Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to '2014 warmest year ever' nonsense

That's why I always Use my fluke multimeter, and when it is a tough electrical problem I will bring out my grand fathers analog meter. And my back up digital My omega
OK, Where, so you post a lot of unsupported flap yap, not a single link to support your idiotic accusations.

Once again, not a single Scientific Society, not a single National Academy of Science of any nation, and no major University states that AGW is incorrect. In fact, almost all of theise institutions have strong statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

So your posts tell us far more about you than the people you falsely accuse of being frauds.
I know, you still haven't provided the experiment from any one of them. When might we get that?
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Prefect example of the far left and AGW cult mentality, post known bunk and expect everyone to prove them wrong!

But since this drone has claimed to be a "scientist" how about posting the datasets and source code that proves that CO2 controls climate..

You people don't get it. I don't have to prove anything. I've made no claim here. You people keep making negative and even contradictory claims about climate change. It is on you to support those claims. It is not on me to either refute them or support climate change. It already receives support from 97% of the scientists. As such, it is already accepted science. And when that happens, the burden of proof falls on the skeptics (you guys aren't skeptics, though, you are deniers - uneducated ones at that).
so perhaps we have you confused with the other lefts on here stating that our climate is changing due to humans contributing 120 PPMof extra CO2 in the atmosphere. If you do not agree with that, then I'm sure my peers will be happy to apologize for the request for the experiment. See, I had you confused with those who beleived that was indeed going on and destroying our planet. So do you believe that or not?

Contrary to your far right gullibilities, climate change is neither a left or right issue since people on both sides of the isle understand the reality of the situation. You make it a political issue to further a far right political agenda. I don't. I prefer to keep the politics out of it.
contrare,it is the left making it political. Here, just one from the political left. You wish to defend this crap?

RFK Jr wants to jail energy CEO s for Treason Laments no current laws to punish climate skeptics. - YouTube

He is not talking about politics. He is talking about holding CEOs accountable for their actions. That's a friggin legal issue, bubba.
dude, dude..................................dude. Wow, the stupid that flows from your keyboard is sensational. You definitely have the hold on the stupid. how can it be a legal issue if there is no law against it? Please, I'm dying for some more stupid. Aaaaaa....... let's see, to make a law I have to politcize it right? geez, the stupid never stops from you bubba squared.
Go to IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and read AR5. But, since you're the one with the extraordinary claim, it's your responsibility to do the telling first.

Actually, it's the other way around bucko. We are claiming it is all natural variation and the Vostock ice core data supports us. Not you.
It's funny how they forget what their arguing eh? it's like the stupid never stops from them. Day after day. I love posting how they continue to find the stupid bug and carry it daily.
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Bear- you seem to know a lot about thermometers. Perhaps you could add your expert opinion on the calibrations between the newer types of equipment that have taken over since the 80's.
No dude. I gave you the raw data. Take the data and prove your claim. Don't be a pussy and post someone else's work.

Moreover, your graph only gives prehistoric data from the core, excluding modern temperature and CO2 data. So you cannot say that the ice cores show that the modern increase is natural based on rthe ice core data.

And the AGW cult dismisses the fact that CO2 does Not nor has ever controlled climate..
nor can they provide an experiment that proves it. Hey all of you real deniers.....:dance::dance:you lose again and again, day after day..............:dance:and if you missed it...............:dance:
No dude. I gave you the raw data. Take the data and prove your claim. Don't be a pussy and post someone else's work.

Moreover, your graph only gives prehistoric data from the core, excluding modern temperature and CO2 data. So you cannot say that the ice cores show that the modern increase is natural based on rthe ice core data.

And the AGW cult dismisses the fact that CO2 does Not nor has ever controlled climate..

The fact that CO2 and temperature changes hand in hand as indicated in your pal's graph above demonstrates that you are sucking vacuum.
and it means you have no idea the difference between correlation and causation. :fu:
OK, Where, so you post a lot of unsupported flap yap, not a single link to support your idiotic accusations.

Once again, not a single Scientific Society, not a single National Academy of Science of any nation, and no major University states that AGW is incorrect. In fact, almost all of theise institutions have strong statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

So your posts tell us far more about you than the people you falsely accuse of being frauds.
I know, you still haven't provided the experiment from any one of them. When might we get that?

Bear- you seem to know a lot about thermometers. Perhaps you could add your expert opinion on the calibrations between the newer types of equipment that have taken over since the 80's.
Bear- you seem to know a lot about thermometers. Perhaps you could add your expert opinion on the calibrations between the newer types of equipment that have taken over since the 80's.
The outside contractors.fake it , put a sticker on it and say it is calibrated, how do you calibrate so many OEMs temperature measuring like this? You can not get the specs, not like a weigh scale, just put a weight on it and calibrate it to a well known test subject
Bear- you seem to know a lot about thermometers. Perhaps you could add your expert opinion on the calibrations between the newer types of equipment that have taken over since the 80's.
The outside contractors.fake it , put a sticker on it and say it is calibrated, how do you calibrate so many OEMs temperature measuring like this? You can not get the specs, not like a weigh scale, just put a weight on it and calibrate it to a well known test subject

What was your opinion about the German experiment that found the new equipment reading 0.9 C higher than the equipment it replaced?

Edit- which may explain at least part of the warming found during the replacement period.
They fake it, I is oem they just put a sticker on it and charge your company $5,000 bucks, the only way they can check is abiotic air temperature, I guess


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Bear- you seem to know a lot about thermometers. Perhaps you could add your expert opinion on the calibrations between the newer types of equipment that have taken over since the 80's.
The outside contractors.fake it , put a sticker on it and say it is calibrated, how do you calibrate so many OEMs temperature measuring like this? You can not get the specs, not like a weigh scale, just put a weight on it and calibrate it to a well known test subject

What was your opinion about the German experiment that found the new equipment reading 0.9 C higher than the equipment it replaced?

Edit- which may explain at least part of the warming found during the replacement period.
Bear- you seem to know a lot about thermometers. Perhaps you could add your expert opinion on the calibrations between the newer types of equipment that have taken over since the 80's.
The outside contractors.fake it , put a sticker on it and say it is calibrated, how do you calibrate so many OEMs temperature measuring like this? You can not get the specs, not like a weigh scale, just put a weight on it and calibrate it to a well known test subject

What was your opinion about the German experiment that found the new equipment reading 0.9 C higher than the equipment it replaced?

Edit- which may explain at least part of the warming found during the replacement period.
When, where, how
Bear- you seem to know a lot about thermometers. Perhaps you could add your expert opinion on the calibrations between the newer types of equipment that have taken over since the 80's.
The outside contractors.fake it , put a sticker on it and say it is calibrated, how do you calibrate so many OEMs temperature measuring like this? You can not get the specs, not like a weigh scale, just put a weight on it and calibrate it to a well known test subject

What was your opinion about the German experiment that found the new equipment reading 0.9 C higher than the equipment it replaced?

Edit- which may explain at least part of the warming found during the replacement period.
Elaborate more if you want to get my expert opinion, when, how and where? Was that 30 years of German satellite readings? Highly unlikely or just some thermocouples readings thrown on the Ground? Give me details and data please

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