clinton minion in the news service did not admit he donated to their crime charity...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Conservatives are not surprised that clinton minion (aka renfield) george I'm not going to bother trying to spell the assholes name, donated 75 thousand dollars to his masters bill "the serial sexual predator" clinton and his bitch of a wife....and then didn't tell anyone as he moderated a republican debate and ambushed Romney, then interviewed the author of Clinton Cash...again not admitting that he, as a news anchor, had donated 75 thousand dollars to the clinton crime charity.......

the thing that is most frustrating....the stupid party, the Republicans...were going to let this asshole host one of their new debates.............what morons....

Daily Beast GOP Won t Let Stephanopoulos Revelation Die

It turns out that the 54-year-old Stephanopoulos—who served as a top aide in Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign and first White House term before leaving to teach, write an acclaimed memoir and join ABC—failed to disclose to his ABC News bosses $75,000 in contributions he made to the Clinton Foundation.

Worse, he didn’t tell viewers, keeping silent about the potential conflict of interest even as he conducted a contentious interview April 26 on his Sunday panel show,This Week With George Stephanopoulos, with Clinton Foundation critic Peter Schweizer, author ofClinton Cash.

In an interview with Politico media columnist Dylan Byers, who broke the story Thursday morning, Stephanopoulos apologized profusely to his viewers and ABC News colleagues for his misstep, announced that he would no longer moderate the scheduled ABC-sponsored Republican primary debate next February, promised to address the embarrassing issue on Sunday’s program, and expressed regret that he had given the Clinton Foundation money in the first place.
About 30 minutes ago old Georgie withdrew from being a debate moderator.

The thing is.....what the fuck are the republicans doing having that hack moderate one of their debates......considering that not only is he a clinton minion...but he openly ambushed Romney in the last debate..........

As Dennis Prager always says...the Republican party is the stupid party and the democrat party is the dangerous party......
And ABC should fire him...they would any other news anchor who did this...why they won't?

1) their executives support the democrats

2) they know if they fire this minion then if hilary becomes President she will use the state to punish them, the FEC, OSHA, and the IRS.........
Wow. You really have no clue what the Council on Foreign Relations is, or the fact that all these pols work for the same agenda, do you?

Are you just now waking up and realizing that it makes no difference if it is FOX news or ABC news, it is, ostensibly, all the same BS? They all work for the establishment. lol

Seriously man, it's no big thing. They all work in service to the man. This so called difference between the two parties? It's an illusion. Which party wants solid currency and wants to get rid of the FED? Which party wants to do away with federal agencies that we didn't have when the nation was founded? Which party wants to make government forced schooling a choice? Which party wants to get rid of our bases around the world?

Representative government and a republic means you have a choice. We don't have a choice. Hell, American voters are so brain washed by the CFR, they don't even want a choice. Arguing about petty issues is enough choice for them. Important issues they have been trained by birth to agree with their overlords, whether it is in their best interests or not, is not a choice.

Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media
Elites Push Government-funded Public Media

The CFR's "Profile of the Membership" in its 2008 Annual Report lists 398 members as journalists, correspondents, and editors. That includes members such as:

Michael P. Hirsh (Newsweek)
Jim Hoagland (Washington Post)
Fareed Zakaria (Time, CNN)
Thomas Friedman (New York Times)
Erin Burnett (CNBC)
Ethan Bronner (New York Times)
Paula Zahn (Discovery cable channel)
Heather Nauert (Fox News)
Norman Podhoretz (Commentary magazine)
Tom Brokaw (NBC)
Lesley Stahl (CBS)
Andrea Michell (NBC)
Elaine Sciolino (New York Times)
Diane Sawyer (ABC)
Deroy Murdock (Scripps Howard News Service and National Review Online)
David Ignatius (Washington Post)
Alan S. Murray (Wall Street Journal)
Jim Lehrer (PBS)
Margaret Warner (PBS)
Judy Woodruff (PBS)
Christopher Dickey (Newsweek)
Mortimer Zuckerman (U.S. News & World Report)

The above list barely scratches the surface of the elite media folks tied to Pratt House, the New York headquarters of the Council, located at 58 East 68th Street in Manhattan. The nearly 400 "Journalists, Correspondents, and Editors" counted on the CFR rolls does not include the many additional CFR members who are the executive officers of major media corporations. They may or may not be publicly well known but they are the bosses of the more visible members of the Fourth Estate. These include CFR members such as:

Michael Bloomberg (Mayor of New York City, founder/owner Bloomberg L.P.)

Rupert Murdoch (chairman, CEO News Corporation)

Jeffrey Bewkes (Chairman, CEO of Time Warner, in which capacity he oversees Time, CNN, TNT, HBO, TBS, Warner Bros., etc.)

Christopher Isham (CBS News vice president), and Barry Diller (IAC/InterActiveCorp and Washington Post).

It's a revolving door. Once they leave Washington, they have their choice of any industry they want to influence. Wall-street, Corporate America, the fourth estate, hell, look at Ben Stein, some even choose Hollywood, I shit you not. THAT is how powerful the Council on Foreign Affairs is. It is there to control your mind. Hell, look where the former Clinton campaign manager landed. . . . ehm. Fox News??? :badgrin: That silly fool screwed his life up though, didn't he? lol
The thing I find funny is George Stephanopoulos in his interview with Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer he questioned his objectivety because he had at one time been a speech writer for George Bush. Yet somehow Stephanopoulos who had once been a memeber of the Clintons inner circle did not seem to think that might interfere with his objectivety while interviewing the author of a book critical of the Clintons.
A democrat operative being hired as a news anchor at a network demonstrates the level of left wing mainstream media bias.
Stephanopolous donating to the Clinton's is redundant.

Is there anything you won't whine about? The GOP is a stupid party. Your own presidential hopefuls say so. Dump the crazies and come up with a few rational ideas, and perhaps someone will listen to your crap again some day.
A democrat operative being hired as a news anchor at a network demonstrates the level of left wing mainstream media bias.
Stephanopolous donating to the Clinton's is redundant.

Is there anything you won't whine about? The GOP is a stupid party. Your own presidential hopefuls say so. Dump the crazies and come up with a few rational ideas, and perhaps someone will listen to your crap again some day.
Another troll. Why are the trolls all left wingers?
A democrat operative being hired as a news anchor at a network demonstrates the level of left wing mainstream media bias.
Stephanopolous donating to the Clinton's is redundant.

Is there anything you won't whine about? The GOP is a stupid party. Your own presidential hopefuls say so. Dump the crazies and come up with a few rational ideas, and perhaps someone will listen to your crap again some day.
Another troll. Why are the trolls all left wingers?

Are you saying some of your presidential hopefuls didn't say they belonged to the stupid party? The OP even said it. Go ahead and try to hide from it if you think you can.

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