What if totalitarian governments want to clone out human imperfection to create a race of super-humans? Could the cloning of humans lead to this?
Men: Say taking the genes of Michael Jordan (agility), Karl Lewis (Speed), Einstein, Bob Fischer, Newton (Intelligence), Patton, Hanibal and Washington (Military Leadership), Bruce Lee, Achilles (fighting ability) etc. Say you create a perfect soldier, general, worker, charismatic salesman, engineer and scientist into one person! So people my prefer this! Shit, if I could guarantee my child could be this, I would have to strongly consider it!
Women: 6'3, long legs, skin that tans perfectly, perfectly curved body, perfect butt, Jessica Alba's face, perfect and perfectly natural breats, high metabolism, high intelligence, plenty of charisma and a preference for health foods! Think about. Imagine a country filled with only these women, I probably just describe most men's dream.
Point is that starting with cloning human parts for replace could lead to scientist perfecting all humans men and women to "perfect" men and "perfect" women! A snowball always starts with a single innocent flake!