Clive Bundy says god helped him

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Cliven Bundy Claims "God" Helped Him

"Bundy, a Mormon, has even gone so far as to say that God spoke to him and told him to take action against the U.S. government and to “turn this thing around.” According to Bundy, the result of the events in April could not “have been done without the Lord being there.” Claiming that the national support for his standoff came because people were “spiritually touched” by his struggle, Bundy held a rally attended by approximately 100 people, and wondered aloud why more people did not attend, asking “aren’t you interested in freedom and liberty?”

So, if god's on his side, how come he didn't pay Bundy's grazing and legal fees?

Could you possibly spell God with a Capitol G?

As I understood it Bundy had the money but was refusing to pay as the land belonged to his family but the govt seized it illegally through some back door EPA law over protecting the turtles - meanwhile back at the ranch - they were not protecting the turtles but rather Harry Reid's plan to steal it via some land deal with China of which Reids' own son was in charge. How am I doing? Was that close anyone? This was the story I heard. Anyone else read a story about that land deal and Harry Reid?
Cliven Bundy Claims "God" Helped Him

"Bundy, a Mormon, has even gone so far as to say that God spoke to him and told him to take action against the U.S. government and to “turn this thing around.” According to Bundy, the result of the events in April could not “have been done without the Lord being there.” Claiming that the national support for his standoff came because people were “spiritually touched” by his struggle, Bundy held a rally attended by approximately 100 people, and wondered aloud why more people did not attend, asking “aren’t you interested in freedom and liberty?”

So, if god's on his side, how come he didn't pay Bundy's grazing and legal fees?


Bundy is just another religious kook hearing voices from his gawd
Bundy might have a case here. Look at this, Guno.
Harry Reid, Son's Solar Power Scheme Linked to Bundy Ranch Standoff
As part of the plan for the Dry Lake solar zone, any solar developers are expected to pay into a fund to "mitigate" the Gold Butte area. However, the "mitigation" activities can't take place with cattle grazing in the area. If the mitigation doesn't take place, no money for the BLM.

One of the companies interested in building a solar plant on BLM-controlled land is the Chinese firm ENN Energy Group, which wants to build a $5 billion solar facility in the Nevada desert near Laughlin. ENN is represented by lawyer Rory Reid, Sen. Harry Reid's son. The Chinese firm also wants to build on a 9,000-acre plot in Clark County, where rancher Cliven Bundy is holding off the BLM, and where Rory Reid used to be the chairman of the County Commission.

According to Reuters, the County Commission voted to sell ENN the public plot of land for $4.5 million, a fraction of its appraised value of $38.6 million.

Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid has been one of ENN's most prominent supporters. According to Reuters, he recruited the company for the project during a trip to China in 2011. Reuters also reports that Reid has tried to pressure the state's largest power company, NV Energy, to become ENN's first customer.

Sen. Reid has had other links to dubious power projects, including Amonix, a company with no record of success that received huge tax breaks then collapsed. There was also Nevada Geothermal, which received $98 million in federal loan guarantees but in a recent filing with the SEC revealed that it is undergoing substantial problems that threaten its ability to continue as a company.

Both Reids have denied ever discussing the ENN project or working together in any way on it, but the paper trails suggest otherwise.

A Clark County commissioner recently said that supporters of Cliven Bundy "better have funeral plans," and the situation seems primed and ready for violence, with hundreds of federal rangers on one side, and ranchers and militia members on the other.

If blood ends up being shed over a desert tortoise, the trail of gore may lead straight to Harry Reid's desk in the Senate chambers.

The Commissioner who made the funeral plans statement has the last name of "Collins" so he got a pass and still has his job last I heard. Amazing what some people get away with in this country isn't it?
Cliven Bundy Claims "God" Helped Him

"Bundy, a Mormon, has even gone so far as to say that God spoke to him and told him to take action against the U.S. government and to “turn this thing around.” According to Bundy, the result of the events in April could not “have been done without the Lord being there.” Claiming that the national support for his standoff came because people were “spiritually touched” by his struggle, Bundy held a rally attended by approximately 100 people, and wondered aloud why more people did not attend, asking “aren’t you interested in freedom and liberty?”

So, if god's on his side, how come he didn't pay Bundy's grazing and legal fees?


Bundy is just another religious kook hearing voices from his gawd

Just like the ISIS.
Wrong, Matthew. I would believe the Mormon before I'd believe Harry Reid and his son. The paper trail suggests they were up to no good. This man has a right to defend what belongs to him and his family.
You've got two threads going here, Luddly. You'll find my link to to Reid story on this thread whenever the merge the other one to this one - I can no longer find the other one.

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