Classic Late Friday Docu-Dump Reveals Trump Will Restore WHO Funding Despite Role In Deception

This is shocking, if for no other reason then the fact that the WHO intentionally mislead the United States, let alone that their deception is on the verge of chalking up over 100,000 dead Americans! This is tantamount to FDR announcing U. S. funding of Nazi Medical ghoul Joseph Mengele's horrifying medical experimentation on children because potentially it may prove valuable! I find myself wondering about that Chinese hack into that NYC entertainment attorney's computer, I wonder if China just succeeded in blackmailing Trump, because restoring funding to the WHO is literally surrendering to China....

"Despite [its] shortcomings, I believe that the WHO still has tremendous potential, and want to see the WHO live up to this potential, particularly now during this global crisis" the draft letter reads, apparently in President Trump's voice.

"That is why I've decided the United States will continue to partner and work with the World Health Organization ..." it adds. "China owes a massive debt to the entire world, and it can start with paying its fair share to the WHO."

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