Classic Movie scenes. What's your favorite?

I always loved the heart removal scene in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom". I would rewind this scene over and over again as a kid I loved watching it so much. There is just something so exciting as watching somebody's heart being torn out. "Temple of Doom" was one of my all time favorite films. I think I liked it even better than Raiders, just because of how very dark the film was. I loved later reading about the Thuggee Cult in India.

For me this is a fab classic scene.....but then I love French New Wave (late 1950s early 1960s)....I know people don't give a shit about New Wave here but hey....

I just love it!:up:

Bande à part (1964) - Dance scene [HD]​

A great classic. Gregory Peck & Audrey Hepburn

Handsome Brando...

A Streetcar Named Desire - Stella! (1951)​


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