Climate Change Debate Held.... Very interesting outcome...

I have. The fact that you never made it through high school physics 101 is your failing, not mine.


Again you cannot determine what is causing the warming. this only SUGGESTS that it is possible. It proves nothing!

Suggests??!?!? Really? How about SUGGESTING a means by which warming could NOT be taking place.

First you have to show that warming is actually occurring. Then you have to show how much warming is occurring. Then you have to show how man is the cause of it. And models aren't data, so they don't count.
I have. The fact that you never made it through high school physics 101 is your failing, not mine.


Again you cannot determine what is causing the warming. this only SUGGESTS that it is possible. It proves nothing!

Suggests??!?!? Really? How about SUGGESTING a means by which warming could NOT be taking place.
Empirical proof... Provide it! I have shown multiple times that natural variation, not CO2 is driving the temp and that no CO2 forcing can be implied or derived from the mild increase we have seen in our atmosphere. That mild rise is only half of what CO2, by the LOG function should cause given the lab experiment that created the CO2 LOG Graph I use. Our atmosphere shows it is dampening any positive effect that CO2 could provide and the absence of any increased rate of natural rise shows that CO2 is a not an effector.
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You haven't shown shite.

Again, explain, given CO2's absorption spectra, how warming could NOT be taking place.
You haven't shown shite.

Again, explain, given CO2's absorption spectra, how warming could NOT be taking place.
Simple, Its the planets water convection cycle.. Water is 95% of all GHG's in our atmosphere. CO2 levels have NEVER reached a point of saturation which would inhibit the water cycle from totally laying it neutered. As CO2 does not gain a positive effect from water vapor, as shown by empirical evidence. Actually Crick, I have shown this multiple times.. You simply choose to ignore it.
You haven't shown shite.

Again, explain, given CO2's absorption spectra, how warming could NOT be taking place.

Once again, for the dummy in the room. The scientific method demands that you provide the proof. You are making the assertion....YOU PROVIDE THE PROOF! That's how science works in the real world junior.
Your willingness to tell blatant lies over and over again is simply astounding
What lies? The text of the debate was provided! Proof! where are the lies?

That would be the lie that he has never been shown experiments demonstrating that increased atmospheric CO2 leads to increased equilibrium temperatures.

Posting a chart with no temperature axis...yeah, we're convinced, convinced you're fucking clueless
so we are supposed to be impressed "6 phd's" sat there debating each other?

good grief.
so we are supposed to be impressed "6 phd's" sat there debating each other?

good grief.

NO... That we were able to get ANY alarmist/warmer to debate the facts! In this case the facts, were not on the alarmists side. Empirical evidence simply allowed us to get the alarmists to admit that they do not have the evidence, empirically, to state that CO2 does anything... This is a huge step forward in the debate..

This formal setting just unwound 30 years of deceit and lies the CAGW faithful have been gate-keeping... IF you cant see that you need glasses..
You haven't shown shite.

Again, explain, given CO2's absorption spectra, how warming could NOT be taking place.

Once again, for the dummy in the room. The scientific method demands that you provide the proof. You are making the assertion....YOU PROVIDE THE PROOF! That's how science works in the real world junior.

The data, measured repeatedly, showing that CO2 absorbs portions of the IR spectrum produced by warmed air, water and earth, IS proof.

What a bunch of FOOKING IDIOTS you two are.
Deniers, doesn't it bug you that every denier here only barks conspiracy theories now? It should. It shows you're all clinging to a dying conspiracy cult.

The real problem here is that denier posts don't get moved into the Conspiracy folder. Birthers, 9/11 truthers and other conspiracy cranks have their posts moved into the Conspiracy folder. Consistency and honesty dictates denier posts should get the same treatment, since their kookery is every bit as insane.

I blame out of control political correctness, the mistaken moral relativism that claims all opinions have equal validity, even stuff as stupid as denier babbling. Being a solid moral absolutist type, I believe the denier fantasies are not just as valid as real science, and that stupid opinions should be treated as stupid opinions.

I also see the deniers here are getting increasingly abusive in their posts. Desperation, obviously. However, that doesn't excuse the breaking of board rules, so they need to dial it down.
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You haven't shown shite.

Again, explain, given CO2's absorption spectra, how warming could NOT be taking place.

Once again, for the dummy in the room. The scientific method demands that you provide the proof. You are making the assertion....YOU PROVIDE THE PROOF! That's how science works in the real world junior.

The data, measured repeatedly, showing that CO2 absorbs portions of the IR spectrum produced by warmed air, water and earth, IS proof.

What a bunch of FOOKING IDIOTS you two are.

You obviously have no clue how the Null hypothesis guts your theroy. Empirical evidence trumps your theroy.. Yes you are a fucking idiot..
Deniers, doesn't it bug you that every denier here only barks conspiracy theories now? It should. It shows you're all clinging to a dying conspiracy cult.

The real problem here is that denier posts don't get moved into the Conspiracy folder. Birthers, 9/11 truthers and other conspiracy cranks have their posts moved into the Conspiracy folder. Consistency and honesty dictates denier posts should get the same treatment, since their kookery is every bit as insane.

I blame out of control political correctness, the mistaken moral relativism that claims all opinions have equal validity, even stuff as stupid as denier babbling. Being a solid moral absolutist type, I believe the denier fantasies are not just as valid as real science, and that stupid opinions should be treated as stupid opinions.

I also see the deniers here are getting increasingly abusive in their posts. Desperation, obviously. However, that doesn't excuse the breaking of board rules, so they need to dial it down.

Another one who is just as ignorant on the subject as John (Throw my medals over the fence-traitor) Kerry..

“Try and picture a very thin layer of gases – a quarter-inch, half an inch, somewhere in that vicinity – that’s how thick it is. It’s in our atmosphere. It’s way up there at the edge of the atmosphere. And for millions of years – literally millions of years – we know that layer has acted like a thermal blanket for the planet – trapping the sun’s heat and warming the surface of the Earth to the ideal, life-sustaining temperature. Average temperature of the Earth has been about 57 degrees Fahrenheit, which keeps life going. Life itself on Earth exists because of the so-called greenhouse effect. But in modern times, as human beings have emitted gases into the air that come from all the things we do, that blanket has grown thicker and it traps more and more heat beneath it, raising the temperature of the planet. It’s called the greenhouse effect because it works exactly like a greenhouse in which you grow a lot of the fruit that you eat here.

This is what’s causing climate change. It’s a huge irony that the very same layer of gases that has made life possible on Earth from the beginning now makes possible the greatest threat that the planet has ever seen.”

I see where you alarmists get your stupid from.. John Kerry shows his total ignorance on the subject.. And you all parrot the lies and crap..

You haven't shown shite.

Again, explain, given CO2's absorption spectra, how warming could NOT be taking place.

Once again, for the dummy in the room. The scientific method demands that you provide the proof. You are making the assertion....YOU PROVIDE THE PROOF! That's how science works in the real world junior.

The data, measured repeatedly, showing that CO2 absorbs portions of the IR spectrum produced by warmed air, water and earth, IS proof.

What a bunch of FOOKING IDIOTS you two are.

Big effing deal. To date nothing has changed. Over the last 3,000 years of recorded history there is no discernible signal that says man, and CO2 period, are doing anything. FAIL.
The funny thing is that Kerry's science actually sucks less than Billy's.

And Westwall, the direct measurements of backradiation increasing and outgoing longwave decrease contradict your wacky claim.
The funny thing is that Kerry's science actually sucks less than Billy's.

And Westwall, the direct measurements of backradiation increasing and outgoing longwave decrease contradict your wacky claim.

Really? They do? Show us.
Deniers, doesn't it bug you that every denier here only barks conspiracy theories now? It should. It shows you're all clinging to a dying conspiracy cult.

The real problem here is that denier posts don't get moved into the Conspiracy folder. Birthers, 9/11 truthers and other conspiracy cranks have their posts moved into the Conspiracy folder. Consistency and honesty dictates denier posts should get the same treatment, since their kookery is every bit as insane.

I blame out of control political correctness, the mistaken moral relativism that claims all opinions have equal validity, even stuff as stupid as denier babbling. Being a solid moral absolutist type, I believe the denier fantasies are not just as valid as real science, and that stupid opinions should be treated as stupid opinions.

I also see the deniers here are getting increasingly abusive in their posts. Desperation, obviously. However, that doesn't excuse the breaking of board rules, so they need to dial it down.

100 years later, we're still rigorously testing General Relativity; 25 years after flipping from Global Cooling to Global Warming, your Cult wants to say the "Science" is settled.

What a joke
Show you the evidence again? The first dozen times wasn't enough?

As the previous thread on it here talked about, this is just the most recent and best study showing the increased backradiation. Smoking gun. There's no "natural cycles" explanation for such a thing.

First direct observation of carbon dioxide s increasing greenhouse effect at Earth s surface -- ScienceDaily

Too Funny, What again were they measuring? Even the authors of the paper have refused to respond to questions about their methodology and math.. I wonder why the stunned silence when physics people show them they are dead wrong and show them they didn't know what it was they were measuring....

Again, where is YOUR WORK?

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