Climate Change Deniers Claim to Understand Science

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What you see there is evidence that the consensus has been wrong
What I see there is you presenting evidence that relies on data manipulation and modelling, the conditions you would not accept for any evidence of AGW.

You are ludicrous.

By the way, can you even state the consensus you assert is wrong?
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not being a denier...and not having blind faith in "the establishment" I am able to simply look around and see for myself that the emperor is, in fact, bare assed naked.

It is interesting to me how many useful idiots either can't see this...or are willing to become political prostitutes in order to maintain the illusion of AGW.
Yeah, not a denier. Hilarity.

I am afraid that it is you and yours, alas, who are in denial of reality...I am a skeptic of an untestable, unfalsifiable, failing hypothesis that lacks a single piece of empirical causal evidence in its support. Correlation does not equal causation.
What you see there is evidence that the consensus has been wrong
What I see there is you presenting evidence that relies on data manipulation and modelling, the conditions you would not accept for any evidence of AGW.

You are ludicrous.

By the way, can you even state the consensus you assert is wrong?

That is all that climate science has to offer...and even they can see that they are diverging further and further away from they tune the models to estimate lower and lower climate sensitivity to CO2...the models will be right when the predicted sensitivity to CO2 is zero or less.
That is all that climate science has to offer...and even they can see that they are diverging further and further away from they tune the models to estimate lower and lower climate sensitivity to CO2...the models will be right when the predicted sensitivity to CO2 is zero or less.
You are so stupid you can't even see that you are presenting models as evidence when you've said you will not accept them as evidence. I guess that is the ultimate blessing of a merciful god.
Deniers of Global Warming are today's Flat Earther, Birther, Bigfoot, UFO followers.

The science is settled and has been for over a decade.

Global Warming deniers simply want people to be confused so they can delay action for as long as possible.

There is no debate. Global Warming is real and accelerating.
Deniers of Global Warming are today's Flat Earther, Birther, Bigfoot, UFO followers.

The science is settled and has been for over a decade.

Global Warming deniers simply want people to be confused so they can delay action for as long as possible.

There is no debate. Global Warming is real and accelerating.
Nope the pope agreed with the flat earthers and the pope now agrees with the man made global warming cult, but we know like Pythagoras, the earth was round and the climate always changes, always have.
As opposed to your having conducted a completely independent, unbiased, comprehensive study to confirm your observations.

Of course not...I rely on what I can see....on what we know about the past climate. We know that there is nothing happening in the present climate that is unprecedented...we know that there is nothing happening in the present climate that is even pushing the boundaries of natural variability.....we know that there is no obvious human fingerprint on the present climate....we know that there is no valid laboratory experiment that can verify the claims that CO2 causes temperature to rise....we know that the more papers that are published...the smaller the claimed climate sensitivity to CO2 gets...the present trend will have that sensitivity at, or below zero within a couple of decades.

I don't deny the past....and I don't deny that the real world diverges further and further away from the models...I don't deny that the models are spectacular failures and the models are the basis for AGW alarmism....not being a denier...and not having blind faith in "the establishment" I am able to simply look around and see for myself that the emperor is, in fact, bare assed naked.

It is interesting to me how many useful idiots either can't see this...or are willing to become political prostitutes in order to maintain the illusion of AGW.
You don't know anything of the sort. You only know what others have told you.
Deniers of Global Warming are today's Flat Earther, Birther, Bigfoot, UFO followers.

The science is settled and has been for over a decade.

Global Warming deniers simply want people to be confused so they can delay action for as long as possible.

There is no debate. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

Morons who use terms like "denier" and phrases like "the science is settled" don't know squat about science. The minute you use these terms, you identify yourself as a buffoon and a scientific ignoramus.
As opposed to your having conducted a completely independent, unbiased, comprehensive study to confirm your observations.

Of course not...I rely on what I can see....on what we know about the past climate. We know that there is nothing happening in the present climate that is unprecedented...we know that there is nothing happening in the present climate that is even pushing the boundaries of natural variability.....we know that there is no obvious human fingerprint on the present climate....we know that there is no valid laboratory experiment that can verify the claims that CO2 causes temperature to rise....we know that the more papers that are published...the smaller the claimed climate sensitivity to CO2 gets...the present trend will have that sensitivity at, or below zero within a couple of decades.

I don't deny the past....and I don't deny that the real world diverges further and further away from the models...I don't deny that the models are spectacular failures and the models are the basis for AGW alarmism....not being a denier...and not having blind faith in "the establishment" I am able to simply look around and see for myself that the emperor is, in fact, bare assed naked.

It is interesting to me how many useful idiots either can't see this...or are willing to become political prostitutes in order to maintain the illusion of AGW.
You don't know anything of the sort. You only know what others have told you.

What do you know that someone hasn't told you?
As many Scientist there are in the world. there can NEVER be a Consensus. Man the brainwashing from people in POLITICS, like albert Gore, Obama, THE whole commie/democrat party. etc. just shameful
You are a flat earther denier so by definition too ignorant to breathe unaided.

A scientific consensus exists for all scientific theories such as the theory of gravity, the theory of evolution, etc. That is how they came to be theories. By agreement among the vast majority of peers they are the best explanations for the available evidence.

There is always dissent, but until the dissenters can present enough evidence to convince other scientists, dissenters are all they shall remain.

I know you'll find this shocking, but there are supposedly some 'scientists' who disagree with the theory of evolution!

Amazing eh? Almost like they were flat earthers.

you are a horses ass and need to just go diddle yourself., you want TO bow at the feet of politicians and now a Pope, have at it.

What does this have to do with the OP? According to the rules, every post must be related to the OP. I'm new here, so I am surprised there are so many posts that get away with not following the rules.

Getting back to the OP, I think it makes a very good point that unsupported viewpoints are made to seem equivalent to mountains of actual scientific data. The fact that so many get taken in with the notion that there is actually a relevant counter argument to be made, sans empirical evidence, is even more disconcerting. Science education in this country is faltering, and that is a serious problem if we want to remain at or near the top in technological and scientific innovation. I fear for this country's future if this isn't rectified soon.
As many Scientist there are in the world. there can NEVER be a Consensus. Man the brainwashing from people in POLITICS, like albert Gore, Obama, THE whole commie/democrat party. etc. just shameful
You are a flat earther denier so by definition too ignorant to breathe unaided.

A scientific consensus exists for all scientific theories such as the theory of gravity, the theory of evolution, etc. That is how they came to be theories. By agreement among the vast majority of peers they are the best explanations for the available evidence.

There is always dissent, but until the dissenters can present enough evidence to convince other scientists, dissenters are all they shall remain.

I know you'll find this shocking, but there are supposedly some 'scientists' who disagree with the theory of evolution!

Amazing eh? Almost like they were flat earthers.

you are a horses ass and need to just go diddle yourself., you want TO bow at the feet of politicians and now a Pope, have at it.

What does this have to do with the OP? According to the rules, every post must be related to the OP. I'm new here, so I am surprised there are so many posts that get away with not following the rules.

Getting back to the OP, I think it makes a very good point that unsupported viewpoints are made to seem equivalent to mountains of actual scientific data. The fact that so many get taken in with the notion that there is actually a relevant counter argument to be made, sans empirical evidence, is even more disconcerting. Science education in this country is faltering, and that is a serious problem if we want to remain at or near the top in technological and scientific innovation. I fear for this country's future if this isn't rectified soon.

ok, you can start by giving up your computer. PLEASE... making it hurts the climate/ENVIORNMENT. then your house, car, and go move into a frkken cave.
YOU can believe what you WANT, so start with I suggest to show you do care. leave the rest of us ALONE
As many Scientist there are in the world. there can NEVER be a Consensus. Man the brainwashing from people in POLITICS, like albert Gore, Obama, THE whole commie/democrat party. etc. just shameful
You are a flat earther denier so by definition too ignorant to breathe unaided.

A scientific consensus exists for all scientific theories such as the theory of gravity, the theory of evolution, etc. That is how they came to be theories. By agreement among the vast majority of peers they are the best explanations for the available evidence.

There is always dissent, but until the dissenters can present enough evidence to convince other scientists, dissenters are all they shall remain.

I know you'll find this shocking, but there are supposedly some 'scientists' who disagree with the theory of evolution!

Amazing eh? Almost like they were flat earthers.

you are a horses ass and need to just go diddle yourself., you want TO bow at the feet of politicians and now a Pope, have at it.

As many Scientist there are in the world. there can NEVER be a Consensus. Man the brainwashing from people in POLITICS, like albert Gore, Obama, THE whole commie/democrat party. etc. just shameful
You are a flat earther denier so by definition too ignorant to breathe unaided.

A scientific consensus exists for all scientific theories such as the theory of gravity, the theory of evolution, etc. That is how they came to be theories. By agreement among the vast majority of peers they are the best explanations for the available evidence.

There is always dissent, but until the dissenters can present enough evidence to convince other scientists, dissenters are all they shall remain.

I know you'll find this shocking, but there are supposedly some 'scientists' who disagree with the theory of evolution!

Amazing eh? Almost like they were flat earthers.

you are a horses ass and need to just go diddle yourself., you want TO bow at the feet of politicians and now a Pope, have at it.
but, but , but you are a sheep Stephanie, "how come you don't follow the popes lead "?

Why Stephanie why?

I guess you are getting paid off and didn't graduate from the 2nd grade when they were talking about ice ages and stuff.

these sheep are not only parrots but assholes too. Just like all these nutjobs who came up with the word, Denier. they never tire of calling people names. they think that way they can beat them down to bow to them
Exactly, you are an adult and don't follow anyone, except what you learned, experienced in your life time. They don't like us.
As many Scientist there are in the world. there can NEVER be a Consensus. Man the brainwashing from people in POLITICS, like albert Gore, Obama, THE whole commie/democrat party. etc. just shameful
You are a flat earther denier so by definition too ignorant to breathe unaided.

A scientific consensus exists for all scientific theories such as the theory of gravity, the theory of evolution, etc. That is how they came to be theories. By agreement among the vast majority of peers they are the best explanations for the available evidence.

There is always dissent, but until the dissenters can present enough evidence to convince other scientists, dissenters are all they shall remain.

I know you'll find this shocking, but there are supposedly some 'scientists' who disagree with the theory of evolution!

Amazing eh? Almost like they were flat earthers.

you are a horses ass and need to just go diddle yourself., you want TO bow at the feet of politicians and now a Pope, have at it.

As many Scientist there are in the world. there can NEVER be a Consensus. Man the brainwashing from people in POLITICS, like albert Gore, Obama, THE whole commie/democrat party. etc. just shameful
You are a flat earther denier so by definition too ignorant to breathe unaided.

A scientific consensus exists for all scientific theories such as the theory of gravity, the theory of evolution, etc. That is how they came to be theories. By agreement among the vast majority of peers they are the best explanations for the available evidence.

There is always dissent, but until the dissenters can present enough evidence to convince other scientists, dissenters are all they shall remain.

I know you'll find this shocking, but there are supposedly some 'scientists' who disagree with the theory of evolution!

Amazing eh? Almost like they were flat earthers.

you are a horses ass and need to just go diddle yourself., you want TO bow at the feet of politicians and now a Pope, have at it.
but, but , but you are a sheep Stephanie, "how come you don't follow the popes lead "?

Why Stephanie why?

I guess you are getting paid off and didn't graduate from the 2nd grade when they were talking about ice ages and stuff.

these sheep are not only parrots but assholes too. Just like all these nutjobs who came up with the word, Denier. they never tire of calling people names. they think that way they can beat them down to bow to them
Exactly, you are an adult and don't follow anyone, except what you learned, experienced in your life time. They don't like us.

When I went to school we were taught to Question everything, Even Scientist.

now they want you to believe they are our new G-ds and had never been WRONG about anything. BS, I can make a list of all the things they've been wrong about in my 60 years
As many Scientist there are in the world. there can NEVER be a Consensus. Man the brainwashing from people in POLITICS, like albert Gore, Obama, THE whole commie/democrat party. etc. just shameful
You are a flat earther denier so by definition too ignorant to breathe unaided.

A scientific consensus exists for all scientific theories such as the theory of gravity, the theory of evolution, etc. That is how they came to be theories. By agreement among the vast majority of peers they are the best explanations for the available evidence.

There is always dissent, but until the dissenters can present enough evidence to convince other scientists, dissenters are all they shall remain.

I know you'll find this shocking, but there are supposedly some 'scientists' who disagree with the theory of evolution!

Amazing eh? Almost like they were flat earthers.

you are a horses ass and need to just go diddle yourself., you want TO bow at the feet of politicians and now a Pope, have at it.

You are a flat earther denier so by definition too ignorant to breathe unaided.

A scientific consensus exists for all scientific theories such as the theory of gravity, the theory of evolution, etc. That is how they came to be theories. By agreement among the vast majority of peers they are the best explanations for the available evidence.

There is always dissent, but until the dissenters can present enough evidence to convince other scientists, dissenters are all they shall remain.

I know you'll find this shocking, but there are supposedly some 'scientists' who disagree with the theory of evolution!

Amazing eh? Almost like they were flat earthers.

you are a horses ass and need to just go diddle yourself., you want TO bow at the feet of politicians and now a Pope, have at it.
but, but , but you are a sheep Stephanie, "how come you don't follow the popes lead "?

Why Stephanie why?

I guess you are getting paid off and didn't graduate from the 2nd grade when they were talking about ice ages and stuff.

these sheep are not only parrots but assholes too. Just like all these nutjobs who came up with the word, Denier. they never tire of calling people names. they think that way they can beat them down to bow to them
Exactly, you are an adult and don't follow anyone, except what you learned, experienced in your life time. They don't like us.

When I went to school we were taught to Question everything, Even Scientist.

now they want you to believe they are our new G-ds
perfect steph, perfect.
Yea steph, you are like me, logical thinker, who follows no one's rules, we may suck at grammar and spelling, but our mind races to fast to bother with it and don't care.
As many Scientist there are in the world. there can NEVER be a Consensus. Man the brainwashing from people in POLITICS, like albert Gore, Obama, THE whole commie/democrat party. etc. just shameful
You are a flat earther denier so by definition too ignorant to breathe unaided.

A scientific consensus exists for all scientific theories such as the theory of gravity, the theory of evolution, etc. That is how they came to be theories. By agreement among the vast majority of peers they are the best explanations for the available evidence.

There is always dissent, but until the dissenters can present enough evidence to convince other scientists, dissenters are all they shall remain.

I know you'll find this shocking, but there are supposedly some 'scientists' who disagree with the theory of evolution!

Amazing eh? Almost like they were flat earthers.

you are a horses ass and need to just go diddle yourself., you want TO bow at the feet of politicians and now a Pope, have at it.

What does this have to do with the OP? According to the rules, every post must be related to the OP. I'm new here, so I am surprised there are so many posts that get away with not following the rules.

Getting back to the OP, I think it makes a very good point that unsupported viewpoints are made to seem equivalent to mountains of actual scientific data. The fact that so many get taken in with the notion that there is actually a relevant counter argument to be made, sans empirical evidence, is even more disconcerting. Science education in this country is faltering, and that is a serious problem if we want to remain at or near the top in technological and scientific innovation. I fear for this country's future if this isn't rectified soon.

ok, you can start by giving up your computer. PLEASE... making it hurts the climate/ENVIORNMENT. then your house, car, and go move into a frkken cave.
YOU can believe what you WANT, so start with I suggest to show you do care. leave the rest of us ALONE

Can you explain to me why you believe your personal attacks, in your opinion, are valid arguments for or against the issues addressed in the OP, or how your post is even a relevant response to my post? Have you even read contents of the link supplied by the OP? Do you people always so blatantly get away with not following the rules? I'm thinking that this isn't a very well managed forum.
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