Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!

Ah, the standard response of idiots to information that blows their stupid shit out of the water. hom.

Your propagandists don't report on the news, btw.

Employment Situation Summary
oh, and by the way if any one had their shit blown out of the water, you just had your shit blown out of the water ... you're welcome!!!!!:lmao:
Ah, the standard response of idiots to information that blows their stupid shit out of the water. hom.

Your propagandists don't report on the news, btw.

Employment Situation Summary
so what you're saying that the 20 million new jobs that the Obama administration has reported are all government jobs because it doesn't say that they are all government jobs ... you know when you say stupid shit and you list your source ( Employment Situation Summary) a government site showing 20 million more jobs to the private sector and the currant 200 million jobs they already have, where you're trying to tell us there's more government jobs then private sector jobs ... you realize how stupid you look right now don't you .... you proved yourself wrong .... nice going going repub-lie-tard
I don't read anything that says "so what you're saying is..." because without exception, it's someone lying. Lying about what was said, and lying about whatever else they've included in the post.
it is a know fact across all news outlets and the government sites that there has been 20 million new private sectors jobs added to this country sense 2009 to 2016 the fact that you tried this more government jobs bull shit and failed at it shows us all you have no idea what you're talking about
still waiting Koshergrl you denied that the obama administration didn't have 20 million new private sector jobs still waiting for your response ... is that water you were blown out of getting a little too deep for ya cause your drowning now big time
You do realize how stupid you're going to look if Hillary does get elected...has Bill run the economy for her...and he tanks?

Bill Clinton was fortunate to be sitting in the Oval Office during the Dot Com Boom and to get out of it as that boom ended and 9/11 took place. His lowering of the deficit came about because of Newt Gingrich and the GOP's Contract With America.

Where's Hillary's Dot Com boom going to come from? Who in Congress is going to reign in liberal spending?

There's a reason that Hillary isn't running on her economic plan for the country...

She doesn't really have one.

You LIE!

If it's luck, then how did Obama create more jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Bush 1 + Bush 2 Combined??? Clinton Job creation was skill, not luck! Only Obama & Clinton have over 71% of working aged population employed! Obama just set record consecutive months of job creation & record number employed.

The 1992 Election brought Democrat President, House & Senate that CUT SPENDING & DEFICIT in 1993 & 1994 2 years before your Repubtard congress came along to take credit!!!

Election 2000 brought Repubtard President, House & Senate that EXPLODED SPENDING, DEFICIT & DEBT!!!

And with all due respect...statistics are fun things to play with. Stating that Obama set a record for consecutive months of job creation SOUNDS great until you look at how paltry the number of jobs created actually were! The truth is...Barack Obama is the only President in US history to have less than 2% economic growth in every single month that he was in office! How's THAT for a fun statistic!!!
Stats are like bikinis.

What they reveal is suggestive.

What they conceal is vital.

Wallstreet is partying because Trump's plan increases current deficit spending by $6 Trillion. They say we should be ecstatic because that will increase growth to 4%, LOL! Growth is already 3%, so increasing it to 4% only adds 1% which = $179 Billion.

Wow! Repubtards are stupid to spend $6 Trillion to create $179 Billion & capture15% tax on that extra $179 Billion = $27 Billion.

This anticipated additional $6 Trillion in deficit spending is already pushing up inflation expectation & interest rates. That will eventually kill growth & send us into a depression. Then Trump will default on US debt! Embrace the Horror Repubtards!
Wallstreet is partying because Trump's plan increases current deficit spending by $6 Trillion. They say we should be ecstatic because that will increase growth to 4%, LOL! Growth is already 3%, so increasing it to 4% only adds 1% which = $179 Billion.

Wow! Repubtards are stupid to spend $6 Trillion to create $179 Billion & capture15% tax on that extra $179 Billion = $27 Billion.

This anticipated additional $6 Trillion in deficit spending is already pushing up inflation expectation & interest rates. That will eventually kill growth & send us into a depression. Then Trump will default on US debt! Embrace the Horror Repubtards!
Trump has now sunk the US Treasury another $7+ Trillion in Debit + the Fed backing another $3 Trillion in bonds & loans in less than 4 years causing slower GDP & Job Growth. Now we are in a JOB KILLING DEPRESSION!!!
Democrat President Clinton's Economy Created MORE JOBS than Republican Presidents Ford, Reagan, Bush1, Bush2 & Trump COMBINED!!!!!
In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served. In the last 70+ years there have been 11 recessions. The 10 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!
Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!

Clinton had a very successful presidency, it's really too bad that he didn't take OBL into custody, or off the board when he was offered up to him, it would have saved us a very painful decade, but, hind-sight is 2020 and WJC was making these calls in real time, without the benefit of the knowledge that is common to all of us.

And frankly, the steepest area of the graph is during the Reagan presidency, but not markedly so.

Bill Clinton's Presidency was defined by two things.

The first was, miraculously, no spending increases for the first two years with a Dem Congress = 100% about HillaryCare going down in flames.

Then came Newt Gingrich, and for four more years there were no new spending increases....

The great Clinton economy was 100% about NO INCREASES IN GOVERNMENT SPENDING.

Funny, since Democrats are 100% about SPENDING INCREASES.

Perhaps that is why Bill Clinton himself shut the government down to protest the Newt Gingrich budget he and his party now take credit for = Bill wanted....

you got it....


Want a great economy??

Trump economy is worse than Carter!

Democrat President Carter added 10.4 million jobs in 4 years.

Republican President Trump created 6.6 million jobs prior to Covid, Now a -4.1 million jobs deficit.
Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!


Wrong...the democrat party losing the House of Representatives after holding it for 40 years created the jobs.....and the clinton tax increases put the economy into a recesssion right before he left doofus...
Trump economy is worse than Carter!

Democrat President Carter added 10.4 million jobs in 4 years.

Republican President Trump created 6.6 million jobs prior to Covid, Now a -4.1 million jobs deficit.
First of all one of the worst ways of getting people believe what you write is NOT to supply substantiation, i.e. LINKS!
You make guesses. NO support.

You probably are too young to know what the "Misery Index" is that Jimmy Carter (who I voted for by the way...) was at its highest of nearly 22

The misery index helps determine how the average citizen is doing economically and it is calculated by simply adding the Annual inflation rate to the Seasonally Adjusted unemployment rate. The chart below includes inflation, unemployment, misery index and who was President.

Screen Shot 2020-10-24 at 8.35.19 AM.png
Trump - "I Love Debt"... "I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal"

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