Clinton Likely Gaining General Election Momentum! ISIS fueled By GOP Recruiting Rhetoric Losing

Its common knowledge that Isis uses Faux News video as propaganda and recruiting. The Republicans ARE providing aid and comfort to the enemy.

Thank you for that excellent insider insight!

Don't answer that knock at your door - but do keep pets away from it for a while.....
The FBI only has evidence sufficient to show the San Bernardino shooters sympathetic to the secular kamikazes, with no connection. And actually, the Nobel Prize for Refugee admissions, (there is no such thing), would be Germany: If the prize existed. Germany has taken more refugees in 2015 than has the United States in the last ten years. USA is four times the size of Germany. Germany appears to not be a specific secular kamikaze target. Instead, The Republicans of the USA, and a French Cartoonist, may have given a basis source of aid and comfort to the secular kamikazes. Unlike in Germany, In France and In the USA they can link their atrocities to specific, anti-Islamic content. It looks less random. It looks more targeted. It looks more deity-directed, just possibly(?).
Germany is taking in more refugees in 2015 than the US has in the past 10 years

Then compare with the Trump-like posters, Claudette and deltex1. Only bluster happens from them or from Trump. No details, critique, or alternatives are presented. The more proper Trump response is actually, "No Energy," when pressed on issues. Possibly that refers to what Trump lacks in creating coherent, cerebral, detailed content. He could in fact go to a GOP debate on Al Jazeera, yelling, "Jihad!" Not much energy is needed to get it to roll off the tongue. He could even recruit himself, Senator Graham, and any ISIL panel interviewers, to help blow up the skyscraper in Dubai(?)! They can all claim they learned it from Al Qaeda, and blame it on them(?)!

They are the same bunch of folks.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations now comfortable, more with Medicine Lodges(?) dedicated to Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven!" Moslems not always into Medicine found on Lands of Many Nations!)

After San Bernadino, unless you happen to have over 20 million voters traveling to Berlin next year, they really don't care about Germany. The people here want to know how they can feel secure HERE from these terrorists acts.

You say Republicans have given "comfort to the secular kamikazes". However Republicans didn't create an atmosphere where, a student brings a clock in a briefcase under a wrongful suspicion from a teacher and it gets turned into a liberal media frenzy to fuel racism. Incidentally, what good reason would ANY student think to create a clock in a briefcase, after the sensitivity of such tragedies as Sandy Hook in Connecticut? Yet because of the issue of race and not what he actually created, the student was praised by President Obama while the teacher was sued for $15 million by the family. In the wake of such an atmosphere promoted by liberal "political correct" supporters and encouraged by Obama, would anyone in California come forward upon seeing any suspicious activity, if it's believed those suspects are Muslim and (without proof) is merely speculative? No, there has been enough damage done in this county already without any Republican intervention.
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Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)
I saw a homeless guy in a doorway soaked in urine chanting away while pinching himself. Was that you?
RWNJs and the gop are on the side of the terrorists. They are attacking or want to attack the same people, groups, countries as Isis. Now they're openly arming them.

They constantly attack Obama for killing more terrorists than anyone on earth and they idolize Pooting and Drumpf for their useless swagger and posturing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)
Speaking against an enemy only strengthens them?
Pretty weak attempt at hushing any voices of resistance

why join a terrorist group if they're not respected enough to get any attention?

isn't fighting resistance the goal of terrorists.

Killing infidels is the goal if Islamic terrorists. They don't give a crap whether you resist or not. That's what morons like you don't seem to get.
RWNJs and the gop are on the side of the terrorists. They are attacking or want to attack the same people, groups, countries as Isis. Now they're openly arming them.

They constantly attack Obama for killing more terrorists than anyone on earth and they idolize Pooting and Drumpf for their useless swagger and posturing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obama is the one who armed ISIS. You truly have no clue about what is going on in the Middle East.
These lefties and their propaganda are almost funny. They actually think Hillary is....errr I mean, has it in the bag.

You know what; we don't have to defend our position anymore, let them talk to each other and

have a circle jerk proclaiming Hillary is the female messiah. All they are trying to do is bring you down with lefty propaganda. It is the way of the left. They can't get anyone to vote for them, all they can do is spew enough crap to get people to vote against us. It is why they have lost 900 seats across the country! Their best propagandists only work Presidential politics.
Its common knowledge that Isis uses Faux News video as propaganda and recruiting. The Republicans ARE providing aid and comfort to the enemy.

But that seems to be who they are now. They are certainly all standing in line to kiss Putin's pinky ring as well.

"It's common knowledge" is a euphemism meaning "it's bullshit."
Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)

Wow just Wow.

This is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever read on this board.

The op is a fool of biblical proportions.

At least its good for a rollicking good laugh. Good God.

Mascale is just one vast geyser of leftwing delusions and bullshit.
why join a terrorist group if they're not respected enough to get any attention?

isn't fighting resistance the goal of terrorists.

We were just attacked by Muslim Terrorists, Hillary Clinton says the only thing to do is end civil rights....

Democrats: stupid, evil, wrong.
Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)
Speaking against an enemy only strengthens them?
Pretty weak attempt at hushing any voices of resistance
Um yeah in their case it obviously would. If they want to spin the fiction that US is at war with Islam, they easily can.
why join a terrorist group if they're not respected enough to get any attention?

isn't fighting resistance the goal of terrorists.

We were just attacked by Muslim Terrorists, Hillary Clinton says the only thing to do is end civil rights....

Democrats: stupid, evil, wrong.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, just ask Rahm Emmanuel.
Its common knowledge that Isis uses Faux News video as propaganda and recruiting. The Republicans ARE providing aid and comfort to the enemy.

But that seems to be who they are now. They are certainly all standing in line to kiss Putin's pinky ring as well.

"It's common knowledge" is a euphemism meaning "it's bullshit."

It just means you can't read. Or you haven't heard of Google. Not the number, the search engine.

Get to it Porky.
You are such a drama queen, you know that right?

I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?
How stupid, how hypocritical, how fucking pathetic you willfully allow yourselves to get.

All while thinking you are so fucking smart while your pathetic socialists manipulate you like the cocksucking pawns you all are.

You are not worth a bucket of spit let alone me trying to explain to you the vast scams that the democrats run in order divide the country for their nefarious world agenda.

Scare me? You are a brainwashed asshat who has ZERO ability to think for yourself. You deliberately allow it to happen.

You fucking pussy. The only thing you and people like you are concerned about is acceptance from each other and going along with the crowd. You fucking patronizing racist fucking moron.

You want me to go on asshole? You get it yet? Is it crystal clear enough for you yet?
Its common knowledge that Isis uses Faux News video as propaganda and recruiting. The Republicans ARE providing aid and comfort to the enemy.

But that seems to be who they are now. They are certainly all standing in line to kiss Putin's pinky ring as well.
It's also common knowledge that ISIS uses our drone strikes for recruiting, but......

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