Cloning...A serious discussion

that was uncalled for huggy....i thought you were the one who wanted a "serious" discussion on the topic...i would store my child cord blood....that was available then....but the whole thing of cloning..can we clone individual parts...i know they grew the ear on the mouse but how far can that really go?
that was uncalled for huggy....i thought you were the one who wanted a "serious" discussion on the topic...i would store my child cord blood....that was available then....but the whole thing of cloning..can we clone individual parts...i know they grew the ear on the mouse but how far can that really go?

Ya you are right. Sometimes I just can't help being a dumb ass.

But! How would society change if we could extend a "normal" life span from 85 years to say 150 with great quality. Would people act more responsibly if they knew they had more to lose?

Would they act more responsibly if they knew they would be around to suffer the consequences of ignorant choices?

I wonder if Paul Allen or Bill Gates is already thinkin about thier probable demise and wantin to maybe push it back a few years or decades. I sure the fuck(you can take that exclaimative seriously bones) would. :lol:
Anyone see that Arnold movie! For the most part it was pretty bad, but it had some though provoking issues!

The seas were over-fished to near nothing! Fish as a food supply were only resurrected by cloning! This can be fiction be prophetical. We are doing this as we speak with no end in site. Cloning might be a very necesary solution!

Also what about cloning the family dog! Would that be a perversion of science? What if "Buddy" or "Spike" dies after getting hit by a car. My feret dying when I was a kid temporarily crushed me. Would cloning the dog you child loves be a bad thing?
What if totalitarian governments want to clone out human imperfection to create a race of super-humans? Could the cloning of humans lead to this?

Men: Say taking the genes of Michael Jordan (agility), Karl Lewis (Speed), Einstein, Bob Fischer, Newton (Intelligence), Patton, Hanibal and Washington (Military Leadership), Bruce Lee, Achilles (fighting ability) etc. Say you create a perfect soldier, general, worker, charismatic salesman, engineer and scientist into one person! So people my prefer this! Shit, if I could guarantee my child could be this, I would have to strongly consider it!

Women: 6'3, long legs, skin that tans perfectly, perfectly curved body, perfect butt, Jessica Alba's face, perfect and perfectly natural breats, high metabolism, high intelligence, plenty of charisma and a preference for health foods! Think about. Imagine a country filled with only these women, I probably just describe most men's dream.

Point is that starting with cloning human parts for replace could lead to scientist perfecting all humans men and women to "perfect" men and "perfect" women! A snowball always starts with a single innocent flake!
you need to stop watching the rocky horror picture show, frank.
I look forward to dying ... living longer than 70 years ... pointless.

Now a days, 70 is cutting yourself way short...

my parents are in their 70's and they are like a couple in their 50's....both healthy, both thin and active, both look young as well....

70 is not what it used to be, it is a couple of decades younger least for my parents and even for Matt's mom, she was sane and healthy until 85 years old, driving and all....she died at 87 and the last 2 years of her life she was sick, but still mentally capable of anything....her own mother was 98 when she passed on and that came from a fall and broken back complications, otherwise another 10 years would have probably been given to her... my grandfather was in his 90's and my grandmother in her mid 80's when they passed on and grandpa and grandma were living in their own home, alone together till granddad died...neither senile in any way and both walking and getting around without walkers....

i don't know why, but 70 really is very young, in today's really is...
How long would we live if we could replace body parts with exact matches?

define 'we'

define 'live'

define 'exact machines'


Me and my drop dead gorgeous spinner gal pal.


Like it was 1975.... before AIDS ... when I could do handstand pushups 30-40 at a crack. Fucking till the skin wears of your dick and recovering to do it again the next day.

Not an ache in my body...running like the wind.. turning heads with my beautiful girlfriend on my arm. Laying back on a beach in Maui or Zihuataneo and knowing this could last forever.

"Exact matches"

Body parts so perfect that there is barely a scar if any when they are installed. Kidneys..livers...lungs....heart...... as strong as it was when I was nineteen. They would have to figure out how to make the brain improved without destroying memory. I wouldn't go to all this trouble to have a fuckin clone run off with lady and my life.
How long would we live if we could replace body parts with exact matches?

How about replacing our whole bodies and exchanging brains with that of a clone?

Someday the micro surgery techiques will be available. Would you participate?

I would if it was sure fire. They are patenting human genes right now. Perhaps one has an inalienable right to patent ones own body and its specific type. Do we own our own uniqueness?

Your thoughts?

If I could transfer my mind into a new body I might consider it.
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So you want to know if we can clone you so you don't have aids anymore cause the skin peeled from your dick? :eusa_eh:

Ya that's it dickweed. I don't think I want you involved. I must have been talking over your head. You'ld probably hole up for you extra years in a cheap motel with a blow up doll and a penis pump.

Christ fuckin sakes... what the fuck do you call living? Maybe this cloning thing isn't for everybody. JEEEESH!!!! What a fuckin loser!

You can't spoil my dreams sunny...back to the bathroom with you and your girlfriend "hustler".
Sunny? Actually, I prefer to work at night
Kitten Koder said:
I look forward to dying ... living longer than 70 years ... pointless.

I fully agree with you

according to this conception: link below, I must put it as ST34

we should live about 60-70 years, and after that we need time of sleep (after death sleep), lengthening of this time would be as lengthening of twenty-four hours without sleep, effect would be harmful

we probably don't need cloning, it is enough to produce using biotechnology proper tissues histocompatible with proper tissues of patients

one can exchange organs below 50 years age, but there should exist also euthanasia for the asking, if somebody doesn't want to live longer - in proper age many people feel and really are tired
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