Class action suit atainst the president!

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Bachmann said it and Rand Paul has sent out fundraiser letters saying he wants a class action suit against President Obama.

And, of course, they fantasize about impeachment too.

Now, I know the usual kneejerkers will say stupid things but how about, just for once, we actually go for FACTS.

What grounds are there to do either?
Rand Paul Suing Obama - Fox Nation

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is suing the Obama administration over the National Security Agency’s spying practices in an effort to “protect the Fourth Amendment,” he told host Eric Bolling Friday on "Hannity."

“The question here is whether or not, constitutionally, you can have a single warrant apply to millions of people,” Paul said. “So we thought, what better way to illustrate the point than having hundreds of thousands of Americans sign up for a class action suit.”

Paul said he began collecting signatures about six months ago, and says it’s “kind of an unusual class-action suit” because everyone in America who has a cell phone is eligible to join in the legal action, he said.

He added that Ken Cuccinelli, the current attorney general of Virginia who ran for governor last year, is part of the initiative’s legal team.

“We’re hoping, with his help, that we can get a hearing in court, and ultimately get this class-action lawsuit, I think the first of its kind on a constitutional question, all the way to the Supreme Court,” Paul said.
Typical libtard thinking there is no case. Idiots.

Rand Paul is not a liberal. Neither is Michelle Bachmann.

Bachmann: House preparing to sue Obama for overreach | The Daily Caller
Bachmann said an effort is underway in Congress to take back their “authority under the Constitution as the House of Representatives.” She said the plan is to introduce legislation allowing lawmakers to hire an attorney, so “we can force the president to act under the Constitution.”

“We’ll sue the president of the United States and force him to no longer act unilaterally,” she said.

Read more: Bachmann: House preparing to sue Obama for overreach | The Daily Caller

I'm gonna miss Ms Ditz.
And, of course, they fantasize about impeachment
What grounds are there to do either?

Hold on, let me help you:

  1. Admitted execution of Ibragim Todashev by the FBI via 7 bullets to back of head
  2. Suspending Jury Trials for Americans (NDAA)
  3. Assassinating Americans (Michael Hastings, Breitbart, Seal Team 6 ---even Breitbart's Coroner!)
  4. Drone strikes on Americans
  5. The Arrest of Adam Kokesh
  6. The SWAT team invasion of a man's home for an empty shotgun shell
  7. 55,000,000 babies murdered.
  8. Fluoride in your drinking water.
  9. Chicago
  10. 17,000,000,000,000 debt and climbing.
  11. Trayvon Martin drama and attempt to usurp double jeopardy clause
  12. Destabilizing the Middle East.
  13. Detroit
  14. Mock-child sacrifice rituals at the Bohemian Grove
  15. Spying on All Americans.
  16. Camden
  17. Kidnapping Americans (NDAA)

  18. New Orleans
  19. Suspending Habaes Corpus for Americas (NDAA)
  20. Para-militarizing the police
  21. California
  22. Flying drones over US skies
  23. Senator Dianne Frankenstein
  24. Declaring Libertarians and Constitutionalists Terrorists.
  25. Labeling the Founding Fathers Extremists
  26. Senator John McLame
  27. Gun Grabbing
  28. SCOTUS usurping the Right to Contract --- under the guise of tax.
  29. Fiat currency.
  30. Rewarding foreign corporations and manufacturing
  31. Closing down United States power plants, forcing us to buy Mexican power.
  32. Senator Lindsey Scam
  33. Arming Al Qaeda
  34. FORCING jobs overseas via tax/regulations
  35. Training Al Qaeda
  36. FEMA camps
  37. Funding Al Qaeda
  38. DHS purchasing 2 billion + rounds of hollow point ammunition
  39. Directing Al Qaeda
  40. O'Babble
  41. GMO poisoning
  42. Gitmo
  43. 9-11 investigation
  44. No-Knock Warrants
  45. Red-Light Cameras with extremely short YELLOW lights
  46. Torture
  47. New Orleans
  48. Electronically rigged voting and Gerrymandering
  49. State rights?
  50. The War on Drugs (The War on Black People)
  51. Senator Dick Turdin
  52. Gun Free School Zones
  53. Bridgeport, Connetcuit
  54. Progressive 1910's Espionage Act circumventing the Treason Clause of the United States Constitution (Article III, Section 3)
  55. Severe lack of armed guards in schools
  56. Detonating a nuke under Eric Cantor's district (Virgina Earthquake shown to be shallow nuclear detonation in ALL early seismographs)
  57. Chemtrails -- yippee!
  58. Benghazi
  59. IRS targeting Tea Party
  60. TSA molestation
  61. DHS doing target practice on portraits of pregnant women and old men.
  62. Spying on AP.
  63. Demonization of whistleblowers
  64. our education standards compared to other nations
  65. Oakland, California
  66. Flint, Michigan
  67. Boston Bombing
  68. FBI shooting Ibragim Todashev in the head 7 times while he was tied up
  69. Libya
  70. Muslim brotherhood
  71. Egypt
  72. 1 in 97 Americans behind bars.
  73. Greece
  74. Cyprus
  75. Governor Andrew Comatose
  76. 33,000,000,000,000 "borrowed" for Social Security
  77. DHS armored vehicles
  78. Passing a Bill so we can "find out what's inside it"
  79. Rising Healthcare Premiums
  80. Employers cutting back to 29 hours of work per employee
  81. Buffalo and Rochester, New York
  82. Repealing Glass-Steagal (caused housing bubble)
  83. Repealing the Smith-Mundt Act (ban on US propaganda)
  84. Iraq pre-2003 vs Iraq-2013
  85. Patriot Act
  86. The 17th Amendment
  87. Suspension of Fifth Amendment Protection to not testify against oneself.
  88. Rampant seizure of private property for local, state and federal use, with little compensation.
  89. Revocation of double Jeopardy protections (dual sovereignty tyranny)
  90. Suspending and intimidating young boys for engaging in any behavior that involves a "fake" or "imagined" gun in school.
  91. Kidnapping people from their cars to force administer DWI tests
  92. Random Checkpoints
  93. Syria
  94. Border Un-Control
  95. Excessive Taxation local, state and federal
  96. Uniform Commercial Code (or any respective variant due to location/jurisdiction)
  97. Government sponsored Reverse Racism
  98. Lack of voting fraud detection
  99. Capping the House of Representatives at 435 (only 1 Rep per 700,000 people)

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Bachmann said it and Rand Paul has sent out fundraiser letters saying he wants a class action suit against President Obama.

And, of course, they fantasize about impeachment too.

Now, I know the usual kneejerkers will say stupid things but how about, just for once, we actually go for FACTS.

What grounds are there to do either?

There's certainly more than enough evidence to have both Bachmann and Paul locked up in a mental institution for a loooooooooong time
There's certainly more than enough evidence to have both Bachmann and Paul locked up in a mental institution for a loooooooooong time

Well, why not drum up the charges and begin the proceedings, Einstein
Support the lawyers! Join the class... you might get your $3.75 worth, but the lawyers will make a fortune. :tongue:
Idiot is suing the NSA too.

Paul to file NSA suit within days | TheHill

No wonder he doesn't have time to actually do his job.

Ever heard of Co-Equal Branches? ONE checks the other as deigned by the Founders? He IS doing his job asswipe.

Co-Equal Branches? Obama has a "pen and a phone [sword]", and he will "assert a uni-lateral agenda without Congress," --- From the Mouth of Obabble Himself, His Grace, the Heir to the Throne of the Oval Office.
I think this is at least the fourth topic since the beginning of January about Rand Paul's never-gonna-happen class action suit.

This is pure demagoguery on Rand's part. He waited until the matter is already headed to the Supreme Court. His "class action suit" would be entirely superfluous and would decide no new question that isn't already headed to the Supreme Court.

But... it's a great fundraising vehicle!

The solicitation, which asks for individuals’ names, email addresses and zip codes, also asks for a donation to help “stop Big Brother from infringing on our Fourth Amendment freedoms.”

Rand is leading from behind.

In case you haven't heard, Larry Klayman is already out in front on this issue, as well as the ACLU. They have done all the heavy lifting. You know...actually filing suits and battling in court, not just bloviating about maybe one day soon doing so.

Rand is drafting. Coasting on others' hard work for personal gain.

So go ahead and send him your money for this bogus "class action suit". :lol: You deserve to have him take it.

But if you really do give a serious fuck about this, send your money to Klayman or the ACLU. They are the ones spending real money on it, and will have to spend more in the months to come.

Here is what Rand Paul is going to do. He is going to take money from you rubes, then he will file a bogus suit (if he even bothers to actually do so) which will be immediately dismissed, then he will rant about the government trying to suppress the truth, then he will cry all the way to the bank with the big pile of money you sent him.

Send your money to Klayman and the ACLU. Rand Paul is a poser. A fake.
My understanding of the way the process works is that Paul would have to petition for permission to file suit, assuming he had both grounds and standing.

Then he could go forward.

But since he's in the legislative branch, why not just introduce legislation and get co-sponsors in both across the aisle and in the House. Push for a vote and build public support for your positions.

This just looks like some kind of media campaign to draw attention to himself and get on TV to get some free exposure. Then, as others have said, it's a fundraising tool, as well. I bet it also serves to increase his mailing list for any future decision to run for the Republican nomination.
Bachmann said it and Rand Paul has sent out fundraiser letters saying he wants a class action suit against President Obama.

And, of course, they fantasize about impeachment too.

Now, I know the usual kneejerkers will say stupid things but how about, just for once, we actually go for FACTS.

What grounds are there to do either?

T Party Pees just emailed me and said the word is "against". She is a pain in the ass..

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