camp and the Russians.
So the narrative which we all know is created by the Dems is proven to be set up by the dems who actually had the connections to the Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak who they used for said narative.
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
To bad they did it before these guys were technically officially on the team, one which met after elections as job required, making this Russian baloney a staged circus wasting tax payers money and gov't time which is what Dems want, wasted budget and less success from this administration.
HOWEVER, this strategy will backfire in 2018 whereby Dem politicians need to retain seats and their senators are to busy with these witch hunts and obstructing gov't, sabotaging our country & not getting anything done for their State and voter base.
Good luck getting re-elected or gaining seats.

Clapper again said the Russian investigation pales in comparison to Watergate and you think he means Obama, who isn't part of the Russian investigation at all. Your wall of text response won't get you away from that misinterpretation.

How do you know unless you yourself are a claiming you have illegally obtained classified info or are calling the FBI corrupt.
Both of which are bad.

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