Clinton White House Chief of Staff and Obama Appointee Praises Paul Ryan

I guess all the liberals are busy with nonsense. They cannot address the truth.
Funny but no one from the left has really tried to speak to this. Why do you think that is?
Erskine Bowles seems to be a credible Democrat. Why does he hold Paul Ryan in such high regard?

Watch this short video:

Erskine Bowles: Ryan budget is "sensible...honest, serious" - YouTube

Why do you suppose they cut out over three minutes of this?

The worst I've heard was cut out was Bowles saying the plan was "radical".
At this point in the game doesn't it seem that operating under any budget at all would fit the definition of "radical"?
The Republicans tied up hes wife with a gun to her head and forced him to say those things.:lol:
There are plenty on the right who have really liked Obama too.. Actually many republican's are destining themselves away from the Ryan plan as they know its too extreme for them while running for state office.
The Republicans tied up hes wife with a gun to her head and forced him to say those things.:lol:
There are plenty on the right who have really liked Obama too.. Actually many republican's are destining themselves away from the Ryan plan as they know its too extreme for them while running for state office.

Which ones?
I'd be willing to bet there are far more Democrats looking to distance themselves from King Radical. In fact, that's been an ever increasing trend that has held since immediately following the '10 midterms.
Link to the missinig three minutes?

Here is the entire speech: [ame=]Erskine Bowles | 2011 Lambeth Lecture - YouTube[/ame]

Bowles begins talking about the three budgets at about 35:30. He begins with Ryan's plan, contrasts it with his plan, and then closes with Obama's plan. That ends around 41:00

He explains that Ryan's block grant Medicaid plan is being tested in a couple states, and that other states have asked to participate, and that so far Ryan's plan is working well in those states.

He also explains that Ryan's Medicare plan switches from the existing defined benefit plan to a defined contribution plan. Premium support. Bowles felt that was a radical change, and instead felt field testing his (Bowles) Medicare plan in the federal employees healthcare plan should be tried first. He said if it doesn't work to lower costs to GDP +1%, then they will have to give Ryan's plan serious consideration. Bowles' plan works by cutting spending, which means cutting benefits.

As he said, no one took Obama's plan seriously.

Obama's "heavily back-end loaded" plan is typical of Obama. Obama is putting the heavy costs of his social programs well into the future, long after he has departed the scene and laughing his ass off on the golf course. He will need heavy Secret Service protection in his retirement when the bills come due to the taxpayers.
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