Clinton LIED !!!


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !

Face facts, yesterday was a huge backslide from the momentum gained over her e-mail server controversy. Let's better pick and choose our battles. Right now with the combination of Benghazi, Trump and Carson we're making asses of ourselves.
Look people that old harpy will never be president you may as well get that through your thick skulls.

the thought has penetrated my thick skull that the harpy might MAKE IT-------no accounting for
tastes when it comes to middle america
I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !

I know, she just an loopy kunt...
What in the hell are you trying t?o say

In your dreams! She's stronger than ever!
stronger than what,stronger at lying?:D

of course she is strong------so is Assad ------so is Putin -----so was Osama ----so was STALIN

"]What in the hell are you trying t?o say <<< from boiler

calm down, BOIL--------I am not "trying" I actually said it. Hillary is very strong. She is holding
up very well under the scorn and hatred of lots and lots of americans--------just is ASSAD<<< holding
up well under the scorn and hatred of lots of syrians

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