Climate Change Deniers Claim to Understand Science

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Apparently all the deniers have to work with are false equivalencies.
How science deniers use false equivalence - Skeptical Raptor

Clearly you are afraid of climate change....and believe that man is responsible. Can you point to anything that is happening in the climate today that is unprecedented?....anything that is nearing the boundaries of natural variability?....anything that is a clear fingerprint of man's influence on the global climate?.....anything that is not the result of data manipulation, or a climate model? Anything that is actually observed?
No, sorry, can't do that for you. Unlike some people on this forum, I don't pretend to be a scientist.
You don't have to know about Science to know what a Fraud is.
May 29, 2012
RUSH: People like me have more scientific knowledge than the average advocate of global warming.

April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. ... The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
You don't hear real scientist talking about consensus on Dark Matter.

Dark Matter's New Wrinkle: It May Behave Like Wavy Fluid

Dark Matter s New Wrinkle It May Behave Like Wavy Fluid

The scientific consensus is that dark matter is composed of a new type of particle, one that interacts very weakly with all the known forces of the universe and is mostly only detectable via the gravitational pull it exerts.

  • Most of the Mass in the Universe is Invisible (Dark Matter), or
  • Dynamical Laws must be Modified (MOND).
There are significant challenges to both ideas.

Issues for MOND:

  • Can a modified force law explain all observations?
  • Can a satisfactory theory encompassing both General Relativity and MOND be found?
Issues for Dark Matter:

  • Does the stuff we call Dark Matter really exist?
  • Can a dark matter based theory explain the MONDian phenomenology observed in rotation curves?
    Why should the mass discrepancy only appear at a particular acceleration scale?
The MOND Issue

And then,

MOND - A Pedagogical Review - M. Milgrom
Apparently all the deniers have to work with are false equivalencies.
How science deniers use false equivalence - Skeptical Raptor
What a moronic article.

First, denier is an AGWCult secret handshake work, not a term of science.

Second, scientists are still debating basic concepts such as is dark matter real or does gravity simply function differently under certain conditions. You don't hear real scientist talking about consensus on Dark Matter.
Dark.matter is a basic concept?

Ahh kay there, bud.

It's not so basic. It's just assumed to account for things that won't stand under our current understanding of Newtonian Gravity. There's a competing theory that makes a slight modification to newtons law of Gravity and it accounts for most, but not all of the observed variations from Newtonian gravity.

  • Most of the Mass in the Universe is Invisible (Dark Matter), or
  • Dynamical Laws must be Modified (MOND).
There are significant challenges to both ideas.

Issues for MOND:

  • Can a modified force law explain all observations?
  • Can a satisfactory theory encompassing both General Relativity and MOND be found?
Issues for Dark Matter:

  • Does the stuff we call Dark Matter really exist?
  • Can a dark matter based theory explain the MONDian phenomenology observed in rotation curves?
    Why should the mass discrepancy only appear at a particular acceleration scale?
The MOND Issue
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. ... The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.
Please in future give warning when you're going to post something like that so I may put my corset on. I damn near broke a rib.
Can you point to anything that is happening in the climate today that is unprecedented?.....anything that is not the result of data manipulation, or a climate model? Anything that is actually observed?
Oops. So much for Dark Matter then, by those rules it can't exist. Pity, it seemed such an encouraging avenue.

So you are saying that the climate is behaving in a normal way....nothing unprecedented...nothing that is pushing the boundries of natural variability...and in fact, man made climate change looks just like natural climate change but we should fear the manmade variety for some unspecified political reason?...and if manmade climate change looks just like natural climate do you know that it is manmade and not natural?
Apparently all the deniers have to work with are false equivalencies.
How science deniers use false equivalence - Skeptical Raptor

Clearly you are afraid of climate change....and believe that man is responsible. Can you point to anything that is happening in the climate today that is unprecedented?....anything that is nearing the boundaries of natural variability?....anything that is a clear fingerprint of man's influence on the global climate?.....anything that is not the result of data manipulation, or a climate model? Anything that is actually observed?
No, sorry, can't do that for you. Unlike some people on this forum, I don't pretend to be a scientist.

So you admit that your position is entirely one of faith? Belief in people that you think are smarter than you? Not based in any sort of observation....just faith... least you will admit it. Congratulations.
Apparently all the deniers have to work with are false equivalencies.
How science deniers use false equivalence - Skeptical Raptor
What a moronic article.

First, denier is an AGWCult secret handshake work, not a term of science.

Second, scientists are still debating basic concepts such as is dark matter real or does gravity simply function differently under certain conditions. You don't hear real scientist talking about consensus on Dark Matter.

So what?
Apparently all the deniers have to work with are false equivalencies.
How science deniers use false equivalence - Skeptical Raptor
What a moronic article.

First, denier is an AGWCult secret handshake work, not a term of science.

Second, scientists are still debating basic concepts such as is dark matter real or does gravity simply function differently under certain conditions. You don't hear real scientist talking about consensus on Dark Matter.
I'll bet you as much about climate science as you know about dark matter.

Yes, which is to say more than you'll ever know about either topic
Wrong again. You people don't know anything about any kind of science, you merely repeat other people's opinions about that science.

Not at all. You're projecting
Apparently all the deniers have to work with are false equivalencies.
How science deniers use false equivalence - Skeptical Raptor

Clearly you are afraid of climate change....and believe that man is responsible. Can you point to anything that is happening in the climate today that is unprecedented?....anything that is nearing the boundaries of natural variability?....anything that is a clear fingerprint of man's influence on the global climate?.....anything that is not the result of data manipulation, or a climate model? Anything that is actually observed?
No, sorry, can't do that for you. Unlike some people on this forum, I don't pretend to be a scientist.

So you admit that your position is entirely one of faith? Belief in people that you think are smarter than you? Not based in any sort of observation....just faith... least you will admit it. Congratulations.
As opposed to your having conducted a completely independent, unbiased, comprehensive study to confirm your observations.
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